

Research and Practice on the Issues of Vector Data Editing in CoGIS

【作者】 葛平

【导师】 魏海平;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机的出现使GIS应运而生,而地理数据又是GIS的“血液”,是实现GIS各项功能的基础。矢量数据的生产无论是在地图制图还是GIS领域都占有举足轻重的地位。因此,矢量数据编辑是数据生产过程中的一个重要环节。然而目前的矢量数据编辑仍处于传统单人单机的手工作坊式阶段,作业人员之间缺乏实时交流与协同配合,工作模式存在弊病,从而导致矢量数据生产、更新与维护的周期长、效率低。上世纪八十年代提出的“计算机支持的协同工作”(CSCW)的理论在GIS领域的应用,为解决矢量数据编辑问题带来了契机。本文在对矢量数据编辑现状分析的基础上,应用CSCW及协同GIS的理论方法和技术对矢量数据协同编辑问题进行研究和探讨,主要内容如下:1.从对传统矢量数据编辑工作模型的分析入手,提出基于递归任务树和数据集中管理的矢量数据编辑协同工作模型。2.多人协同编辑中不可避免地会发生操作冲突问题,本文从矢量数据编辑工作的实际情况出发,考虑采用基于任务树的版本控制技术面向实体的多级锁方法相结合的并发控制策略。3.考虑到系统的安全性与数据的一致性维护等方面的问题,采用基于角色的多用户控制方法。4.为了提高系统对于矢量数据的兼容性,加强系统的实用性与适用性,延长系统的生命周期,本文提出基于脚本化模型的矢量数据集成方法。5.在上述理论的基础上,采用面向接口的系统设计方法建立满足多人协同工作要求的矢量数据协同编辑系统,并对系统中关键组件包的设计及其主要功能进行了介绍。

【Abstract】 GIS emerged as the times require, as the computer came out, and the geography data is the blood of GIS, is the foundation of each function in GIS. The production of vector data take a very important role not only in cartography, but also in GIS field. So, the vector data editing is a important tache in data production. However, the vector data editing nowadays remains in the phase of handworked workshop by single person and single computer, there is no real time communion and cooperation among the workers, this work mode has some disadvantage, which results in that the production、renewal and maintenance of vector data has long periods、low efficiency. The application in GIS field of the theory of Computer Support Cooperative Work(CSCW),which is bringed forward in the middle of 1980s, provides a chance to solve the problems in the the vector data editing.This thesis analyses the actuality of vector data editing, and based on it, researchs and probes into the problems in vector data cooperative editing, using the theory and technique in CSCW and cooperative GIS. Main contents are as follows:1. From the analysis of traditional vector data editing model, it brings forward vector data cooperative editing model based on recursion task tree and data centralized-management.2. It is unavoidable that the problem of operation conflict which happens in multi-users editing. Considering the fact of vector data editing work, this thesis uses the strategy of intercurrent control based on version control technology of task tree and entity-oriented multi-level lock.3. Considering the some problems, such as system security and data consistency maintenance, adopt role-based multi-users control.4. For increasing system compatibility on vector data, enhancing practicability and applicability of system, and prolonging system lifecycle, this thesis brings forward script-based method of vector data integration.5. Based on all above theories, vector data cooperative editing system is established for multi-users cooperative work, that uses interface-oriented system design method, and the design of key component and the realization of system function is introduced.


