

Physical-chemical Properties and Tillage Suitability in Fly Ash Filling Reclamation Soil

【作者】 陈要平

【导师】 严家平;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 淮南市是我国华东地区重要的火电基地,随着火电项目的不断投资建设,粉煤灰的排放量和堆积量逐年增多。利用粉煤灰充填复垦塌陷区具有利用量大,能综合解决采煤塌陷区问题和增加耕地面积等优点,具有良好的发展前景。但在工程实践上,充填复垦覆土厚度往往深浅不一,对复垦后的土壤理化性状变化和对作物的影响还需深入研究。本研究以淮南潘一矿采煤塌陷区为研究地点,选择田集电厂粉煤灰为试验材料,设计了三种不同覆土厚度(20cm、30cm、50cm)粉煤灰充填复垦试验田块,从土壤理化性状和土壤肥力的角度,选取容重、孔隙度、质地、水分、pH、有机质、全氮、有效磷、速效钾等指标,分析不同试验田块的土壤理化性状垂向和水平向变化规律及对农作物生长发育的影响。试验结果表明:粉煤灰的物理性质(颜色、孔隙度、质地)能改善砂质壤土的毛管孔隙率和土壤温度;三种覆土厚度对土壤酸碱性的改变均不明显;灰层有良好的蓄水能力,对与之相邻的土层水分状况有补充改善。与“土壤肥力分级参考指标”相比较:各表土层有机质均值水平介于Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级之间,灰层有机质均值水平达到Ⅰ级标准;表土层全氮均值水平为Ⅲ级,灰层全氮均值水平为Ⅰ级;表土层和灰层的有效磷均值水平均为Ⅲ级,但灰层的有效磷含量更低,不到表土层的一半;表土层速效钾均值水平达到Ⅰ级标准,灰层速效钾均值为Ⅱ-Ⅲ级。综合考虑各覆土模式的土壤理化性状特征、覆土成本及施肥成本,认为覆土20cm的模式是一个较佳的选择;但不同覆土模式下土壤理化性质的长期演化和对作物的影响,是一个复杂和较漫长的过程,还需要持续的跟踪研究。

【Abstract】 Huainan city is an important thermal power base in East China. With thermal power projects continuously building, the discharge and accumulation quantities of fly ash are increasing yearly. It has good prospects that reclamation subsidence areas are filled with fly ash. That is able to solve subsidence areas by mining coal synthetically. That also can increase cultivated areas. But covering thickness is usually different in engineering practice, which affect soil physical and chemical properties and growing development of crops.In this research, we select Panyi colliery subsidence area as test site and select fly ash from Tianji power station as test materials. Three different covering thickness test fields are designed including 20cm, 30cm and 50cm. Due to the physical-chemical properties and fertility of soil, choose the index such as volumeweight, porosity, texture, water regime, pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and rapidly-available potassium, then analyze the variation of soil physical-chemical properties in vertical and horizontal direction and the influence on crop growing development in different test fields.Test results show:The physical properties of fly ash (color, porosity, texture) can improve the capillary porosity and soil temperature of Sandy loam. The change of PH value in three kinds of covering thickness fields are not obvious; Ash layer have good water storage capacity and can improve water ratio of neighboring layers. Compared with "soil fertility index classification", the average level of organic matter in topsoils is between GradeⅡandⅢ, organic matter in ash layers come to GradeⅠ. The average level of total nitrogen in topsoils reachs GradeⅢ, and reachs GradeⅠin ash layers. The average level of effective phosphorus in topsoils and ash layers are all GradeⅢ, but the content of available phosphorus in ash layers is less than half of the topsoils; The average level of rapidly-available potassium in the topsoils come to GradeⅠ, and come to GradeⅡ-Ⅲin ash layers .Synthetically Considering the soil physical-chemical characteristics, the costs of covering earth and fertilizing, the mode of covering 20cm is a better choice. The evolution of soil physical-chemical properties and the influence on crops are complicated and long-term in different models, so a durative study is necessary.


