

Experimental Research of the Effect of Space Radiation Environment on Laser Diode

【作者】 宋雪

【导师】 于思源;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 物理电子学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 空间光通信因其具有发射光束窄,方向性好,功率密度显著增加,天线尺寸小,系统质量相对小,抗电磁干扰,保密性强等很多优点,使通信容量可以显著增大,广泛应用于卫星与卫星、卫星与航天飞机等空间站之间高数码率信息的传输,有良好的应用前景,目前已成为各国研究工作的热点。光源是卫星光通信中的关键器件之一,通信系统对光源的性能有很高的要求,其性能指标对整个光通信系统有着举足轻重的影响。卫星光通信中的光源通常采用半导体激光器(LD),主要是由于LD具有体积小、输出功率高等优点。空间辐射环境对LD所产生的辐射效应,将造成其性能劣化,进而影响整个系统的通信性能。因此半导体激光器的空间辐射环境适应性研究成为空间光通信研究的关键技术之一。论文首先阐述了半导体激光器空间辐射环境适应性研究的重要性及其国内外发展现状。随后介绍了半导体激光器的基本工作原理和工作特性,讨论了空间辐射环境,及半导体器件的辐照效应,在此基础上进一步分析了半导体激光器的辐照效应,理论上给出电离辐射对半导体激光器光功率-电流特性、阈值特性、效率特性及光谱特性的影响,最后以γ辐射源模拟空间辐射环境进行了半导体激光器的电离辐射实验,通过分析实验数据,验证理论分析结果,并对不同辐射剂量对半导体激光器各性能参数的影响给出具体数据,为系统的防护提供可靠依据。

【Abstract】 Compared with microwave communication, space optical communication has much superiority: much greater communication capability, narrow beam, good direction, much greater power density functions, lesser antenna size and whole mass and high capability of anti-electromagnetism and secrecy. Because of its high function-price ratio, under the condition of transmitting same information and same data rate, it is very fit for high data transmission ratio between satellite and satellite, satellite and space shuttle, and so on. So each country attaches important attention to space optical communication.Nowadays, it is quite often to use LD as the light source of the space optical communication system for its small size and high power out, but the space radiation effects will change or degraded the laser diodes parameters. And these degradations will influence the whole communication system. So it is one of the key techniques of the space optical communication to research the durability of LD applying to the radiation in the space optical.The importance and meaning of the durability of LD applying to the radiation in the space optical communication is presented in the paper, and also the application foreground as well as development trend are introduced. Then the basic theories of LD and space radiation environment are narrated, especially, the radiation effects on LD are discussed. The last, through theγradial radiation experiment on LD, we prove the theoretical analysis and advance how to design and choose LD applying to the radiation in the space optical communication.


