The Process Optimization Study of Cement Industry
【作者】 杨小凤;
【导师】 王刚;
【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士
【摘要】 流程工业作为一个国家的主导行业,对国民经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用。然而,流程工业生产过程的高度复杂性、强非线性、强关联性、不确定性等特点,使其优化问题无论在理论研究,还是实际应用上都面临巨大困难。如何针对流程工业优化命题的结构、特点,开发高效可靠的优化算法与技术,则是当前企业信息化发展中亟待解决的问题。生产过程优化作为工业企业综合自动化的关键一环,亦是企业挖潜增效的核心所在。在对国内外现有研究成果及技术发展脉络进行系统总结及把握的基础上,立足于流程工业生产过程优化的现实需求,将人工智能引入流程工业的生产线控制中,改变传统的设备单元、装置级的局部优化思路,转向全厂、全流程级的整体优化。并结合配置了DCS系统的水泥生产企业的实际,探索生产过程优化系统中涉及的关键技术。文章首先分析了企业生产流程的层次结构、流程间的相互关系,和流程行业生产工艺特点;并在上述基础上,阐述了流程工业的生产过程的优化问题,以流程生产为背景,水泥为对象,重点研究操作优化问题的必要性及其优化方法。论述了基于案例的优化方法在流程行业生产过程优化中的强大适应性,并建立了水泥生产的优化控制模型。然后,本文主要研究了优化系统案例库的初始建立阶段案例的提取、案例的表示,以及案例的检索;论述了数据挖掘技术在企业案例工况分析中的应用;另外,还简单介绍了案例的修改策略和自学习机制,以建立比较完整的CBR优化控制系统。最后,根据本文所建立的案例优化控制模型及系统的一般设计步骤,将案例优化应用于典型流程行业水泥的生产过程中,进行简单的实例验证。
【Abstract】 Process industry as a dominant industry plays an important role in the development of the national economy. Because of the high complicacy, strong nonlinear, relevancy, uncertainties and other features, production optimization of process industry, however, continues to present a major challenge both in academia and practical application. So how to optimize the industrial processes becomes a first and foremost problem to be resolved in the development of enterprise information. Furthermore, the optimization of production process, which has emerged as one of the most valuable techniques for the industry integrated automation, is also the core to make an enterprise benefit more.The global behavior of the control optimization is mainly discussed in process industries by artificial intelligence based on the reality of demand for process optimization and the research status quo at home and abroad. The chief contributions are as follows:The hierarchical structure and characteristics of production process are analysed at the beginning of this artical. And the strong adaptability of the case-based optimization method is demonstrated in this aspect. Then the optimization control model of production process is done based on CBR.The method of cases extraction is studied using data mining technology in the initial phase of CBR optimization system, while the necessity on application of data mining technology indicated in the analysis of the case status. At the same time, the clustering algorithm process on work status classifying and the grades case searching algorithm process are also elaborated.Finally, the CBR process optimization is applied in the cement enterprise, according to the case optimal control system model and the general design steps, which is a typical process industry, for a simple example.
【Key words】 Cement Industry; Production Optimization; CBR; Cluster Analysis;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 哈尔滨工业大学 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
- 【分类号】TQ172.6
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】119