

Substrate Bias Effect on Structure and Property of DLC Overcoat on Magnetic Slider

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 张化宇; 马洪涛;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 材料加工工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以磁过滤真空阴极弧(Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc)技术制备的DLC薄膜为研究对象。通过改变衬底偏压和沉积时间研究磁头表面不同厚度DLC薄膜的结构、表面状态和性能随着衬底偏压的变化规律。以此为基础,我们可以更好的改进磁头表面超薄DLC的结构和性能并且优化超薄DLC的制备工艺,最终能够改进磁头的性能并延长磁头的使用寿命。目前,对于2nm左右的超薄DLC薄膜的研究还比较少,并且2nm的超薄DLC膜与较厚的DLC薄膜在结构上表现出较大的差异,结构的差异又会引起性能上的变化,所以本课题的研究内容具有较强的创新性和前沿性。采用Vis-Raman和UV-Raman对薄膜的物理结构进行了分析。结果显示衬底偏压和薄膜厚度对DLC薄膜的物理结构有明显的影响。且2nm的超薄DLC薄膜的结构表现出与较厚DLC薄膜不同的变化规律。2nm DLC的sp~3键含量随衬底偏压的增大而减少。5nm、10nm和35nm DLC的sp~3键含量随衬底偏压的增大而先增大后减少。sp~3键含量随薄膜厚度的增加而增加。采用XPS对薄膜的成分和化学结构进行了分析。大部分的C元素以sp~3C和sp~2C形式存在。其sp~3键含量都在72%以上,随着衬底偏压和厚度的变化而成规律性变化。采用原子力显微镜分析了DLC薄膜的表面粗糙度和表面形貌,发现薄膜RMS表面粗糙度仅在0.13nm-0.23nm之间变动,表面三维形貌显示薄膜表面均匀连续。采用草酸腐蚀实验研究了DLC薄膜的抗腐蚀性。结果显示DLC薄膜的抗腐蚀性与表面粗糙度和薄膜的结构有关。对于2nm的DLC薄膜,表面粗糙度对其腐蚀率影响较大。对于5nm和10nm的DLC薄膜,薄膜结构对其腐蚀率影响较大。采用摩擦设备测量了DLC薄膜的摩擦系数,研究薄膜的摩擦学性能;对于2nm的DLC薄膜,摩擦系数随衬底偏压的增大而减小。薄膜越厚,摩擦系数越小。采用水接触角测量仪对磁头表面吸附性能进行了表征。2nm的DLC薄膜的吸附性随着衬底偏压的增大而先增大后减小。而较厚薄膜的吸附性变化趋势与此相反。采用电阻测量仪和椭偏仪对DLC薄膜的电阻率和折射率进行了研究。电阻率和折射率受薄膜结构影响较大。本次研究反映了2nm超薄DLC膜不同于较厚DLC薄膜的新的特性。全面研究了DLC薄膜的结构、表面状态和各项性能。2nm超薄DLC膜在结构上的差异引起了表面粗糙度及抗腐蚀性能、摩擦性能、吸附性能等性能的变化。

【Abstract】 The ultra-thin DLC films which were deposited by FCVA (Filter Cathodic Vacuum Arc) method were studied in this thesis. The variety trend of structure, surface morphology and property with the substrate bias were studied. In the process of DLC film growth, the bombardment of energetic ion acts as an important effect. It can not only affect the surface morphology of films, but also affect the structure and eventually affect the property. Based in this study, we can improve the structure of ultra-thin DLC film and optimize the techniques, and finally the property of slider can be improved and the life can be prolonged. At present, there is a little study for ultra-thin films, and the structure of 2nm DLC film is different from thicker films, so this study is innovative.The physical structures of DLC films were analyzed by Vis-Raman and UV-Raman. The results show that the substrate bias has an important effect on physics structure. The variety trend is different between 2nm DLC film and thicker DLC film. The sp~3 binding content of 2nm DLC films decrease with the substrate biases increase. But the sp~3 binding content of 5nm, 10nm and 35nm DLC films increase and then decrease with the substrate biases increase. The film thickness can affect the structure too. With the film thickness increases the sp~3 binding content increases. The component and chemical structure were analyzed by XPS. Almost all C element forms sp~3 and sp~2 binding. The sp~3 binding content all above 72%, and it vary regularly with the substrate bias and thickness change.The surface roughness and surface morphology were detected by AFM. The result shows that the RMS surface roughness varies between 0.12nm and 0.23nm, and the 3-D morphology is uniform and continuous.The anti-corrosion property is analyzed through oxalic acid corrosion test. The result shows that the anti-corrosion property has a relation with the surface roughness and structure. For 2nm DLC films, the corrosive percentage is mainly affected by surface roughness. For 5nm and 10nm DLC films, the corrosive percentage is mainly affected by structure.The friction coefficient is measured by friction equipment. For 2nm DLC films,the friction coefficient decrease with the substrate bias increase. The thicker the DLC films, the smaller the friction coefficient. The adhesive property can be analyzed by water contact angle. For 2nm DLC films, the adhesive property decreases with the substrate bias increases. For thicker DLC films, the variety trend is reversed. The resistivity and refractive index are measured by resistance measure instrument and ellipsometer respective. They are mainly affected by structure.This study shows that the 2nm DLC films have new characters which are different from the thicker DLC films. The film structure, surface morphology and property are all studied in detail. For 2nm DLC films, the difference in structure causes the surface roughness and properties vary.


