

Development Approach and Strategy of Alternative Livelihood in the Integrated Ecosystem Management Demo Area of Sichuan Baoxing

【作者】 吴辉

【导师】 邓玉林;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 森林培育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪90年代以来,世界生物资源的保护和可持续管理已成为全球共同关注的最紧迫的任务之一。但如何解决生态保护与周边社区生计发展需求之间的矛盾与冲突则是其中最为敏感且最为难点的问题。如何帮助当地农民改变过度开发和利用自然资源的不可持续的生产、生活方式,改善和提高社区农户的生计水平,使社会经济发展和环境资源利用与保护相协调,维持当地可持续的发展道路,是生态学和社会学面临的一项巨大挑战。替代生计的实施,通过改变不合理的种植结构和耕作模式,提高土地的产出率和利用率。通过改变农户粗放的养殖模式和物质资本的分配,向集约化产业发展;通过利用更环保更节约的方式对薪柴的使用进行替代,改变农村能源利用结构和设施,减少对灌林植被的砍伐和对环境的污染;通过合理的生态布局,保护和恢复生物多样性发展,以维护区域生态系统的稳定;挖掘区域资源优势,发展特色产业、现代生态农业等,科学合理地开发利用自然资源,减少社区对保护区资源的依赖,最终实现人与自然全面协调可持续地发展。本研究以生态保护与社区发展相结合为基本原则,采用社区快速评估、关键人物访谈、生态保护宣传,点面结合与重点突出等多种形式的调查研究方法,在宝兴综合生态管理示范区9个社区中选取300户典型农户,采用座谈会、半结构访谈、问卷调查、文献检索等方法对各社区农户生存状况、传统生计与替代生计模式进行了全面调查,从示范区社区及农户基本情况、社区农户家庭收入构成现状和支出状况以及农户家庭生活条件等方面对农户的生存现状、生计冲突及其根源进行分析。结果表明,传统生计与综合生态系统管理的冲突体现在耕地资源的扩大需求与天然林资源保护、以放养为主的养殖方式与自然植被保护、林产品的无序采集与生物多样性保护、不合理的矿产资源开发与可持续经营、以薪柴为主的能源消耗与可持续能源消费等五个方面,冲突的根本原因产生于自然资源的不可持续利用。根据所获得的调查资料,对药粮经间套、中药材、有机茶、有机魔芋、花椒等为典型的种植替代模式,生态猪、蜜蜂、山地乌骨鸡、牦牛、长毛兔等养殖替代模式,沼气、小水电、节柴灶、薪炭林等能源替代模式,野生菌、野生药材的采集及驯化、森林蔬菜的采集及加工、生态旅游、石材精深加工等开发替代模式,特产供销、社区超市、务工及劳务输出等经营替代模式,以及观光休闲型、“猪—沼—林”型、庭院立体型生态农业等典型模式的适用性进行评价,并以经济效益、社会效益和生态效益为标准进行对比分析,以寻求符合宝兴实际的可持续替代生计模式。再以生态学、社会学理论和综合生态系统管理理念为指导,以生态保护与经济发展相统一、以人为本与因地制宜、统筹规划与合理布局为原则,以2008年——2010年为期限,以乡镇为基本单元,对示范区各种替代生计模式进行空间和时间的总体布局。经研究得出示范区九个社区替代生计发展的规模及其产生的效益如下:(1)种植替代:发展经济作物800.4万m~2,草本药材3201.6万m~2,有机茶1800.9万m~2,水果1420.71万m~2,花椒320.16万m~2,核桃500.25万m~2,板栗466.9万m~2,预期共产生经济效益34140万元。(2)养殖替代:雅鱼110万尾,蜜蜂34500桶,山地乌骨鸡120000只,山羊81000只,牦牛42000头,肉兔25000只,长毛兔278000只,预期共产生经济效益15790.5万元。(3)能源替代:建沼气池8300口,节柴灶4600口,营造薪炭林613.33公顷,预期共节约能源17680t标准煤。(4)开发替代:采集森林蔬菜55吨,加工森林蔬菜50吨,生态旅游接待28万人次,生产重质碳酸钙40万吨,石材雕刻12万m~3,大理石板材加工135万m~3,预期共产生经济效益52372.4万元。(5)经营替代:特产供销店100家,社区超市86家,劳务输出12300人次,预期共产生经济效益6368.8万元。(6)生态农业:观光休闲型1100户,“猪-沼-林”型8500户,庭院立体型10300户,预期共产生经济效益6230万元。预期2010年,宝兴综合生态管理示范区替代生计(除能源替代)总体经济效益114901.7万元,能源替代节约能源折合17680t标准煤。同时,替代生计的发展将促进示范区农村经济健康、快速的发展,农民收入大幅度提升,生产、生活条件得到极大程度的改善。最后,为促进宝兴综合生态管理示范区替代生计模式及经营对策的有效实施,保障示范区生计的成功更替,促进地方经济的良性发展,特提出替代生计发展的综合管理对策。

【Abstract】 The conservation and sustainable management of natural resources has become one of the most urgent commonly concerned tasks in the word since 1990’s. How to avoid the conflicts between the ecological protection and the livelihood development of surrounding communities is the most sensitive and difficult problems. How to help local fanners to stop overexploitation and unsustainable utilization of natural resources, improve the livelihood level of community farmers, make the society-economy-environment develop in harmony, and maintain the sustainable development is a great challenge to both ecologist and sociologist. Implementating alternative livelihoods by changing the irrational cultivation structure and farming patterns can improve the land utilization and productivity. It develops intensive industrials by changing the extensive culture model and the distribution of physical capital though using more economical and more environment-friendly way replace the firewood. It can also reduce the cost of energy using by changing the energy structure and facilities in rural areas, and deforestation shrubbery vegetation and environmental pollution. It will maintain the stability of regional ecosystems through rational arranging types of ecosystems and restoration of biodiversity. It is crucial to take advantages of regional resources to develop special industries and modern agriculture by utilizing the natural resources scientifically and rationally to achieve sustainable balance between human and nature.In this study, integrating ecological protection into community development was kept as the basic principle. The rural rapid assessment, interviewing with key persons, ecological protection of publicity, combining point and surface and other forms of survey research methods have been used to investigate three hundred typical households of nine communities in Baoxing integrated ecosystem management demonstration area. The seminars, semi-structure interview, questionnaire and document retrieval was used to investigate the living conditions of community farmers, traditional and alternative livelihood modes fully. It was analyzed the survival of status quo, the livelihood conflicts and their root from the basic conditions, household income and expenditure and living conditions of communities’ farmers in demo area. The results showed that the conflicts between the traditional livelihoods and integrated ecosystem management. The conflicts are as follows: firstly, expansion needs of cultivated land resources and natural resource protection; Secondly, stocking-based culture model and natural vegetation protection; Third, the disordered collection of forest products and biodiversity protection; Fourth, irrational exploitation of mineral resources and the sustainable management; Finally, wood-based energy consumption and sustainable energy consumption and so on. The unsustainable using of natural resources is the root of conflicts.According to the survey data, we evaluated the applicability that the intercropping of food and cash crop, Chinese medicine, organic tea, organic konjac, pepper and other typical planting alternative models, eco-pigs, bees, mountain dark-bone chickens, yak, wool-rabbit and other culture alternative models, methane, small hydropower, saving stoves, fuel forest and other energy alternative models, collection and domesticated wild mushrooms, wild medicinal herbs and forest vegetables, eco-tourism, stone deep processing and other exploitation alternative models, special local products, community stores, working and labor export etc. management alternative models. It also includes sightseeing and leisure type, "pig-biogas-forest" type and courtyard type eco-agriculture models. Based on the standards of economic, social and ecological efficiency, we can seek the actual sustainable alternative livelihoods models for Baoxing. The ecology, sociology theory and the concept of integrated ecosystem management was kept as guide to coordinate the ecological protection and economic development. The people-oriented and rational distribution was kept as the principle. We will base on the township that giving the alternative livelihoods models about spatial and temporal overall layout in demonstration areas from 2008 to 2010.The development scale and their benefits of alternative livelihoods of nine communities in demonstration area by research are as follows: (1) Planting alternative: developing economic crops 8 million m~2, herbal medicines 32.016 million m~2, organic tea 18.01 million m , fruits 14.21 million m~2, pepper 3.2 million m~2, walnut 5 million m~2, chestnut 4.67 million m~2. The expected economic benefits is 341.4 million Yuan. (2) Culture alternative: culture Ya fish 1.1 million larvae, bee 34500 barrel, mountain dark-bone chicken 0.12 million rats, goat 810 hundred rats, 420 hundred head of yak, meat-rabbit 250 hundred rats and wool-rabbit 0.278 million rats. The expected economic benefits is 157.9 million Yuan. (3) Energy alternative: building 83 hundred biogas digesters, 46 hundred saving stoves and planting fuel trees 6.14 million m~2. The standard coal consumption could be saved by 17680 t. (4) Exploitation alternative: collected 55 ton forest vegetables, processed vegetables 50 ton, received 28 ten thousand person times passengers, produced heavy calcium carbonate 400,000 ton, stone carving 12,000 m3, marble processing 1.35 million m3. The expected economic benefits is 523.724 million Yuan. (5) Management alternative: building one hundred special outlets, 86 community supermarkets, export of labor 12,300 person times. The expected economic benefits is 63.688 million Yuan. (6)Eco-agriculture: formulating 1100 household sightseeing and leisure type, 8500 household "pig-biogas-forest" type and 10,300 household courtyards. The expected economic benefits is 62.3 million Yuan. Estimated by 2010, Baoxing Integrated Ecosystem Management demonstration area of alternative livelihoods (except energy alternative) will be produced total economic benefits of 1149 million Yuan. The standard coal consumption could be saved by 17680 t. Moreover, alternative livelihoods are good for promoting the rural economy to develop healthily and rapidly. The farmers’ income, production and living conditions will be improved greatly.Finally, promoting alternative livelihoods models and management countermeasures are implemented effectively in the Integrated Ecosystem Management (IEM) demo area of Baoxing. Ensuring the livelihood models can be realized replacement successfully, and promoting local economy will be developed benignly. Especially, this paper puts forward some integrated management Strategies about the development of alternative livelihoods.


