

A Research on the Group Behavior in Network Society

【作者】 杨柳

【导师】 项国雄;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 传播学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来随着经济的发展,在经济结构调整和城市化进程的加快的同时,各种由网络引发的群体行为也不断增多,发展也越来越复杂多样,并对当今社会的建设和道德文化产生了巨大的冲击和影响。本文选取了“躲猫猫”事件、“卖身救母”事件、“魔兽铜须门”事件、“华南虎”事件、“抱抱团”事件、“视频虐猫”事件等案例作为主要分析对象,分析了网络社会群体行为的成因、规律及道德建设策略。笔者根据网络事件发生的性质和产生的影响后果将网络事件归纳为三个类型,分别是网络监督、网络流言和网络暴力。分析了网络社会群体行为的特征及群体行为发生的原因。主要原因归纳为:1、各种利益诉求表达机制不健全;2、网民的民主意识增强;3、网络管理目前缺乏应有的监督约束;4、个别地方政府私利性严重等。在文章的第四部分,做了网络社会的群体行为心理分析,从四个经典的传播理论角度阐述了网络社会群体的构成过程。并得出网络群体的自由性、交流方式的特殊性、网络群体的平等性、网络群体的脆弱性、网络群体的弱规范性五个特征。最后得出了群体行为产生的五个心理特征,分别是:1、集体无意识;2、集体的感染性;3、从众心理;4、情绪化;5、群体责任感的弱化。在文章的最后部分作了网络行为的道德分析,提出了构建道德次序的初步构想。

【Abstract】 Chinese economy is developping very fast in recent years.At the same time, the economy is restructuring and urbanization is increasing along with rapid expansion of chinese computer network technology. On the other side, it alsoleads to more network group behaviors caused by network and these behaviors is developping in a complex way, have a big impact and influence on the building of today’s society and moral culture.The paper focus on some social events caused by network group behaviors and involves five parts. The first part introduces the research background and research situation at home and abroad, it also studies the review of selected cases and reearch idea and method. The second part introduces the research design and relevant dissemination theory, it includes objective、idea、content、method and meaning of the research and so on. Relevant theories involves theories of agenda setting、opinion leader、gatekeeper、silent spiral and so on. The third part, according to different types of group behaviors, sums up the features of group behaviors happening and aims to find out the reasons through analysis of the rules of network group incidents happening. The fourth part analyzes group mental phenomenons in network society, through which the author aims to find out the root causes of network group incidents. The fifth part provides the moral analysis about network group behavior, the author gives some prevention strategies such as improving relevant laws, speeding up upgrading of network monitoring system, public opinion diverting timely, paying close attention to network group incidents, seizing the opportunity to intervene in a timely manner, avoiding mutual influence and adding fuel to the flames, insisting on being people-oriented and mobiling people to participate in the management positively.In this paper, the author selects“duomaomao”incident,“selling themselves to save the mother”incident,“southchina tiger”,“baobaotuan”,”cat mistreating video”incidents and so on as the main targets and analyzes the reason and rules of network group behaviors and strategies of moral building.


