

【作者】 李秀青

【导师】 魏耕原;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 六朝时期,中国文学进入了自觉的时代,文学作品和文学评论著作蜂拥而起,大量著作问世。而中国第一部诗论专著《诗品》也诞生于此时,其在中国诗歌创作理论方面取得了斐然的成就,而对其文论价值的探讨也成为历代研究者关注的重点所在。所谓好的作品都有多种解读的角度,《诗品》当然也不例外。笔者今欲把《诗品》作为一部文学作品来解读,研究其在文学性方面所取得的价值。文学性研究也许是一个并不具有新意的研究方法,但却是研究文学作品最基本、最常用的方法,而如果对一部理论著作从此角度下手的话,也不失为一另辟蹊径之举。而对《诗品》的文学性进行研究,探讨其文本本身所具有的文学价值,不仅可以展示钟嵘作为一个作家(在诗论家之外)所具有的文学素养,还可以帮助我们更好地解读《诗品》。本文以《诗品》的文学性为研究内容和目标,主要探讨《诗品》在体裁、语言、结构方面所取得的文学成就,以及在后世所产生的广泛影响。本文共分四章:第一章是《诗品》的文体意义,主要论述《诗品》作为“诗话之祖”在“诗话体”体裁上的开创意义,它通过自己的创作,为后世诗话体的创作提供了基本的范式,成为后世诗话的滥觞。这一章分三部分来论述,分别从摘句法、记录本事、意象批评法三方面来探讨《诗品》在创作方面怎样为后世“诗话体”提供了范式。第二章主要探讨《诗品》的语言艺术,《诗品》的语言文质兼具,形象生动,言约意丰,具有很高的艺术价值,是本文研究的重点。这一章分三节,第一节是论述《诗品》语言的来源和借鉴情况,包括书画理论著作用语、魏晋人物品评用语以及被评者著作用语三方面,显示了钟嵘本人的学识的广泛:第二节是论述《诗品》语言的修辞艺术,主要从对偶、对比、比喻三方面来探讨,其中尤其是比喻手法运用的非常成功,显示了钟嵘高超的驾驭语言的能力;第三节是从《诗品》语言的丰富性和变化性方面来探讨,《诗品》在语言运用方面很少有“撞词”现象,很多词汇都是同中有异,富有变化。第三章是论述《诗品》的结构艺术,它在组织结构的系统性和完整性方面具有很高的价值。本章主要从内外双层结构形式、互见法的运用、品语的内在平衡、品评人数多少四方面来探讨,首先《诗品》具有内外双层结构形式,在内容的安排上,又用互见法来建构全篇,在具体的评语上又力求平衡,保证了结构的完整性和平衡性。又《诗品》在每品的品评人数安排上也有一定的目的,它设置的是一组具有象征性、序列性的神秘数字,这是《诗品》结构的另一独特之处。第四章是论述《诗品》文学性在后世的影响,主要就《河岳英灵集》、《中兴间气集》、《书品》等著作来探讨的。通过对后世创作影响的探讨,更加验证了《诗品》所具有的文学价值。

【Abstract】 Chinese literature entered into the conscious time in the Six Dynasties period, large number of literary works and literary criticism books came out .The Poetics of China’s first monograph-"Shi pin" also was born in this time, it has made remarkable achievements in the theory of poetry writing and its value of literary theory has also become a focus for ancient researchers. The good works will have a variety of interpretations, "Shi pin" of course, is no exception. Now I will interpret "Shi pin"as a literary work, and study its literary value. the method of study literary are one of the oldest research methods, it is the most basic and commonly used method in the field of study literature works. but if we study a theory work sfrom this point of view, it may well be a move to open a new path. Studying the literary of "Shi pin" and discussing the literary value of the text itself has, not only can show Zhong Rong as a writer (not as a poetics expert) having a literary quality, but also can help us better reading of "Shi pin".In this paper, The literary value of "Shi pin" is the study content and objective, it focused on the literary achievements of "Shi pin" in the regard of genre, language, structure, and its widespread impact on the future generations. This article is divided into four chapters:The first chapter is the genre meaning of "Shi pin", it focuses on "Shi pin" as the "ancestor of Poetry" having a creating meaning for the subsequent "poetry talks" , "Shi pin" provids a basic paradigm through its own creativity for subsequent "poetry talks", and it has become the origin of the subsequent "poetry talks". This chapter is divided into three parts, respectively describing from Putting Sentences,Recording poetry background things, and Imagerying criticism - three aspects to explore how "Shipin" provide a paradigm. for the subsequent "poetry talks".The Chapter II focused on the "Shi pin" in the language arts, its language both have rusticity and literary grace, vivid, picturesque and simple but rich in meaning.,having a high artistic value. it also is the focus of this paper. This chapter divided into 3 parts, Section I are about the language of "Shi pin"where comes from and what draw on, including the language of theory works about calligraphy and painting, the language of used review figures in the Wei and Jin dynasty as well as the language from the works writing by commented poet, it showing Zhong Rong has extensive knowledge; section II discussed rhetorical art of "Shi pin’"s language,mainly from the duality, very successful particularly, it showing Zhong Rong has superb ability to master the language; Section III are explore about "Shi pin" language in richness and variability, there is very little "collision term" situation while "Shi pin" using word, a lot of vocabulary are resemble but also have some different, and rich in change.The Chapter III are discussed the structure art of "Shi pin", it’s structure has high value for it is systematic and integrity. This chapter mainly from two-tier structure, coreference , Criticizing language’s inherent balance, the poet’s number of "Shi pin" criticizing-four aspects to explore.First of all, "Shi pin" has a two-tier structure both inside and outside, with coreference to construct the entire chapter, it achieves a right balance on the specific comments, all this ensured it’s structural integrity and balance. Also Zhong Rong have a purpose while he arrange the number of poet in each it set up a group of symbolic, sequence and mysterious figure, which is another feature of "Shi pin’"s structure.The chapter IV is discussed the future influence of "Shi pin", mainly study it’s influence to the "ZhongXing JianQi Ji","HeYue YingLing Ji" and "Shu pin", It verify that "Shi pin" has a literary value through studying the Impact on future generations .

【关键词】 《诗品》文体意义语言艺术结构艺术
【Key words】 shi pinlanguage artsstructure artliterary

