

Analysis of Stress and Reinforcement Design of Shear Wall Considering No-Load Effect

【作者】 焦其新

【导师】 傅学怡;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 防灾减灾及防护工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的发展,超长混凝土框架剪力墙结构在我国城市大型公共建筑中有着广阔的应用。本文针对此类结构受温度、收缩、徐变等非荷载效应的影响非常明显,但是由于功能的需要不设温度伸缩缝,导致这类结构容易非荷载裂缝问题,本文进行较为系统的研究,提出合理的设计建议,可为设计和施工提供参考。主要工作如下:论述温度,收缩作用对超长混凝土结构的危害性及其国内外的研究现状,提出本课题研究的必要性。同时阐述温度、收缩应力的特点及其温度荷载的取值与组合要求。对混凝土结构的温度应力、收缩应力分析方法进行了研究。讨论温度应力、收缩应力对剪力墙的影响,分别分析水平的梁板构件受到温度收缩而导致剪力墙内发生应力和剪力墙在自身平面内受到非荷载效应而产生的应力,并且进行理论推导,找出影响结构非荷载效应的有关因素。建立基础与地基之间的弹簧模型,提出计算弹簧模型的具体方法,讨论在考虑非荷载效应的工程中应运弹簧模型的意义和重要性,使得工程设计更加合理。结合工程实例,利用有限元软件SAP2000对超长框架剪力墙结构进行施工模拟分析,讨论其在温度、收缩、徐变非荷载作用下的反应,从而探讨如何合理正确处理工程中出现的超长结构问题方法,并提出在进行结构分析中需要注意的问题。根据前述对温度、收缩应力的计算、分析和研究,对超长混凝土框架剪力墙结构工程的设计提出建议。

【Abstract】 Accompanying with economic development,applications of frame-shear wall concrete structure of extra- length in Chinese large Public buildings are used widely .This dissertation,focusing on characters of frame-shear wall Structure of extra-length such as Without temperature contraction joint,but the temperature , shrinkage and creep effect frame-shear wall concrete structure of extra- length are obviously. So this structure easily appear cracks when is on no-load. Employing concrete construction technique to control cracking,carries out the detailed study, makes reasonable suggestions of such structures design and Provided references for code emendation in someday later. The main jobs of this dissertation are as following:Discuss the damage of frame-shear wall concrete structure of extra- length on temperature and shrinkage. The research status of home and abroad on no-load effect .this dissertation put forward it is necessary to research the no-load effect. In the same time discuss the characteristics the temperature stress and the shrinkage stress. The no-load value and combination is also an important aspect of this dissertation.This dissertation discuss the analysis method about temperature stress, shrinkage stress and creep of concrete structure. Discussing the temperature stress and shrinkage stress effect on shear wall. It puts forward two aspect of the no-load effect on shear wall. One aspect is that the horizontal element generation deformation on no-load which can make the shear wall generation stress. The other aspect is that the shear wall also generation stress on no-load.the theoretical derivation of the shear wall effect on the no-load. Find out the factors of influence the shear wall with the no-load.In this dissertation establelish spring model between the foundation and Basic, improve the method of calculation spring model. In the same time discussion the important that the project which considering no-load effect applied spring model, Let project is more correct in design.This dissertation, Combined with project example, used finite element analysis software SAP2000 to model construction process of a frame-shear wall concrete structure of extra- length. Discuss the effect of temperature, shrinkage, creep for the structure. We can Correctly handing the problem in extra- length project. Improve the problem when we analysis the project.According to the described above, we can give some suggestion when the frame-shear wall concrete structure of extra- length effect on temperature, shrinkage and creep.

  • 【分类号】TU375
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】51

