

Investigation and Research on Status Development for the Traditional Athlatic Items of Provincial School Primary and High Schools in Nanchang

【作者】 张惠文

【导师】 程其练;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 体育传统项目学校作为基层训练组织之一,为体育的发展做出了较大的贡献。南昌作为江西省会城市,更要抓住机遇,加快步伐,发展自己的特色,为江西的学校体育和竞技体育后备人才的培养作出更大的贡献。本文运用资料查询、问卷调查,专家访谈、数理统计等研究方法,对南昌地区的南昌市、新建、进贤、昌北各个省级中小学体育传统项目学校(以下简称中小学传统校)的项目布局、生源状况、运动员输送状况、教练员状况、训练状况、竞赛及管理状况、场地、设施、器材、经费状况和制约传统校发展因素等诸方面问题进行了调查研究,得出以下结论:通过调查研究,全面了解到南昌地区省级中小学传统校发展的总体状况较好。各校都能对传统项目的发展持积极态度,都较重视传统项目的训练工作;各校在原有条件下克服种种困难,发挥本校优势项目;对训练队进行严格的管理和制定训练计划;积极参加各项竞赛活动。推行“体教结合”的利与弊,且在运行过程中出现的问题;体育项目布局不合理,田径项目所占比例过大,小学所占比例小于初、高中学传统校;项目地域分布也不合理,市区传统校所占比例过大,郊区、县城、农村传统校占比例过小;体育专职教练员缺乏;基本是体育教师兼任教练员;教师的培训与交流少;教练员学历、职称有待于进一步提高;课余训练的时间和次数能够保证,但习练矛盾依然突出;训练制度不完善,教练员训练不够系统;家长对体育认可程度低;标准场地和室内场地较少;人才的输送和传统校的发展受到了限制;体育经费的匮乏。学生运动员的选材途径手段单一,选材面窄;培养的高水平学生运动员太少;竞赛体制不完善等等。这些不利因素都直接影响到了南昌地区传统校传统项目的开展。针对以上问题提出了一些建议:在南昌地区四县均匀分布省级中小体育传统项目学校,加大评估工作的力度,调整项目布局,项目的设置要有规划性,多样性;改革招生办法,解决“瓶颈”问题;进一步完善“一条龙”输送渠道;正确处理好习与练的关系;加强教练员业务培训;完善训练、竞赛机制;加强学校领导对体育训练的重视,加大经费投入,改善场地器材的条件,多方面,多渠道筹集训练和比赛资金;正确处理好习与练的关系;拓宽生源面,进行跨地区选材,以优越的条件吸引优秀学生运动员;进一步加强体育训练教练的培训工作,实行体育训练专职教练选聘制度,拓宽引进教练的渠道,完善教练员和运动员的激励机制等九条。

【Abstract】 Traditional items School is one of the grass-roots training organization for sports development in Jiangxi Province has made a greater contribution, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, as will city, but also to seize opportunities, speed up the pace and develop their own characteristics, for the School of Sport and Jiangxi Athletes training and make greater contribution.In this paper,research methods,such as information inquiries, questionnaires , expert interviews , mathematical statistics. investigating and researching the traditional aspects of issues,such as items layout,the situation of students , athletes transmission, the coaches,the training,competition and management of venues, facilities, equipment, funding and the factors that constraints of traditional items school , which of various provincial traditional items of primary , high schools and sports talent reserve pilot schools, Nanchang city,Xingjian, Jinxian , Changbei in Nanchang.Through investigation and study, in primary , high school and pilot schools of the Nanchang area, the basic situation about provincial tradition items can be comprehensive understood: carries out the advantage and disadvantage of implementation of“combination of competitive sport and education”and the operation process problems; The irrational distribution of sports items; track and field proportion oversized; and the elementary school account for the proportion to be smaller than the middle school and high school; areas of item is unbalanced, the tradition item school of urban district account for the proportion to be biggest; suburban, county, rural have accounted for the proportion is too small; lack for full-time coaches; reward of coaches and the workload of coaches is not directly proportional; teachers’training is not enough; qualifications and titles of coaches would be improved; the training time and the number of times can be guarantee, but the studying and the training contradiction is still prominent; Training system is imperfect, coaches are not systematic training program; parents of the low level of PE recognized; the standard athletic fields and the quantity of indoor stadiums are much less; Sports facilities and venues of the different geographical conditions vary significantly, in the rural areas, county, rural traditional school sports facilities and venues are bad, basically in the urban area sports venues are not up to standard. Personnel carrier and the development of the traditional school has been limited; Sport lack of funding. single means of selection; narrow range of athletes is enrolled ; high-level student athletes cultivated are too little, the file management system of each school is not sound; Imperfect system of individual competition and so on ,These adverse factors have a direct impact on the traditional athletics item schools in Nanchang.In this paper, more than the current situation on the research and analysis and put forward opinions and recommendations: to strengthen the leadership of the School Sports training attention, increase financial input to improve the conditions of equipment; the development of Adolescent Sport Club, in the traditional school can attract more young people that take part in sports activities, and expand the training side of the training ; to provide greater space for selecting student athletes and attract more funds into the Sports Training School. Multifaceted, multi-channel training and competition to raise capital; Broaden athletes range of selection; Carring out exceeded regional selection to favorable conditions to attract quality student athletes; further strengthen the training of coaches; implement a full-time coach engaged system for sports training; broaden the channels for the introduction of coaches. improve the incentive mechanism of Coaches and athletes , to do a good file data management, adjust the layout of the items, items settings must be planning, diversity, and efforts to increase the assessment in order to promote traditional items School Sport development.


