

The Research on XuechengZhang’ Style Criticism

【作者】 彭志琴

【导师】 汪群红;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 章学诚是清中叶不徇风气、别识心裁的杰出文史理论家,其史学、校雠学与文学批评方面的成就都对后世产生了深远影响。迄今,学界对其史学、校雠学的研究精细入微,文学思想、文学理论方面的研究也日渐兴起,但是文体批评方面的研究仍然停留于零散状态,有待进一步挖掘和系统化。引言部分简要说明章学诚研究状况及本文的研究思路与创新之处。本文主要从文体理论、文学文体的批评、批评文体的批评三个方面来展开对章学诚的文体批评研究。第一部分梳理章学诚的文体理论。概述章氏在文体分类论、文体规范论、文体流变论三个方面的独识心裁。章氏主张文体分类应返朴归真,例简义精,经世致用,肯定因名定体具一定的实用性,反对拘貌论文,提倡善读古人书,知古人之意。论文体规范,章氏从体裁、语体、风格三个方面对文体提出了规范要求,认为文无定法,但文又自有其理。风格规范中又以学诚所述各体文章的主要风格为考察对象,兼论时代风气与作家个性对文章风格形成的影响。文体流变论中聚论章氏的推源溯流论,进而探讨章氏“文本于经”和“文体备于战国”的观念。第二部分论章学诚对文学文体的批评,探讨涉及到赋、诗、古文、时文、传记。依萧氏划分法,赋在先,诗、文位其后。章氏论赋着重谈其源流、特征与功能,评诗则注重其特点,兼论象与比兴、声律。章氏论古文与时文时,常将二者进行比较,认为时文与古文二者具相通之处,特别重视古文对时文的影响,反对以时文之法窥古文。该部分则主要梳理章学诚的传记理论,指出章氏对传记写作要求与作用的评定的意义与问题。第三部分论章学诚对批评文体的批评,先简要梳理批评文体的生成与发展,再以诗话与评点为两大研究支撑,探求这两种独具民族特色的批评文体在中国文学批评史上的发源、地位与作用。学诚分诗话为“论诗及辞”与“论诗及事”两大类,且重其补史作用。本文以章学诚对袁枚《随园诗话》之批评为实例,客观考察章氏对袁枚的批评,以知人论世的原则回应章氏自述的文论家应持的批评态度。学诚肯定评点可嘉惠后学,又贬其为“品藻之下乘”。本文采用史论结合的批评方法,既有纵向的推源溯流,亦有横向考察章学诚对各类文体进行的批评,希望为章学诚文体批评研究的进一步深入提供一点参考。

【Abstract】 Xuecheng Zhang is a outstanding literary and historical theorists in the mid-Qing Dynasty. He owned peculiar conception. His achievements on history, proof-reading science, literary criticism have had a far-reaching impact on future generations. To date, academia has deep and detailed research on his history and proof-reading science. The research about his literary thought and literary theory has become the rise of cultural criticism. However, research remains unsystematic state in the period, pending further excavation and systematic.The part of introduction is a brief description of the value of paper topics, significance and status of the current study.In this paper, from three aspects such as the theory of style, the kinds of criticism style, the criticism of the style of criticism, we carry out the study of the style of Zhang’s criticism.In section first, summarizes Zhang’s deep and rich theory of style which was discussed from four aspects that is classification of style, stylistic norms theory of style, style evolution. he think the classification of style should get back to the basics, be simple, refining and practical. He affirms the advantages of named the style according to name, opposes that discuss style according to the profile of article, promote that people should be understand the ancients intended when reading the ancient book. When he studies stylistic norms, he proposed regulatory requirements from the genre, language, style. He thinks that article owns its excuse thought, but it has not fixed regular. We discuss style about Xuecheng Zhang referred to the body style as the main study object, and on the age of culture and personality and author of the formation of the impact on style.The part about stylistic evolution of Zhang, we mainly discuss“push together on the upstream of the source of the style”, then explore the article from his conception about“six classic book”and“style has been completed during the warring states period”.In section two, Xuecheng Zhang’s criticism and discussion of concrete literary style has been studied involving FU, poem, ancient prose, updated prose and biography. FU comes firstly, then followed by poem and prose. Mr. Zhang pays much attention to its origin, character and function when talking about FU. And emphasize on its character when it come to poem. Especially for poems about imago, trope and rhythm. Xuecheng Zhang put the observing the criticism of various style under the background of Qing Dynasty. And attach importance to comparing with peers in Qing dynasty. Ancient prose and updated prose,emphasize comparison and express it by instance. The part mainly hackles Mr. Zhang’s theoretic and point out his request for biographical writing and assessment of biographical function and significance.Section three talking about Xuecheng Zhang’s criticism on critical style. Firstly, briefly hackling the form and development of critical style. Secondly, using shihua and comment as the research support. exploring the origin, status and function of those two kinds of critical style with unique and national character in Chinese critical history. Zhang divides shihua into two categories that is“comment poetry referring relational things”and“comment poetry referring rhetoric and theory of writing”. Especially focus on the latter. This paper discusses using the comment of Zhang on YuanMei’s gardening poem as a critical example. Objectively view Mr. Zhang’s criticism to YuanMei. also objectively response to Mr. zhang’s critical attitude that a literary critic should have. On one hand,xuecheng Zhang conforms the comment has positive impact on the future generation, on the other hand, he downs the comment. The passage mainly use combined methods about history and discussion, not only tracks the origin intern of lengthways, but also makes deep comparison between different style interm of lateral direction; hope to offer a little reference for farther research on Xuecheng’s criticism of style.


