

Study on Development of Spatial Integration in Xuzhou Metropolitan Circles

【作者】 贾永健

【导师】 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在信息化、市场化、区域化和全球化为主要特征的新经济时代背景下,区域经济一体化日益成为当今世界发展的趋势。从国内外区域经济发展和运行规律可以看出,区域经济一体化能产生规模经济效益,近而能极大推动区域经济发展,提升区域经济综合竞争力。然而,要达到此目标,其中重要的一个因素就在于空间优化整合的优劣。因此,强化同一地理单元区域内空间优化整合,成为区域经济发展过程中必须解决的重大课题。文章选择跨苏鲁豫皖四省接壤区的徐州都市圈为研究对象,目的是通过空间优化整合,促进经济“低谷”区的迅速崛起,逐步缩小与其余发达区域的差距,增强区域整体实力,最终实现区域经济协调一体化发展。为此,对区域的空间整合进行了深入系统地研究。首先,提出论文的选题背景、研究意义、研究方法、思路框架等有关论文设计的相关内容,然后介绍整合发展方面的国内外相关研究进展,并对其进行简要的评价。接着,对支撑论文空间整合的相关理论,比如区域发展和空间结构理论进行了分析和梳理。其次,详细分析研究区域空间整合发展的有利条件以及不利因素和存在问题。认为空间整合发展既有区位、资源、经济互补和比较竞争力等方面的优势,同时也存在区域整体实力落后、经济结构层次低,以及行政区经济障碍等诸多问题。再次,提出研究区域空间整合的总体目标和基本思路,并根据研究区域的实际情况,提出在不同空间层次和不同发展阶段可以采取不同的空间整合模式,并重点对空间整合发展的构想进行了深入的探讨。最后,提出了研究区域空间整合的对策与建议。主要包括建立统一、开放、公平、完善的市场体系,促进生产要素在区域内合理有序流动;打破行政区分割的局面,成立跨省区的机构强化区域间的协调;加强基础设施建设,构筑区域基础设施网络一体化;整合区域产业结构,走新型工业化道路等方面。

【Abstract】 Under the background of informationization,marketization,regionalization and globalization as the new Economy Age, the regional economic integration is becoming the trend of development in the world. From regional economic development and economic movement law at home and abroad, regional economic integration can produce economies of scale, greatly promote regional economic development and enhance the competition of the regional economy. However, in order to achieve the objective,an important factor lies in the integration of spatial quality. Therefore, strengthening spatial optimization of integration within the same geographical unit have become a major issue during regional economic development. In this paper Xuzhou metropolitan in the border area of SLYW provinces is chosen as a specifical object of study in order to promote the rapid rise of economy in the low economic growth region, gradually narrow the gap with the developed regions, enhance the whole regional strength and ultimately realize the coordination development of regional economy.Firstly, background, significance, research methods, ideas and the framework in the paper is put forward. And the paper gives a brief introduction to domestic and foreign research progress of integrated development, and evaluation. Then the paper makes a new analysis and generalization to related theory of spatial integration, for instance, regional development and spatial structure theory.Secondly, the paper gives us analysis in detail on advantage conditions and disadvantage factors of spatial integration developmen in the region. There are some advantages including location, resources, economic complementarities and comparative competitiveness, but there are also many other issue including backward regional overall strength, low economic structure level and administrative economy barriers.Thirdly, the article proposes the general goal and the basic approaches of spatial integration in the regiona. And based on the actual situation in the region, the paper refers to different spatial integration pattern at different spatial level and different development stage. Subsequently, this paper focuses on conception of spatial integration development.Finally, this paper puts forward countermeasure and suggestion of spatial integration. The main content as follows: setting up the Unified open and ordered competition market system; facilitating the rational flow of essential factors of production in the region; breaking intersected complexion of administrative area, and establishing cross-province institution to strengthen regional coordination; reinforcing the construction of infrastructure and constructing integration of regional infrastructure network; conformitying regional industrial structure to step into the new industrialization path and so on.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】121

