

The Research of Consumer Self-concept of College Student and the Relationship with Consumer Decision Making Style

【作者】 李强

【导师】 李红霞;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 消费者自我概念是消费者行为研究的核心内容之一,是影响消费行为的重要因素。大学生群体已成为我国主要消费群体之一,但大学生消费者自我概念研究尚处于起步阶段,大学生自我概念模型、研究工具及其他相关研究尚不完善。本文旨在研究大学生消费者自我概念模型及其影响因素,及大学生消费者自我概念与消费决策风格的关系。本文首先分析和总结了消费者自我概念、消费决策风格及我国大学生消费行为研究的成果及动态。并在此基础上,提出本文假设;其次,本文以问卷调查为主要方式,对大学生消费者自我概念及其与消费决策风格的关系进行针对性调查;再者,借助SPSS软件对前述调查数据进行科学统计和分析。研究结果显示:①大学生消费者自我概念存在社交自我、传统自我、学业自我及魅力自我四个维度;②大学生消费者自我概念四个维度之间存在相关关系:社交自我与学业自我、魅力自我维度之间存在正相关关系;传统自我与学业自我维度之间存在正相关关系;学业自我与魅力自我维度之间存在正相关关系;③年级、性别、家庭区位及专业因素分别影响大学生消费者自我概念的不同维度;④大学生消费者自我概念与大学生月消费金额之间存在相关关系:传统自我维度与月消费金额存在负相关关系,魅力自我维度与月消费金额存在正相关关系;⑤大学生消费者自我概念与消费决策风格存在相关关系:社交自我维度与品质追求型、购物享受型和选择多样型消费决策风格呈现正相关关系;传统自我维度与价格导向型消费决策风格呈现正相关关系;学业自我维度与品质追求型消费决策风格呈现正相关关系;魅力自我维度与品质追求型、购物享受型、选择困惑型及品牌忠诚型消费决策风格呈现正相关关系。本研究一定程度上弥补了已有类似研究存在的不足,充分考虑了影响当代大学生消费者自我概念的社会因素,并提出了“传统自我”概念。编制了《大学生消费者自我概念量表》,且该量表具有较好的信度和效度。

【Abstract】 The study of consumer self-concept is the key part of the consumer behavior, and it is an important influencing factor in consumer behavior. University students have become one major consumer group. But the research of consumer self-concept of college student is at the initial stage. Research models, research tools and other related research are still not perfect. This paper aims to the consumer self-concept model of university students and their impact factors, and the relationship between consumer self-concept of college student and consumer decision-making style.First, this paper summarized and analyzed the research of consumer self-concept, consumer decision-making style and consumer behavior of Chinese college students. On this basis, the assumptions of this article were advanced. Second, this paper investigated consumer self-concept of college student and the relationship with consumer decision-Making style as the main way of questionnaire. Furthermore, used SPSS to calculate and analyze the date. The results showed that:①Consumer self-concept of college student contained social-concept, traditional-concept, course-self and fashion-self.②It had relationship between the four consumer self-concept dimensions. It had positive correlation between social-concept and course-self, fashion-self. It had positive correlation between traditional-concept and course-self. It had positive correlation between course-self and fashion-self.③Grade, sex, family location and major were the influencing factors of consumer self-concept of college student.④I t had relationship between consumer self-concept of college student and consumption level. It had negative correlation between traditional-concept and consumption level. It had positive correlation between fashion-self and consumption level.⑤It had relationship between consumer self-concept of college student and consumer decision-making style. It had positive correlation between social-concept and Quality orientation, recreation orientation and diversification orientation. It had positive correlation between traditional-concept and price orientation. It had positive correlation between course-self and Quality orientation. It had positive correlation between fashion-self and Quality orientation, recreation orientation, confused orientation, brand-loyal orientation.This paper meets the shortfall in this area to some extent. The influencing factors of consumers self-concept of college students have been account, and advance traditional-concept. Construct the“consumers self-concept of college students scale”, and it have Acceptable reliability and validity.

  • 【分类号】F014.5
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1528

