

On the Discourse of Anti-colonialism in Heart of Darkness

【作者】 唐媛

【导师】 王松林;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 约瑟夫·康拉德以其非凡的创作成就与艺术主张,在20世纪文坛占据了极其重要的一席。他的小说自问世以来不断受到评论界的关注。批评家从作者到文本,从读者到社会,多视角地对康拉德的作品进行了富有成效的阐释和解读,其中最受关注的是《黑暗之心》。评论界从精神分析、种族主义、反殖民主义、女性主义等多个视角对该作品进行了阐释。本文认为《黑暗之心》是一部充满了人文主义和反殖民主义情怀的小说,表达出作者对殖民主义和帝国主义的强烈不满。尽管后来在萨义德等后殖民主义批评家看来,康拉德并没有完全摆脱出帝国主义的影响,书中流露出许多鲜明的白人种族优越感,以及白人肩负“拯救”土著人的使命而带来的神圣感,但书中对黑人痛苦生活的描述,对白人殖民者的贪婪和残暴的揭露无不看出作者有着强烈的反殖民主义思想。本文主要从政治、经济和种族意识三个方面,分析书中的反殖民主义话语,指出康拉德通过马洛的叙述在《黑暗之心》中描绘出殖民者给非洲带来的悲惨的生活景象,非洲土著人在殖民者的欺诈和镇压之下,不仅失去了大量的珍贵财富,甚至连基本的话语权都被剥夺,成为哑寂的“动物”。生活在19世纪帝国主义鼎盛时代的康拉德虽然不能完全摆脱帝国主义和殖民主义的影响,但他并没有在自己的作品中为殖民主义高唱赞歌,而是通过细腻深沉的笔调,把殖民主义的罪恶昭然于世,在白人和黑人生活状况的鲜明反差背后是他对帝国主义和殖民主义无声而又猛烈的抨击。

【Abstract】 Joseph Conrad won a very important position in the 20th century for his great literary achievement and artistic theories. His writings, especially the novels, have received many attentions from the literary critics and become the hottest issue in literary study. Critics interpret his novels from various perspectives, starting from the author to discourse, and then the reader to the society, under consideration of all his writings, Heart of Darkness has drawn most of their attentions and been read from such perspectives as anti-colonialism, feminism, racialism and psychological analysis.The thesis holds that Heart of Darkness is filled with rich color of humanism and strong inclination of anti-colonialism, which is a full expression of Conrad’s serious criticism toward colonialism and imperialism. Though some post-colonial critics like Said points out that Conrad is still under the influence of the imperial ideology in his life time and unconsciously exhibits in his novels a sense of racial superiority and the holy responsibility to“save”the interiors, Conrad himself is a firm opponent against colonialism, as is evident in his sympathy to the tragic blacks and his attack on the cruelty and greediness of the white colonizers.In terms of politics, economy and ethnic ideology, the author of the paper mainly analyzes the anti-colonialism discourses in the novella and concludes that Conrad has, through Marlow’s narration, described the African’s tragic life picture caused by the invasion of colonizers. Under the cruel plunder and deceptive rule by those white colonizers, the native blacks lost not only plenty of treasures and possessions, but also their right of discourse. Although we may admit that Conrad, living in the era of imperialism in the 19th century, cannot avoid the influence of imperialist ideology, it is obvious that the author of Heart of Darkness has revealed clearly the crimes of the colonizers through his magic pen, instead of praising highly the colony policy in his novella. Behind the sharp difference in living environment between the whites and blacks is Conrad’s voiceless but fierce attack to the crimes of imperialism and colonialism.


