

Research on Functional Areas Layout and Evaluation Methods of Urban External Passenger Transport Hub

【作者】 周侃

【导师】 裴玉龙;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市对外客运枢纽是城市对外客运的结点、各种客运交通方式衔接的纽带,它也是城市的对外门户,其功能区布设的合理性和与市内交通衔接的紧密性直接影响到城市的经济发展和人民的生活水平的提高。本文依托“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目“城市综合交通系统功能提升与设施建设关键技术研究”,在分析了大量数据与参考文献的基础上,考虑到现有城市对外客运枢纽分类方法都没有把和枢纽紧密联系在一起的市内公共交通考虑进去,提出了基于与市内公共交通衔接状况的城市对外客运客运枢纽分类方法,将其分为衔接紧密型、衔接适中型和衔接欠紧密型城市对外客运枢纽,宾论述了各类枢纽的特点。在深入分析国内外城市对外客运枢纽功能区布设和与市内交通衔接现状的基础上,针对城市对外客运枢纽站前广场和候车空间的规模,提出了枢纽聚集人数的计算方法,利用排队理论提出了对外客运枢纽售票大厅与进出站口规模的确定方法。系统分析了各功能区的布设方式并论述了各布设方式的优缺点及适用范围,以换乘旅客步行时间最小为目标函数建立了出站口布设优化模型。研究了枢纽与市内交通的衔接方式,建立了轨道交通和常规公交发车间隔优化模型,提出了轨道交通和常规公交线路数的确定方法,并细致的分析了各种枢纽与市内交通衔接方式的优缺点和适用范围。针对目前我国城市对外客运枢纽普遍存在旅客换乘舒适性差,换乘时间长的现象,提出了客运枢纽服务水平的概念。给出了对外客运枢纽服务水平的影响因素,借助个人空间理论和数理统计的方法对各影响因素进行了等级划分,并提出了基于层次分析模型的对外客运枢纽服务水平确定方法。选取并系统分析了服务水平评价指标,提出了基于结构方程模型的评价指标权重的计算方法,在此基础上提出了对外客运枢纽服务水平的模糊评价方法。对哈尔滨火车站进行了功能区布设与交通衔接规划,借助Vissim软件对规划方案进行了仿真并对规划方案进行了评价。

【Abstract】 External passenger transport hub is the city’s external passenger node, it’s the bridging link of various passenger traffic, it is also the external gateway of a city. The reasonableness of their functional areas and the close convergence with the city directly impact the city’s economic development and the improvement of people’s living standards. In this paper, relying on the”11th Five-Year Plan" national scientific and technological support for key projects planned the city’s comprehensive transportation system and enhance infrastructure construction research of key technologies, the analysis of large amounts of data and references on the basis of the hub function and scope of services based on Carried out their classification, taking into account existing classification hub and hub are not closely linked to the city public transport into account, proposed based on convergence with the city public transport hub in the state of passenger classification, will be divided into close convergence of, convergence of moderate and less close convergence of external passenger transport hub.On the base of deep analysis of the current situation of external passenger transport hub functional areas and urban traffic connection in domestic and international cities, and for the scale of the station square and waiting space of external passenger transport hub, maximum number of calculation methods is put forward. This method put forward how to determine the scale of the ticketing hall and the access station of the external passenger transport hub, gave a system analysis of how to layout each function area, and discusse the merits,demerits and application scope of each layout. What’s more, the optimization model is emplaced on the transfer passengers’minimum walking time. The cohesion of hub and urban traffic is researched, the optimization model of departure interval is established, and determination of the rail transit and Conventional Bus Lines is put forward, with careful analysis of advantages and disadvantages and scope of application of each cohesion.In light of China’s external passenger transport hub for transfer passengers comfort prevailing poor and take a long time phenomenon, put forward the level of service concept of a hub. analys the influence factors of the level of service, in foreign-related research on the basis of With personal space theory and statistics of the various methods of the factors affecting the level of service to the Classification and proposed a model based on the level of the external hub for passenger service standards established methods. Select System and the level of service evaluation index, based on the proposed structural equation model of evaluation index weighting method of calculation by the foreign passenger service hub for the fuzzy evaluation methods. Harbin Railway Station on a functional set of convergence with the traffic planning, Vissim software to help plan the simulation and simulation results were evaluated.


