

Control and Experimentation of Commercial Vehicle Electronic Control Air Suspension Based on CAN-BUS

【作者】 包丕利

【导师】 姜立标;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 空气悬架可以减少整车的振动噪声、降低车轮动载荷,安装有空气悬架的车辆可以获得理想的固有频率,具有更好的行驶平顺性和行驶安全性,因而有着广阔的发展应用前景。本文采用CAN总线网络技术对半主动空气弹簧悬架进行控制及试验研究,从而把汽车行驶平顺性和行驶安全性提高到一个新的实用水平。本文以某商用车车型作为装备空气悬架的开发车型,在该车型上匹配前少片簧悬架和后空气弹簧悬架后对其控制方法和控制策略进行分析与实验研究。对商用载货汽车整车控制策略进行模块化设计:启动控制模块、停车装载模块、稳态行驶模块。电控空气悬架系统中,车身高度及空气弹簧刚度准确调节的核心在于电磁阀阀门开关的时间选择及充气周期长度的确定。根据商用车空气悬架控制系统的需要,确定了空气悬架系统的CAN总线网络拓扑结构,选择了实现CAN总线节点功能的硬件。以J1939协议为基础,设计了CAN总线空气悬架控制系统报文的PDU编码,加上起始帧、控制场、CRC场、数据场、应答场和帧结束场,得到了一个完整的CAN报文编码。为空气悬架整车控制试验及台架试验提供通讯基础。采用Infineon(英飞凌)的XC167CI系列单片机作为CPU,设计开发电控空气悬架控制单元,构建空气悬架电控系统试验台架,对电控空气悬架系统的控制策略进行试验验证;对所提出的部分控制算法的有效性进行了验证。结果表明,所开发的电控空气悬架系统能够准确快速地实现控制目标,对各种工况均有较好覆盖,研究效果达到了预定要求。

【Abstract】 Air suspension can decrease the vibration noise and wheel dynamic load of the vehicle. The vehicle with air suspension can get ideal frequency. Because the driving performance and security are all better, the application is much wide. This paper adopted the CAN-BUS in order to control the half-initiative air spring suspension, further to make the driving performance and security much better.In this paper, by matching and designing air suspension for a type of traditional truck. We do the research on the Control Strategy and Algorithm of Electronic Control Air Suspension System for commercial vehicle.Then to do the building block design for the control strategy of the entire car about the truck: Initiating control module. In the electrical control air suspension system, the center of the exactly regulate the body height and the stiffness of air spring is the timing of electromagnetic valve and the length of recharge cycle.According to the demand of air suspension control system, ascertain the CAN bus network topology of the air suspension system, select the hardware to realize can bus node function. Base on J1939 agreement, design the PDU code of the CAN bus air suspension control system message, plus starting frame, controlling field, CRC field, answer field and frame finish field then get the whole CAN message code. These provide the communication foundation to the air suspension entire car control test and rig test.Using Infineon (Infineon) XC167CI Series MCU as CPU, design and development of electronically controlled air suspension control unit, control unit (ECU). The verification test that part of the proposed control,algorithm validated the effectiveness. Results show that the development of the electronically controlled air suspension system can quickly and accurately achieve control objectives, the various working conditions are better coverage, and researching results achieved scheduled requirements.


