

【作者】 冯雷

【导师】 许斌;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过观察调胆合剂B对家兔胆囊切除术后胆汁分泌量的影响,研究其利胆作用而形成对胆道的机械冲洗,以稀释局部炎症介质浓度,促进胆囊切除术后胆道系统功能的恢复正常。材料与方法:取家兔24只,雌雄不拘,体重2.5kg左右,禁食不禁水12h,上腹部术区备皮,称重后随机分成3组,即空白组,无菌蒸馏水对照组及调胆合剂B组3个剂量组。家兔用3%戊巴比妥钠(30mg/kg)经耳缘静脉注射麻醉,将兔仰卧固定在兔板手术台上,上腹部术区常规消毒,取上腹部正中切口,逐层切开进腹,止血确切,显露胃,十二指肠,胆囊和胆总管,结扎胆囊管后切除胆囊,然后纵行切开胆总管(切口长约0.3cm),在胆总管内,向其近端放置一引流管,将胆总管切口缝合并固定胆总管,引流管用于胆汁引流,引流管下接一引流袋,为准确测量家兔胆汁流量,将胆总管切口远端结扎,于关腹前经家兔口腔下胃管至十二指肠内,查无活动性出血及胆汁漏出,逐层关腹,术毕。待家兔苏醒后,经胃管分别注入无菌蒸馏水和调胆合剂B各15ml,并同时开始计时,每6小时计量一次并同时再次用上述计量及方法给药,共4次。观察并记录空白组,无菌蒸馏水对照组及调胆合剂B组,3组家兔胆汁流量和胆汁成分的变化情况。结果:1.家兔胆囊切除术模型成功制备,通过胃管十二指肠灌药更容易控制实验的进行。2.调胆合剂B组较对照组胆汁分泌量显著增加,P<0.01。3.调胆合剂B组较对照组胆红素的含量无明显变化,P>0.05。4.调胆合剂B组较对照组胆汁中胆汁酸、胆固醇及磷脂的平均浓度变化无显著差异,与蒸馏水组比P>0.05,与对照组比P>0.05。结论:1.调胆合剂B能促进家兔胆囊切除术后胆汁的分泌。2.调胆合剂B对家兔胆汁主要成份及浓度无影响。

【Abstract】 Purpose: Adjusts gallbladder mixture B through the observation after thedomestic rabbit gallbladder excision method the bile secretion’s influence, studies its advantage gallbladder function to form to biliary duct’s machinery flushing, dilutes the partial inflammation medium density, after promoting the gallbladder excision method, biliary system function restoration.Material and method: Takes domestic rabbit 24, female and male does notarrest, about body weight 2. 5kg, fasts to be unable to restrain water 12h, the epigastrium technique area prepares the skin, after the weighing, divides into 3 groups stochastically, namely the blank group, the aseptic distilled water control group and adjusts the gallbladder mixture B group of 3 monitoring teams. The domestic rabbit (30mg/kg) anaesthetizes with 3% pentobarbitol sodium, lies supine the rabbit fixes on the rabbit board surgery table, the epigastrium technique area convention disinfection, is accepted after passing an examination center the abdomen the margin, the cascade cuts open the abdomen, the hematischesis truly, exposes the stomach, the duodenum, the gallbladder and the choledoch, after tying up the ductus cysticus, excises the gallbladder, then the vertical line cuts open the choledoch (long margin approximately 0.5cm), in the choledoch, lays aside a drainage tube to its near-end, the drainage tube uses in the bile drainage, under the drainage tube meets a drainage bag, for the correct measurement domestic rabbit bile current capacity, the choledoch margin far-end ligation, Before Guanfu after the domestic rabbit oral cavity under the stomach tube to the duodenum, looks up the non-activity hemorrhage and The bile, the cascade turns off the abdomen, the technique finishes. After treating the domestic rabbit regains consciousness, after the stomach tube separately pours into the aseptic distilled water and adjusts gallbladder mixture B each 15ml, simultaneously and starts to time, Every 6 hours measure one time and simultaneously once more use the above measurement and the method give the medicine, altogether 4 times. Observes and records the blank group, the aseptic distilled water control group and adjusts the gallbladder mixture B group, 3 group of domestic rabbit bile current capacity and bile ingredient change situation.Results:1. The domestic rabbit gallbladder excision method model success preparation, fills medicine easier control experiment’s advance through the stomach tube duodenum.2. Adjusts the gallbladder mixture B group to compare the control group bile secretion obviously to increase, P<0.01.3. Adjusts the gallbladder mixture B group to compare the control group bilirubinthe content to change not obviously, P>0.05.4. Adjusts the gallbladder mixture B group to compare in the control group bile the bile acid, the cholesterol and the phospho-lipin average density change not remarkable difference, Compares P>0. 05 with the distilled water group, compares P>0. 05 with the control group.Conclusion:1. After adjusting gallbladder mixture B can promote the domestic rabbit gallbladder excision method, bile secretion.2. Adjusts gallbladder mixture B does not have the influence to the domestic rabbit bile essential component and the density.


