

Research on the Intelligent Methane Detector Based on Variable Current Detection

【作者】 贺绍林

【导师】 李振璧;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前用于煤矿井下瓦斯气体检测的检测仪主要有光干涉式、热导式、半导体气敏式、红外光谱吸收式、电化学式和载体催化燃烧式六种,广泛使用的载体催化瓦斯检测仪在检测高浓度瓦斯时,载体催化元件容易出现高温烧结的现象,致使传感器的灵敏度及测量的准确性变差。本研究在深入研究了载体催化元件特性后,提出了一种新型变流瓦斯检测技术,它使载体催化传感器在检测瓦斯气体时始终处于恒温状态,可以使瓦斯检测的稳定性、响应速度、瓦斯浓度检测范围、检测仪使用寿命等技术指标极大的优于传统电桥检测方法。本研究主要介绍了变流检测技术瓦斯传感的设计方案,并就该系统的理论基础、新型变流瓦斯检测仪的实现方法、硬件和软件设计等做了详细的讨论。其中,硬件部分的研究包括变流检测电路、以AT89C51单片机为核心的数据处理单元及其外围电路、红外遥控接收电路等;软件部分包括主程序、脉冲占空比测量、零点漂移自校准、非线性修正、数据显示、片外存储器读写、频率信号输出等子程序。本研究设计的变流瓦斯检测仪具有低功耗、高精度、宽量程、自动校零、校调周期长及使用寿命长等优点。将这种新型的瓦斯检测仪应用于煤矿安全监测监控系统中,可以连续的测量矿井瓦斯浓度,为煤矿安全生产提供了有力的保障,同时该瓦斯检测仪也肯定会有广阔的应用前景和良好的经济前景。

【Abstract】 Currently, there are six types of detector used for gas detection under the coal mine, optical-interference type, thermal-conductivity type, semiconductor-gas-sensor type, infrared spectrum absorption type, electrochemical type and vector-catalytic-combustion type. When conventional carrier catalytic methane detector detects high methane concentration, supporter catalyst filled element often sinters caused by high temperature which could damage the sensibility and the precision of detector. Based on the research of frame and working principle of supporter catalyst filled element embedded, we advance a new type variable current detecting technique which the temperature of supporter catalyst filled element is steady. This cause the technical index, such as the stability, response speed, detecting bound and the using life, better then the traditional detection bridge method.The paper mainly introduces the tentative design of the variable current detecting technique, and discusses in detail its theoretical foundation, implementary method and the design of hard and software. The study of hardware circuits includes variable current detecting circuit、AT89C51 data processing circuit and its circumambient circuit、infrared remote control circuit and so on; the part of software includes main program, zero-adjusting program, non-linear correcting program, data showing program, extending memorizer reading and writing program, frequency signal output program.The new type detector has some features, such as low power、high precision、wide range、automatic zero adjustment、long check-verifying period and long using life. If this new type methane sensor used in the system of monitoring mining safety, this can detects continuous methane concentration and ensures the yielding security of coal mine. Also this new type sensor has a bright prospect for development and application, a good economic prospect.


