

Research on the Effect of Enterprise Organizational Structure Innovation on Organizational Performance

【作者】 谭泽宏

【导师】 石春生;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化和信息技术极大地改变了企业的经营环境,传统的企业组织无论在结构上还是经营观念上都无法适应快速变化的市场条件和不断增加的竞争压力,需要进行适时的变革和创新。越来越多的理论家和实践者已经认识到,企业的组织结构创新能够对企业的绩效产生影响。基于此,本文在吸收国内外相关研究思路和研究成果的基础上,对企业组织结构创新如何影响组织绩效的课题进行了较为细致的理论和实证研究。本文首先对国内外有关组织结构创新理论、组织绩效理论以及二者的相关性理论和研究现状进行了综述,在此基础上,针对本研究的主题,提出了本文的总体研究思路和研究方法。按照总体研究思路,论文提出了全文的核心理论框架(企业组织结构创新组织动态能力结构组织绩效)。针对这一核心框架,进而对三个主要研究点进行了系统的相关因素界定。经过研究,本文认为影响企业组织结构创新的因素主要分为:环境因素、管理水平、组织结构特性和组织规模;影响企业柔性能力也就是动态能力的因素主要分为:评估能力、配置能力和学习能力;从动态能力匹配的角度影响企业组织绩效的因素主要有:企业的成长性、盈利性和可持续发展性。在对三大研究点进行因素界定后,接下来对核心理论框架进行了详尽的理论分析和解释。在此理论基础上,将核心框架模型化,提出了本文的初始SCP概念模型和研究假设。最后,将以上理论研究的成果运用在实证研究中,在实证研究部分,先后经过研究指标选定、数据收集、方法描述和数理统计分析等过程。在研究的过程中,针对论文提出的假设,依据结构方程的分析方法,对收集来的相关数据运用AMOS6.0和SPSS13.0等软件进行统计分析,继而对结构方程化的概念模型进行初步拟合、修正、调整和验证,最终12个假设中有11个得到了验证,证明本文提出的理论基本与实践吻合。论文的末尾通过本文的研究结果对现实企业的实践活动进行了指导和启迪。

【Abstract】 Nowadays economy globalization and information technology dramatically change enterprise’s circumstances, so the organizational structure and the ideas of managing of traditional enterprises need to be innovated timely in order to survive the fast-changing market condition and the intensifying competition. More and more theorists and industrialists have understood that enterprises’organizational structure innovation is able to affect organizational performance, therefore, on the basis of taking in a lot of research documents inside and outside of our country, this paper did some theoretical and quantitative analysis elaborately on the problem about how enterprises’organizational structure innovation influence organizational performance.This paper begins with summing up the development and current study of relative theories such as enterprises’organizational structure innovation, organizational performance and relativity between them, then basing on the theme of this study, general researching outline and researching methods are put forward.According to general researching outline, the core theoretical framework of the whole paper (Enterprise organizational structure innovation Organizational dynamic capability Organizational performance) is brought forward, in terms of it, the paper establishes relative factors for three main variables. This paper believes that, factors affecting organizational structure innovation are: environment factors, management level, organizational structure characteristics and organizational scale; factors affecting organizational dynamic capability are: evaluating ability, configuring ability and learning ability; factors affecting organizational performance are: pullulation, profitability and sustainability. After that, the core theoretical framework is analyzed and explained detailedly in the paper. On the basis of these theoretical analyses, initial SCP conceptual model and study assumptions are put forward.In the end, according to the theoretical analysis, quantitive analysis is brought forward, in this part, the study process contains selecting researching indexes, data collection, method describing and statistical analysis. On the course of quantitive analysis, in terms of assumption put forward, applying the path analysis method of structure equation modeling, this paper did some statistical analysis according to data collected from some manufactural enterprises with AMOS 6.0 and SPSS 13.0, then did model fitness, modification, re-fitness, validating, and so forth. Eventually, there are 11 assumptions in 12 passing verification, which shows that the theory put forward by this paper fits practice basically. Finally, on the basis of the researching result of this paper, some instruction and edification aiming to practice of contemporary enterprises is developed.


