

A Design and Realization of Xinjiang Information System on Water and Electricity Resource Base on GIS

【作者】 赵开权

【导师】 崔铁军; 朱学平;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 测绘工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 水利、电力资源重要目标与空间地理位置相关。因此,采用地理信息系统实现水利、电力资源重要目标的管理,便于对区域内水利、电力信息的查询、分析和统计,进而实现辅助决策。利用当前先进的计算机技术、GIS技术、数据库技术等实现对区域内水利、电力资源数据的计算机存贮、处理以及自动化管理,为上级机关和有关单位提供强有力的技术和决策支持。本文首先总结了地理信息系统的应用现状和发展趋势,以及目前所采用的开发技术方式,认为组件式开发方法是目前比较成熟的地理信息系统开发手段。分析了地理信息系统在水电资源信息系统的应用现状和主要专业应用方向,认为基于地理信息系统的水电资源信息系统的开发有其特殊的应用范围;分析了系统开发的背景,认为在新疆这种特殊的地理环境下,加强本区域内的水电资源信息的管理工作对于维护边防安全与社会稳定是非常必要的。论文着重论述了基于水电资源的信息管理软件的总体设计思想,提出了系统所选择的开发技术路线,描述了系统的功能结构以及系统的空间数据结构。介绍了在水电资源信息管理系统开发过程中几个基本技术问题的处理情况,引入了一些GIS中间件类库,在一定程度上减少了系统开发的工作量;根据系统的用户需求,设计了一套地图符号库。为了保证用户的不同的用图要求,对基于任意比例尺地图的打印输出进行了研究,并给出了实现过程。对河流或水库溃坝或溃堤所形成的洪水淹没区域的计算方法进行了探讨与研究,提出了改进算法。介绍了系统开发的软硬件环境以及系统应用分析模块的设计与实现。最后总结论文所做的工作和其中的不足,提出下一步需要改进的工作。

【Abstract】 For the water conservation and electric power resources information is concerned of spatial position, it is convenient to inquire、analyze and statistics its information in the current region, and then make subsidiary decisions, based on the management about important objects of water conservation and electric power resources with GIS. Make use of current forerunner of calculator technique, GIS technique, database technique etc, we can realize it’s data saving, store, processing and automation management in a special district, for superior organization and parties concerned provide a powerful technique and decision support.This paper first summarized geography information system of application present condition and development tendency, and currently adoption of development technique way, think a module type development method is currently more mature of geography information system development means; Then base on the analysis of geography information system at water conservation and electric power resources information system of application present condition and main profession application direction, we think the system have it’s special application; Finally, the system development background is discribed, we think it’s very necessity of strengthening management of this work for maintenance border defense safety and society stability under this kind of special geography environment in Xinjiang district.The thesis strictly discussed the total design though of water conservation and electric power information system, put forward a choice of development technique route, description the function structure and the space data of the system structure.Recommended a few basic technique problem of processing circumstance in the development the process, introduced some GIS central class libray, to some extent decreased system development of workload; considering customer’s need, designed a set of map symbol library.For the sake of use of the assurance customer’s dissimilarity diagram request, carried on research to any print of scale map output, and give realization process.Studied about the computer methtod of rivwe and dam burst and put forward improvement calculate way.The soft and hardware environment in the systme devlopment process and the design and realization of system fuction modal is IntroducedThe thesis tallied up the which has been done and the shortage of it, bring forward the work which need improve hen.


