

Study on TEM of Mine Safty System and Technology

【作者】 刘向红

【导师】 刘盛东;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着矿井开采深度的进一步加大,矿井水文地质条件愈加复杂,各种矿井水害时有发生。瞬变电磁法作为一种非接触式的时间域电磁法对赋水地质体具有独特的响应优势,而目前国内外尚无一款真正适合矿井爆炸性环境瞬变电磁仪,这极大地限制了瞬变电磁技术在矿井领域的广泛推广与应用。论文在全空间电磁场的理论基础上,通过数值模拟和物理模型实验,研究了矿井瞬变电磁波场传播规律及其特点,并对采集信号动态范围、频带特征及电磁噪声的特点进行了讨论;围绕矿井特殊环境下瞬变电磁仪器的小功率、小线圈、大测深等技术要求,提出矿井本安型瞬变电磁仪器(MTEM)研究与设计思路,并试制了具体原理样机。通过相关测试与对比实验,深入分析了本安型瞬变电磁样机的基本性能,异常体的分辨能力、抗干扰能力、关断时间等性能都进行了对比实验,结果认为试制的样机对矿井特殊条件具有良好的适应性,其探测精度达到预定的测试技术要求;结合模拟实验对矿井瞬变电磁特殊观测系统及其数据处理等关键技术进行研究,将扇形观测系统运用于巷道迎头的超前地质预测预报,代替常规的“U型”观测系统,提高了数据采集质量及其利用率;结合关断时间校正,提高对浅层目标体的分辨率;并进一步修正了巷道条件下的时—深转换关系系数,并编制了矿井瞬变电磁探测数据处理软件系统。通过顾桥南翼轨道大巷现场探测及3000m巷道探采跟踪对比实验,其结果准确率为85%,进一步完善瞬变电磁法现场观测技术方法,努力形成一套便捷实用的矿井瞬变电磁技术系统,为今后进一步的探测应用打下基础。论文结合目前瞬变电磁研究现状,进一步提出了矿井瞬变电磁法勘探技术研究的方向,必须加强对数据采集与分析技术的研究程度。

【Abstract】 With the further depth of mining increased ,the conditions of mine hydrogeolog- ical become more complicated, a variety of mine water damage has aways happened. TEM as a non-contact time domain electromagnetic method for the given water body has a unique geological advantages, At present,there is no really a suitable transient electromagnetic Miriam for explosive mine environment both at home and abroad, This greatly limits the transient electromagnetic technology Promote and applicate widely in the mine field.This paper basis on the theoretical that in the full- space for electromagnetic field, from numerical simulation and physical model test, Studied the spread of the mine transient electromagnetic discipline and its features, and discusse the acquisition signal dynamicrange,frequency band characteristics and the characteristics of electromagnetic noise;Surrounding the special circumstances of mine transient electromagnetic appara- tus of low power, small coils, and other great sounding technical requirements, propose research and design ideas of the mine transient electromagnetic(MTEM) security apparatus,and trial specific prototype.Through related testing and experimental comparison, analyse the basic properties of the transient electromagnetic prototype deeply, consider the trial of prototype has a good adaptability to the special conditions of mine, The detection accuracy of the technical reach the requirements of the test book; research combined with simulation of the special observation data processing system of mine transient electromagnetic and its key technologies, fan-shaped obverv- ing system will be used in head-on tunnel to predict geology,to replace the conventional "U-type" observing system, and improve the quality of the data collection and utilization; Combinate with off-time correction, improve the resolution of shallow goal;A further amendments to the relationship between deep-conversion coefficient of the roadway conditions have started off , and draw up a mine detection of transient electromagnetic data processing software systems.Through the scene detection on the roadway in south of guqian and exploration tracking comparative experiment on 3000m roadway, we improve the scene observati- on techniques method of Transient electromagnetic technique ,and work hard to form a convenient and practical mine transient electromagnetic technology systems for the foundation of the further detection application.The paper proposed the research direction of mine transient electromagnetic met- hod, trengthen the study degree of data collection and analysis that combined with the current research of transient electromagnetic and electromagnetic.


