

Study on Electricity Generation from Corn Stover Using Microbial Fuel Cell

【作者】 王赫名

【导师】 冯玉杰;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着能源供求关系的不平衡,人们越来越重视对后续能源的开发,并强调能源形式的多样化。近年来,微生物燃料电池(MFC)已成为一个研究热点。将玉米秸秆与微生物燃料电池结合,不但可以解决秸秆的有效利用问题,还可以通过微生物燃料电池将秸秆中蕴藏的化学能直接转化为电能,具有广阔的发展前景。本论文将汽爆玉米秸秆经过Ca(OH)2过量法解毒洗涤后,得到秸秆水洗液和剩余固体两部分。利用空气阴极单室瓶形反应器,研究了以这两部分分别作为“燃料”时反应器的产电性能。结果表明,水洗液经过稀释后(1000mg/L)可以作为反应器的底物进行产电,得到的最高功率密度为644mW/m2 ,与相同浓度的木糖做底物时得到的功率密度696W/m 2相当。水洗液的缓冲强度和电导率对MFC的功率输出有很大影响,在低电导率条件下(<20mS/cm),缓冲液浓度从50mM提高到200mM,功率输出提高100%。而当电导率升高到20mS/cm时,缓冲强度对功率输出几乎没有影响(987±38mW/m2)。以本实验室筛选和保存的纤维素降解菌Chaetomium spp.和Bacillus spp.与纤维素降解混合菌PCS-S和H-C为秸秆降解的生物催化剂,探讨了以秸秆为底物进行生物产电的可行性。纤维素降解纯菌和混合菌均能使纤维素降解,但没有电流产生,但加入产电菌后,秸秆在纤维素降解混合菌H-C和产电菌联合作用下降解并产生电流。以汽爆预处理的玉米秸秆作底物时,加入H-C可以获得502mW/m2的功率密度,高于未经预处理的玉米秸秆(448mW/m2)。纤维素酶可以作为单独底物产电,当它与秸秆共同作为底物时,功率密度仅提高12.7%。升高环境温度抑制了产电菌的活性,从而降低了MFC的功率输出。

【Abstract】 With imbalance of supply and demand, people pay more attention to exploitation of alternative energy and emphasize energy diversification. Recently, microbial fuel cell (MFC) has become a research focus. It is a wide development prospect to combining corn stover and MFC technology, since this can not only solve the problem of effective utilization of corn stover, but can also exploit the energy in the corn stover through direct energy conversion in MFC.Through detoxification washing of steam-exploded corn stover using overliming, hydrolysate and residual solid were obtained. The performance of electricity generation was investigated in air-cathode single chamber MFC using these two parts as the“fuel”. The results showed that electricity could be produced from hydrolysate. The maximum power density of hydrolysate after diluted to 1000mg/L was 644mW/m2 , which was comparable with 696mW/m 2 generated by xylose in the same concentration. Phosphate buffer solution (PBS) concentration (50mM PBS and 200mM PBS) and solution conductivity were found to have a great effect on power output. When the concentration of buffer solution increased from 50mM to 200mM, the power output increased by 100% under the low conductivity environment (<20mS/cm). But when conductivity increased to 20mS/cm, buffer capacity had little effect on power output (987±38mW/m2).The feasibility of electricity production from corn stover using cellulose degradation bacteria Chaetomium spp.、Bacillus spp.、PCS-S and H-C from our lab as biocatalysts in the MFC reactors was studied. The results showed that the cellulose degradation bacteria including pure strains and mixed cultures can not produce electricity directly using corn stover as the substrate. However, electricity was produced when mixed culture H-C cooperated with electrogenesis bacteria. The maximum power density from steam-exploded corn stover when adding H-C was 502mW/m2, which was higher than that of unprepared corn stover (448mW/m2). Cellulase can be used as the substrate for electricity generation. The power density only increased by 12.7% when together with corn stover as the substrate. The activity of electrogenesis bacteria was inhibited when temperature increased, therefore, the power output of MFC decreased.


