

Analysis on Farmers Demand Preference and the Influencing Factors in Village Infrastructure in Underdeveloped Areas

【作者】 封明川

【导师】 吴平;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 村级基础设施对于促进农民增收、社会主义新农村的建设和现代农业的发展具有不可低估的作用,其建设的好坏将直接关系到“三农”问题解决的进程。然而,由于我国长期的城乡二元经济体制,村级基础设施的供给历来不是财政投入的重点,村级基础设施建设长期存在供求失衡的现象。对于欠发达地区的农村来说,这种现象尤为突出。因此,在“大农村、小财政”的支农背景下,如何提高财政支持欠发达地区村级基础设施建设的效率,已经成为当前农村发展中急需解决的难题。本文首先介绍了村级基础设施的内涵、性质及分类,并将需求偏好理论和公共选择理论引入本研究的理论框架。然后,基于对贵州省9县11村的实地调研数据进行实证分析。结果表明,基础设施供给严重不足、供给长期与需求脱节、建设资金来源渠道较为单一,以及对已有的设施缺乏有效的管理维护等是当前样本地村级基础设施建设中存在的突出问题。欠发达地区农户对基础设施建设的关心程度较高,对基础设施建设的重要性有较高程度的认识,并对基础设施建设有较高的参与热情。绝大多数农户对国家继续加大农村基础设施建设的投入力度很有信心。但从总体来看,农户对所在村庄的基础设施供给满意度不高。其次,笔者运用总分排序的方法分析得出了欠发达地区农户对村级基础设施的需求偏好序列。结果表明,村庄道路的硬化是当前欠发达地区农户最迫切需要的建设项目。农户对村级基础设施建设的参与意愿与需求偏好呈现出相似的排序结果。用聚类分析方法对不同样本村农户参与村级基础设施建设的意愿差异和农户对村级基础设施的需求偏好差异进行对比分析后的结果也表明大多数村庄的农户都呈现出较为相似的参与意愿和需求偏好。另外,运用交叉列表分析和列联系数检验的结果表明国家级贫困县和非国家级贫困县的农户对村级基础设施的需求偏好和参与意愿差异具有统计显著性。国家级贫困县的农户参与村级基础设施建设的意愿与需求偏好在排序结果上存在一致性。但非国家级贫困县的农户的参与意愿和需求偏好在排序结果上存在明显的差异。再次,为了分析欠发达地区农户对村级基础设施的需求偏好的影响因素,本研究通过构建二项分类logistic模型进行了相应研究。结果表明,年龄越大的农户更加偏好于电力基础设施和医疗基础设施。男性农户对村庄道路有更加明显的偏好,而女性农户则更加偏好于环卫基础设施。文化程度越高的农户更加偏好于环卫基础设施和文化娱乐设施,而受教育年限较少的农户更加偏好于村庄道路。家庭年收入较高的农户对农田水利灌溉设施有明显的需求偏好,而低收入农户更加偏好于自来水设施。家庭收入主要以粮食生产为主的农户更加偏好于生产型基础设施,而粮食收入占总收入的比重较小的农户对生活型基础设施有更加强烈的需求偏好。对基础设施益处了解程度越高的农户对村庄道路有较强的需求偏好,但对电力基础设施的偏好较弱。对国家继续加大投入力度的信心越充足的农户对村庄道路和医疗基础设施有较强的需求偏好,而对农田水利灌溉设施的需求偏好较弱。最后,以实证分析的结果为依据,本研究提出了欠发达地区村级基础设施建设的相关政策建议。笔者认为,明确供给重点是提高当前欠发达地区村级基础设施建设效率的当务之急。同时,构建农户对基础设施的需求偏好表达机制,并辅以建立“农户需求主导型”的基础设施供给模式,以及创建与村庄和农户特征相适应的基础设施决策机制也是当前提高欠发达地区村级基础设施建设效率的有效政策选择。

【Abstract】 Village infrastructure has been playing an important role in increasing the farmer’ income, the construction of the new socialism countryside and the development of the modern agriculture. The quality of village infrastructure’s construction will be related to the process of solving the problem of "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers" directly .However, because of China’s dual economy structure between urban and rural areas, the emphasis of financial investment hasn’t been put on it, so the imbalance between supply and demand of the infrastructure construction has been existing for a long time in the rural areas.These problems are more serious in underdeveloped areas. Therefore, It is an urgent problem that how to improve the efficiency of supporting village infrastructure financially in the context of fewer financial funds.First of all,This article introduces the village infrastructure theory, the demand preference theory and the public choice theory.Then, the author based on the survey from 11 villages of 9 counties in Guizhou province to come to the conclusion that there are a series of problems in the underdeveloped areas.For example, the shortage of the supply, the imbalance between supply and demand, the single source of funds and lack of maintenance.The farmers have a high concern on infrastructure constructing and good awareness about the importance of it. Most of farmers have higher enthusiasm to participate in the construction of infrastructure and enough confidence in the government will continue to increase the investment on village infrastructure. However,the farmers have low degree of satisfaction at infrastructure of their own villages.Secondly, the author analyzes the farmers’demand preference by calculating the score and sorting order, the result shows that the farmers have the highest demanding on reinforcement of the village roads in underdeveloped areas. The demand preference and the willingness of participation of farmers are similar.The farmers from the majority of villages have relatively similar preference and willingness of participation by using cluster analysis. Additionally, The farmers’ demand preference is different dramatically between national-poor counties and non-national-poor counties by crosstab analysis and contingency coefficient test. The farmers’ preference and willingness of participation are uniform in national-poor counties and significant differences in non-national-poor counties.Thirdly, This article studies the factors of influencing farmers ’ demand preference by using binary logistic model, concluding that the older farmers prefer the electricity infrastructure and the medical infrastructure, the male farmers obviously prefer the village roads to other infrastructure, while the female farmers are more interested in the environmental infrastructure. Those farmers who have higher education have a preference for the environmental infrastructure, cultural and entertainment infrastructure, others are preferred the construction of village roads. The farmers who have higher income prefer the farmland irrigation infrastructure , and the farmers who have lower income prefer the tap water infrastructure. The farmers whose main income depends on farming have an obviously preference for production infrastructure, while others prefer the living infrastructure. The farmers who have better understanding about the benefits of the infrastructure have stronger demanding on the village roads, but have weaker preference on the electric infrastructure. Those farmers who have more confidence in government continuing to increase the investment on village infrastructure have stronger demand on the village roads and the medical infrastructure, whereas have a weaker preference on the farmland irrigation infrastructure.Finally, based on the results of empirical analysis, some suggestions are put forward to improve the efficiency of infrastructure construction. The author suggests that it is urgent to recognize the emphasis of the village infrastructure’s supply in the underdeveloped areas recently. Meanwhile, It is also an effective policy choice that to create a mechanism of expressing farmers’demand preference, establish a "demand-oriented"model, and establish a decision-making mechanism to adapt to the characteristics of the villages and farmers.


