

The Calamity of Flood and Drought in the Region of PoYang Lake and the Governance during Min Dynasties

【作者】 郭玉洁

【导师】 方志远;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 专门史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自古以来,自然灾害就几乎无处不在、无时不有,严重危害人类的发展。在各种自然灾害的发生机率、对社会经济造成的损失中,又以水灾及旱灾最为频繁和严重。因此,如何减轻水旱灾害的影响一直为历代政府所关注。由于目前水旱灾害仍然是影响社会经济尤其是农村社会经济发展和稳定的一个重要因素,因此对水旱灾害及其救灾措施进行研究具有重要的现实意义。本文将结合历史学与区域经济学的理论与方法,采用归纳、对比等研究手段,对明代鄱阳湖地区水旱灾害及其治理问题进行了较为全面的考察,认为:在自然原因和社会原因的双重影响下,明代鄱阳湖地区的水旱灾害呈现出频率高、程度重、时间段比较集中的特点。水旱灾害发生之后,人口死亡、田地废弃,给当地农民和渔民的经济、生活带来了严重的影响。面对频繁的水旱灾害,官民通过兴修水利、植树造林、建设仓储来做好积极的防灾措施。采取蠲免、折纳、赈济、赈贷、施粥、调粟等国家救灾措施,通过劝谕富户赈济、民众自发捐纳等民间赈济方式来进行灾后救助,当然,灾民也会用自己的方式进行自救。尽管中央、地方政府和民众对防灾、救灾作出了巨大的努力,但是灾害发生之后,米价猛涨、社会秩序遭到破坏等社会动荡现象依然存在。究其原因,主要是因为当时吏治败坏和中央、地方财政困难,使得防治及救助存在很大的局限性。

【Abstract】 Since the ancient times,the natural disasters nearly happened at any time and at everywhere , and have great harmfulness to the development of human being. Among the different probablities of occurances and the social and economic losses of all kinds of natural disasters, flood and drought are the most frequent and serious.Therefore,how to minimize the influences of flood and drought has been always concerned by the governments in all ages. For flood and drought are still the important factors to the social economy especially the rural social economics at present,the study on flood and drought as well as the disaster measures has vital practical significance.This article will use the theories and methods of history and regional economics, as well as the research tools of summary and compare to have a comprehensive study of the Poyang Lake areas’ flood and drought and its management issues in the Ming Dynasty. It deems that: under the double influence of natural and social causes, the flood and drought of the Poyang Lake areas in the Ming Dynasty was characterized with frequent opportunities、heavy degrees and relatively concentrated time periods. After the occurrence of flood and drought, the death of people and cassation of fields had brought serious affect to the local farmers and fishermen’s economy and life. Facing the frequent flood and drought, the Officials and public took many positive measures to prevent from disaster such as irrigation、forestation and construction of storage. People would take disaster relief through country’s relief measures Such as Juan-free , discount satisfaction, assistance, relief loan, soup-offer, as well as the folk Relief way of Well-off relief advice and Self-satisfied donation.Of course, victims also would take self-help approach.Though the center authority ,the local government and the people did great devotion in preventing disasters and providing disaster relief, the social phenomenon such as the rocketing up of rice price,the damage of social order still existed. The main reasons were the ruin of government ,the financial difficulty in central and local government, leading to the big limit in preventing and relieving disasters.


