

Based on Financing of Urban Infrastructure Classification Study

【作者】 李雅维

【导师】 刘福民;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城市基础设施的功能和对区域经济的影响已成为社会经济发展备受关注的重点问题。然而,基础设施项目的公益性性质及巨大的资金投入已成为城市基础设施建设的瓶颈。如何在实现城市基础设施公益性的基础上,改革现有的基础设施项目融资方式,已成为当前亟待解决的问题。其中以项目可经营性为依托的融资方式探索,是目前研究的主要课题之一。本文在总结国内外城市基础设施建设实践与理论研究的基础上,对现行的城市基础设施项目融资方式进行了分析,找出了目前我国城市基础设施建设融资中存在的“无序性、非均衡性、非市场化”等七个方面的主要问题;并对城市基础设施项目分类方式进行了研究。为以项目可经营性为依托的融资方式研究奠定基础,本文基于融资方式的选择,对城市基础设施项目依据其可经营性进行分类研究。提出了构建城市基础设施项目可经营性指标体系,并根据城市基础设施项目可经营性指数计算模型,将城市基础设施项目按其可经营性进行了界定。定为,纯经营性城市基础设施项目、准经营性城市基础设施项目、非经营性城市基础设施项目,并在此基础上初步探索了城市基础设施项目的融资方式。最后,通过实证分析,从实践角度证明了非经营性项目经营性提升的可行性。

【Abstract】 The importance of urban infrastructure has been recognized to the whole world. The infrastructure projects are always needs a huge public investment and a long time to build. But the state’s financial investment has been far from its huge demand for funds. Therefore, speeding up infrastructure construction, reform of the infrastructure financing style, improving the efficiency of the infrastructure projects financing has become one of our current problem.the paper research on the basis of domestic and international urban infrastructure financing theoretical , analyzing the existing urban infrastructure project financing .finding out "disorderly, non-equilibrium , non-market-oriented etc. "are our Serious problem; and studding urban infrastructure projects classification. Then build urban infrastructure projects ’indicators of operating system. So the urban infrastructure projects can be divided into three types .they are net operating urban infrastructure projects quasi-operating urban infrastructure projects, non-operating urban infrastructure projects .Finally, the paper analysis financing to the Xian green space, pointed out the choice of non-managerial infrastructure operation pattern’s .Had proven the public welfare project might turn to be the managerial project. That may reduce the government pressure and provide the effective reform direction.


