

Cooperation & Clash in the Framework of British Empire Anglo

【作者】 何显亮

【导师】 李积顺;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 世界史, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 1901年澳大利亚联邦成立后,澳英关系由殖民地与宗主国的关系演变为帝国框架内国家与国家关系。与多数殖民地获得独立后开创独立外交不同,澳大利亚历任总理认为澳大利亚的安全离不开英国皇家海军,澳大利亚应该执行在英帝国框架内的外交。目前,国内学界虽对20世纪的澳英关系有所探究,但多显得浅略,而对具体时段内双方关系的研究更是付之阙如。本文以1901~1922年澳大利亚联邦成立到华盛顿会议闭幕期间澳英关系的演变立题,深入分析英帝国框架内澳大利亚与英国的合作与冲突。一则可对澳英关系的发展史有更为深刻的了解,二则还希望对探讨未来澳英关系的发展、英联邦的动向以及南太平洋的局势有所借鉴和启示。鉴于此,文章分以下四个部分对1901~1922年的澳英关系做了必要的考查。第一部分回顾了19世纪澳大利亚的自治运动、淘金潮引发的澳大利亚民族经济的迅速发展和澳大利亚联邦运动。由于澳大利亚国家的建立是在遵循法制和民主的轨道上进行的,因此它是一场和平运动,是在平稳的嬗变中完成的深刻的变革。第二部分着重论述了从澳大利亚联邦建立后到一战爆发前的澳英关系。20世纪初,英国放弃了近一个世纪的“光辉孤立”的外交政策,与正在崛起中的日本缔结了英日同盟,标志着英国在太平洋地区势力的收缩。这使澳大利亚的安全问题凸显,而日本在太平洋地区的扩张更使澳大利亚寝食难安。英日同盟让澳大利亚人看到了澳大利亚与英国利益的分歧,也促使澳大利亚寻找到潜在的同盟——美国的保护。1908年美国大白色舰队访澳减轻了澳大利亚安全上的忧虑。第三部分详细论述了从一战到巴黎和会结束期间的澳英关系。1914年,澳大利亚为了保卫英帝国参加一战。巴黎和会上,澳大利亚在英国的帮助下赢得了德属殖民地的“C”级托管权和一定数量的战争赔偿。第四部分论述了1921年帝国会议到1922年华盛顿会议闭幕期间澳英关系。一战使英国丧失了海军优势,失去了世界金融中心的地位。在新形势面前,澳大利亚和英国既希望借助英日同盟制约日本,又希望将美国纳入太平洋防御体系。华盛顿会议后,日本已受制于英美,这使澳大利亚的安全问题得到缓解。澳英关系全面走向合作。

【Abstract】 The federation of Australia was founded in 1901; it carried diplomacy within the framework of the British Empire, for its security relied upon British Royal Navy. Anglo-Australian relations has been studied in Chinese historic circle, but most of the studies are carried out from a general view ,excluding those in given time .This thesis tries to analyze Anglo-Australian relations in the 22 years from the creation of the Australian Federation to the end Washington Conference, focusing on clash and cooperation between two countries ,which can help us better understand Anglo-Australian relations and predict the future development of relations between two countries .Thus it can help us to know about situation in the British Commonwealth and South-Pacific region.The first chapter traces the creation of Australian federation back to the Self-rule Movement, booming economy stimulated Gold Rush and Federation Movement .Considering rule of law and democracy, the shift was a peaceful movement.The second chapter stresses Anglo-Australian relations from the founding of federation to pre-war. period, At the beginning of 20 century , Britain signed Anglo-Japanese Alliance , quitting Splendid Isolation ,which indicated the decline of British power in the Pacific, Australian security cropped up., The Australians were concerned about Japanese expansion. Judging from Anglo-Japanese Alliance, Australians began to know the diverging interests between Australia and her home country, which urged Australians to seek potential ally. The Great white Fleet visit to Australia alleviated security concerns among the Australians.The third chapter states Anglo-Australian relations from the First War I to Paris Peace Conference, in 1914, Australian joined the war to defend the British Empire, In Paris, Owing to Britain’s help, Australia received“Class C”mandate on former German colonies in the Pacific and certain war reparations.The fourth chapter states Anglo-Australian relations from 1921 Imperial. Conference to Washington Conference .Britain lost its super-navy status and global finance seat, which pushed Australian to seek the renewal of Anglo-Japanese Alliance and to persuade Americans to join the Pacific defense system. After Washington Conference Japan held“compromise”diplomacy, which lowered Australian worries.

  • 【分类号】K611
  • 【下载频次】56

