

The Research of Tao Hongjing and His Collected Works

【作者】 潘海霞

【导师】 邹然;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 作为六朝时期一位著名的道士,陶弘景在宗教领域颇受关注,但是对文学界来说,他却是一个冷门人物。没有人对他的道教文学专集进行专门的注解,也没有人对其进行专门的研究,到目前为止,文学界尚未出现对陶弘景文集进行专门研究的论著,以致陶弘景所作的一些名作湮没不传。因而,为了能填补文学界对陶弘景研究的空白,也为了能让更多的人拜读到这位文学道士的佳作,本人力图以浅薄之才,采用文献考证法、文本研究法、选本批评法等文学批评方法,从宏观和微观的角度来考察陶弘景及其道教文学专集。本人在前人研究的基础上,首先对陶弘景创作作品的数量进行了梳理与考证,新增了一些能从古籍中搜寻到的作品文题,并对其进行略考。就后人有争议的一些文学作品,阐明了自己的看法。同时得出今人能目睹和能隐约捕捉到的陶弘景文作至少有56篇的结论。其次是对《陶弘景集》进行分体新订。不但对其文体重新分类,如将其诗歌分为古诗、乐府两类,另立祝文、令等项目,而且将一些新增的文学作品也纳入其中,这就进一步充实和完善了《陶弘景集》,使后人对陶弘景创作的文学作品有更为全面的了解。再次,对新订《陶弘景集》的研究是本文的重点。本文将陶弘景创作的作品分为诗歌和散文两大块,对其诗歌的论述主要从形式、手法、内容的角度切入,分列五言为主,辅以杂言、以谶入诗,以佛理入诗、真情饱满,方式独特三个名目。对其文的研究,主要按文体分类,主以八字概括该类文章的主要内容及其风格特色,列有赋——气吞宇宙,逍遥长生、奏议文——肃恭语谨,文而不侈、书牍文——毕志山薮,崇仙乐道、序文——发于深思,善叙事理、碑文——披文相质,情深典雅、杂著——文体多样,内容庞杂六大类。此外,对陶弘景的文学作品在后世的接受与传播方面,本文主要从编纂文集和选本批评两个角度切入。由于《瘗鹤铭》是陶集中的一部特殊作品,故本文以“《瘗鹤铭》的接受与传播”为题将其另列,从亲临断崖观摩,题诗抒己之情、访求铭文原貌,探究书铭之人、歌咏焦山胜迹,传播瘗鹤文化三个角度加以探讨。最后,本文对陶弘景与文人雅士的交游进行了考论。所论对象的确定,一为文人,二为该文人有与陶弘景相关的文学作品存世,所以主要论述了陶弘景与梁武帝的文书交往、与沈约的诗文唱酬及与范云、庾肩吾间的文学交往,探讨他们在文学理论及文学创作方面的相互影响,指明梁武帝、沈约、范云、庾肩吾四人诗文中的仙道思想都受到了陶弘景的影响,而陶弘景诗歌用韵自由、篇幅短小、语言简洁流畅的特点也明显受到沈约声律理论的影响。

【Abstract】 As a well-known Taoist during Six Dynasties, great attention had been paid to Tao Hongjing in the area of religion, but little in literature. Neither had people commented Tao’s literature album, nor had particular researched up to now, so that some famous works on Tao Hongjing’s album were not to be discovered, and nearly had been imperished. Therefore, in order to fill research’s gap in the literature, and to make more people have chance to read his excellent works, I will do my best to explore Tao and his literature album from micro and macrio perspective and adopt literature criticism of document investigation, text research and anthology criticism. Firstly, I brushed and did textual research on Tao’s works on the basis of forefathers, apprend some writing titles searched from ancient books to do concise investigation and illustrate ideas about some disputable works among later generation. Meanwhile, there were at least 56 conclusions on Tao’s works that could be discerned and capture--d vaguely by people in our times. Secondly, I newly revised the collection of Tao Hongjing. Not only divided its style, such as divided poems into ancient poems and The beastles, added prayer and command, but included some newly-added works, which riched and consummated the collection further to make the later generation had a comprehensive knowledge about Tao Hongjing’s works. Thirdly, the essay’s focus was on the newly-revised Tao Hongjing’s collection, and it divided the works into two blocks as poem and prose, expounded poems from the standpoints of form, technique and content to give priority to gvofgieen-sy, supplemented by mixed words, inserted prophecy and Buddha theory into poetry, filled with real sensibility,and unique mode items. To proses, classification was mostly base on style, making eight words to sum up their contents and styles. They were Fu——vigour sucked in universe and peripateticism long life; The articles to the emperor——attitude was solemn and respectful, language was circumspect and elegant, but not extravagant; Letters——devoted to mountain and adored immortality; Prefaces——expressed in profound thought and was good at fact and theory; Inscription on tabletes——literary grace with content, profound sensibility and elegance; Other articles——kinds of styles and numerous content. Besides, to the acceptance and communication of Tao’s works, the essay was maily from the point of compiled collection and anthology criticism. Owing to Yi Heming, as a special works in collection, the thesis used the acceptance and spread of Yi Heming as title.It included reviewing and copying the content to ruptured cliff, writing poem to express their own sensibility; looking for original appearance of posy, exploring who calligraphed the posy; singing the good sight of Jiao Shan and spread the culture of Yi Heming. As a conclusion, the essay investigated the ancient famous writers interacting with Tao, the identity of objects was famous writers and their works relating to Tao’s life. So it maily explored Tao’s communication letters with Liangwu Lord, poetry and prose appointment between Shen Yue, and literature intercourse among Fan Yun and Yu Jianwu, probing into the influence in literature theory and composition, showing that the immortal ideology of Liangwu Lord, Fan Yun and Yu Jianwu in their poetry and prose were influenced by Tao Hongjing. However, at the same time, the characteristic represented in Tao Hongjing’s poetry used rhyme liberty, length short and small, concise and fluent language was also obviously affected by Shen Yue legal theory.


