

Trajectory Control of High Precision 5-DOF Robotic Arm

【作者】 魏德川

【导师】 李泽湘; 桂长青;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 用机器取代工人从而实现“无人”的自动化生产工厂一直是人类的研究目标,在工业生产中人们制造出种类繁多的工业机器人来代替工人进行加工、搬运等工作。本课题以高精度五自由度机械臂为研究核心,基于SCARA机械臂模型开发出一种针对某工厂特定生产工序的自动搬运机械臂,该机械臂可取代大量的现场工人,实现工厂生产的局部自动化。在实际生产中机械臂必须具备安全、稳定和高精度运行这三个指标,为了实现这三个指标,本文在多方面进行了研究:(1)对机械臂的机械结构进行探讨,分析各种机械结构的可行性并最终选定SCARA模型;(2)为了描述机械臂的姿态及末端抓手的空间位置,分别从关节坐标系和笛卡儿坐标系对机械臂的各个位置姿态进行了数学描述;(3)设计两种位置确定方式,分别为低精度示教模式和高精度探针探测计算模式,可以根据生产中精度要求不同而选择其中一种;(4)在机械臂搬运货物时,根据生产实际定义了实际抓放货物位、安全工作位等位置,并对机械臂在各个位置之间的运动进行分析,为各种运动轨迹分别设计插补算法。本文分别对直线、圆弧插补算法进行了深入的研究,通过设计特殊的算法将控制命令脉冲精度控制在0.5个脉冲之内;(5)调试实验用机械臂,根据实验所得各项数据对机械臂设计方案和控制算法进行进一步的优化。本文中研发的机械臂在后续的实验中证明了其快速、高精度的工作性能,可以很好的满足生产需要。

【Abstract】 Human beings have been working on unmanned auto manufacturing factory in which machines substute us to work, and we have developped various kinds of industrial robots to do machining and transiting jobs. This study mainly focuses on the development of a high precision 5-DOF robotic arm, which is based on SCARA robotic arm model and used for transiting in special industrial process. The robotic arm works instead of normal operators, and achieves partly auto producing in factory.In the real manufacturing environment, the robotic arm must be safe, stable and high precision. This study focuses on many aspects to achieve those three requirements.At first, the mechanical structure of the robotic arm is deeply dicussed, and finally a 5-DOF SCARA model robotic arm and the end-effector grasper are designed according to the actual demands in the factory.Secondly, both joints coordinate and Cartesian coordinate are built to describe the pose of the robotic arm and the space position of the end-effector grasper.Thirdly, two types of position determination methods are designed, which are low precision teaching mode and high precision detecting mode, respectively. One of the two can be chosen according to the precision demands in real production.Fourthly, some special positions, such as actual grasping position and safe transiting position, are defined. They are very important in both designing and implementing the trajectories between those positions. Line interpolation and arc interpolation algorithms are deeply discussed in the study, which ensures the precision of command pulse to be limited to be less than 0.5 pulse.At last, some improvments are made to the robotic arm according to the data feedback from the testing robotic arm.The robotic arm designed in the study shows qualities of fastness and high precision in the later experiments, and would satisfy the real factory requirements.

  • 【分类号】TP242.2
  • 【下载频次】378

