

Research on Behavior of the Edible Agro-products Enterprises to Implement the Quality Traceability System

【作者】 元成斌

【导师】 吴秀敏;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 面对严峻的农产品质量安全形势,发达国家纷纷要求进口到该国的农产品必须具有可追溯性。建立农产品质量可追溯体系是实现从“田间到餐桌”的全程质量控制的有效途径之一。在我国,企业是农产品质量可追溯制度的真正主体和主要实行者。但是,在目前非强制性要求实行可追溯体系的情况下,企业是否有实行可追溯体系的动机?实行可追溯体系后其成本收益在构成上有哪些?可追溯的农产品是否能够实现优质优价?这一系列问题的解决都需要从理论上加以研究,从实践上进行总结,从政策上给予引导。有鉴于此,本文以“食用农产品企业实行质量可追溯体系的行为研究——以四川60家企业为例”为题展开了本研究的工作,这有利于更好地指导我国农产品质量可追溯制度建设和企业的实践,具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文的研究内容分为四个部分,其中第三部分是本研究的核心内容。第一部分,导论与文献综述。导论主要包括选题背景和意义、研究假设和概念界定、研究的基本思路。文献综述主要对食品可追溯制度、企业实行质量可追溯体系的行为等方面的国内外研究进行回顾与评述。第二部分,理论分析。“食用农产品企业实行质量可追溯体系的决策行为”,是本文研究的理论基础。第三部分,食用农产品企业的追溯行为分析。“四川省食用农产品企业实行质量可追溯体系的现状——基于60家企业的调查与分析”。主要是对被调查企业特征数据的描述性统计分析。“食用农产品企业实行质量可追溯体系行为的实证分析”。主要运用因子分析和聚类分析法对企业实行质量可追溯体系行为模式进行研究,并且整理分析了企业实行质量可追溯体系后对成本和收益的影响。第四部分,结论及对策建议。本部分的主题是得出结论并提出对策建议。通过分析,本文得出如下结论:第一,企业追溯行为决策的选择主要受到两方面因素的影响:一是企业对质量追溯行为经济效益的预期,二是企业对服从食品安全管制规定的成本(服从成本)与违抗食品安全管制的成本(违规成本)之间的比较。第二,被调查企业中,大型食用农产品企业数量偏少,且以民营企业为主,不同规模的企业都在一定程度上实施了质量可追溯体系,近90%的企业都建立了农产品生产档案和经营档案的登记制度,但企业真正开始实施追溯体系的时间并不长,企业实行质量可追溯体系认同度最高的四个动机是“提高产品质量”、“降低食品安全风险”、“实现产品和同类产品差异性”以及“满足消费者需求”,这符合企业追求利润最大化的根本出发点。第三,企业实行质量可追溯体系的主要目的在于提高产品质量和企业内部的管理水平,四川食用农产品企业实施质量可追溯体系的行为模式分为两大类:工具型行为模式和战略型行为模式。企业实施质量可追溯体系主要是受经济利益的驱动,七成的企业将质量可追溯体系看作高效率的质量管理工具,希望凭借质量可追溯体系的实施提高产品质量和增加企业绩效。第四,市场化的质量可追溯体系得到了企业层面的支持,四川食用农产品企业有自发进行可追溯产品的生产能力,市场化的质量可追溯体系的微观企业基础已经开始建立。第五,企业在实行质量可追溯体系中的主要困难是:建立初期花费成本太高、国家相关优惠政策不足、需要对管理人员和生产人员重新培训,市场对可可追溯产品认可度不高;企业对政府的政策性支持需求主要体现在培育、开发市场和维护市场秩序方面。最后,提出了一些政策建议:政府增强对企业实行质量可追溯体系的鼓励和扶持力度;加强对小型企业的管理和引导;注重开展质量可追溯政策的成本和收益评估,保障其可行性和合理性等。

【Abstract】 Facing the grim situation of the quality and safety of agricultural products,developed countries have requested that imports of agricultural products must be traced.The establishment of the agro-products quality traceability is one of the effective ways to achieve quality control that "from field to table".In China,the enterprise is the real subject and the perpetrators,to implement the quality traceability system.However,in the non-mandatory requirements the implementation quality traceability system situation,does the enterprises have a motive to implement the quality traceability system? what the composition about cost-benefit after the implementation the quality traceability system? Whether agricultural products can be to realize of higher prices for better quality? This series of problems need to be studied in theory,summed up in practice,and gave guidance on policy.As a result,"Research on Behavior of the Edible ago-products Enterprises to Implement the Quality Traceability System——"A Case Study on 60 Enterprises in Sichuan Province " is the researching subject of this paper.This is conducive to better guide China’s agricultural products quality traceability system and business practice,and has great theory and practical significance.There are four sections that consist of six chapters in this paper,of which,there is the core.Section one is the introduction and literatures.Introduction,including the background and importance of this research,research hypothesis and the definition of concept,the basic thoughts of this paper.Literatures.It mainly reviews and commends on the development of the research in China and foreign about the food traceability system and the behavior of enterprises implementing food traceability system.Section Two is theoretical analysis.Decision-making system of edible agro-products enterprises implementing quality traceability system,which is theoretical basis of the whole research. Section Three is demonstration on the edible agro-products enterprises implementing quality traceability system behavior,the status quo on the edible agro-products enterprises implementing quality traceability system was analyzed.The investigation of 60 enterprises in Sichuan Province.Demonstration on the edible agro-products enterprises implementing quality traceability system behavior.It built a quality traceability behavioral patterns using factor analysis abstracted the behavior mode about implementing the quality traceability system using of cluster analysis;then analyzed costs and benefits after the implementation of traceability system.Section Four is conclusions and policy.Draw conclusions and policy recommendations based on all the analysisThrough analysis,the paper reached the following conclusions:Firstly,the decision-making choices affected by two major factors,on one hand,the expectancy about economic benefits to implement traceability system,on the other hand,the comparison between food safety control for the cost of compliance(obey cost) and the defiance of the cost of food safety control(defy cost).Secondly,At present,the amount of edible agro-products enterprises in Sichuan had small number large enterprises and large number private enterprises,enterprises of different sizes implement the traceability system to some extent,nearly 90%of enterprises have set up the file registration and operation system on agricultural production,but the implementation traceability systems time was not too long, corporate identity of the four most highly motivated are "improve product quality" "reduce food safe risk achieve product differentiation" and "meet consumer demand",these motions maximize their profits with their pursuit of the fundamental starting point.Thirdly, the main purpose to implement traceability for enterprise is to improve product quality and management level.The behavioral patterns to implement the quality traceability system for edible agro-products enterprises in Sichuan Province could be divided into two categories: Instrument Type Mode and Strategy Type Mode.Implementation of the quality traceability system for enterprises was mainly driven by economic interests,70%enterprises will be implement quality traceability system as an efficient quality management tools,and hoped to improve product quality and increase business performance.Fourthly,quality traceability of market-oriented system has been supported by the enterprise,the edible agro-products enterprises in Sichuan have spontaneous production capacity to carry out traceability products,market-oriented quality of traceability system based on micro-enterprise has begun to establish.Fifthly,the difficulties encountered on the implementation traceability were,the implementation cost in the early days was highly, lacking of support policy,needed be re-trained for manger and staff,consumer has low cognize for traceability products;the policy to enterprise should mainly in the person of cultivate and maintenance market order.Finally,the study concludes and puts forward some policy suggestions on the base of the above analysis:Such as "Government enhance the encouragement and support efforts to implement the quality traceability system";"to strength the management and guide for small businesses";" pay attention to the policy assessment of the costs and benefits to ensure their feasibility and rationality".


