

【作者】 刘定

【导师】 唐亦功;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 长沙位于长江流域中游,湖南省东部,湘江下游沿岸,京广铁路线上,是湖南省政治、经济、文化中心。1904年开埠是长沙现代化的开端,逐渐从一座内陆封建古城发展成为工商业发达的现代化开放城市。近百年间长沙的发展历尽曲折,是近现代中国内陆古城发展的缩影。本文选取长沙开埠以来城市规划和城市发展的关系作为研究对象,运用历史地理学和相关学科的理论和方法,以开埠以来近百年长沙城市规划和城市发展为主线,以民国、改革开放前、改革开放后三个阶段为层次,分析长沙城市规划的背景、内容和城市发展的状况,揭示长沙城市规划的特点和城市发展的规律,并总结城市规划和城市发展的关系。本文主要分为三部分,绪论及第一章为第一部分,主要是确定研究对象,分析相关研究进展和讨论长沙城市发展的地理环境和历程,作为论文的基础。第二章至第四章为第二部分,是论文的主要部分。依时间发展分为长沙开埠至建国前的城市规划和城市发展(第二章),建国后三十年长沙的城市规划和城市发展(第三章),改革开放以来长沙的城市规划和城市发展(第四章)。1904年长沙开埠通商,政治、经济状况都发生了翻天覆地的改变。外商和洋行迅速涌入,以长沙为中心加紧了对湖南市场的商品输出和对原材料的掠夺,湖南城乡市场逐渐融入世界市场。辛亥革命后,近代市政体制逐渐建立,长沙城市空间急剧发生改变。经济的发展直接导致城墙拆除,粤汉铁路的通车引导长沙城市空间向东,向北扩张,在小吴门火车站至江边的中山路一带形成长沙新兴商业中心,与湘江沿岸的太平街到坡子街一带的传统商业区构成长沙新旧两大商业中心。城市的发展要求进行更合理的城市规划,1920——1947年间长沙制定了九次全市性城市规划。1932年前的六次城市规划符合城市发展需要,也指导了城市发展,而后三次城市规划脱离了当时实际发展情况,太过超前,但设立卫星城镇以防止中心城市过度膨胀的规划思想对今天长沙城市规划仍有借鉴意义。由于民国时期战乱不断的原因,长沙制定的九次城市规划大都没有得到很好的执行,而且长沙在不断的战争遭受了严重的破坏,在解放时几乎是一座废墟。(第二章)建国后三十年间,长沙制定了三次城市总体规划。1950年制定的城市规划沿袭了民国以来的规划思路,是近代城市规划发展的自发延续。1960粘合1979年制定的城市规划反映了几乎经济时代的特色,城市规划是国民经济发展计划的具体化与延续。此时,执行的是“严格控制大城市规模,合理发展中等城市,积极发展小城市”的城市政策。在规划的指导下,长沙城市迅速发展。城市市区面积从1950年的112平方公里增长到1978年的352平方公里;城区面积由1949年的6.7平方公里增加到1978年的53.04平方公里;市区人口从1949年的38.35万增加到1978年的94.83万。市区内形成了以省、市行政区为中心,两大文化区隔湘江而对,六大工业小区分片发展,三级商业网点镶嵌其中的城市格局。城市道路系统呈现河西放射状与河东网格状相对独立发展的状况。(第三章)改革开放后,长沙于1990年和2000年制定了两次城市总体规划。这两次规划改变了以往限制压缩城市规模的做法,采用了扩大市区的发展战略。1990年规划采用“一主,两翼,两组团”的空间结构布局,2000年规划将空间结构调整为“一主,两次,四组团”。在这两次规划的指导下,长沙城市扩张模式从“摊大饼”向分散组团演变,从单中心城市空间结构向多中心城市空间结构发展,形成了以中心市区为中心,四周以东部的长沙经济开发区、北部的长沙高新产业技术开发区、西部的望城坡经济技术开发区为辅的组团结构。(第四章)第五章结论是第三部分,总结了开埠以来长沙近百年的城市规划特点和城市发展的规律,并归纳了近百年来长沙城市规划和城市发展的关系。本文的创新之处是:对近代以来长沙城市规划的研究和城市发展的探讨都比较多,但把两者结合进行研究者尚未见到,故本文欲从近一百年长沙的城市规划和城市发展之间关系的角度进行研究,以期对相关研究有所贡献。

【Abstract】 Changsha is the economy、political and cultural centre of Hunan province. It located in Yangtze Valley middle reaches, Hunan province east, Xiangjiang River lower reaches littoral, and on Beijing-Guangzhou railway line. Opening the Wharfs for trade in 1904 is the beginning of Changsha modernization. Gradually from one inland ancient feudalism city develops the modernized open cities, and its industry and commerce in development state. The development of Changsha during the almost hundred years is the miniature of the ancient city development of modern Chinese inland city.This paper mainly researches the relationship of Changsha planning and the city development since opening-up. The theory and method of this article is historical geography and related to discipline, taking the main clue of a century urban planning and city developing since Changsha opening-up, including Republic of china、before Reform and opening-up and after Reform and opening-up three stage. This article analysis the Changsha urban planning background、content and the development situation, open out Changsha urban planning characteristic and city develop law, and sum up the relationship of the urban planning and the city develop.The article includes three parts. The beginning and the first chapter being PartⅠ, is to ascertain the object of study, analysis the correlation study and discuss the Changsha city geographic conditions and the development progressing, as the basic of this article.ChapterⅡto ChapterⅣfor the second part is the main part of the thesis. According to the time, divided into Changsha opening-up to the before founding of the town planning and urban development (ChapterⅡ), three decades after the founding of Changsha city planning and urban development (ChapterⅢ), since the reform and opening Changsha city planning and urban development (ChapterⅣ).In 1904 Changsha opens the port commercial intercourse, its politics and economic situation happened earthshaking changing. The foreign merchant and the foreign firm are flood in; take Changsha as the commodity export and the raw material plundering centre, Hunan urban and rural markets gradually melt to world market. After the Chinese Revolution of 1911, municipal administration system building, Changsha city space happens rapidly change. Development of the economy leads to the city wall directly dismantle, Guangdong-Wuhan railroad guides Changsha city space face to east, dilate to the north. Xiao-wu door railway station till zhongshan road becomes the Changsha new business centre; with the Tai-Ping Street to po-zi street tradition business area composes two Changsha business centers. Development of city demands to carry out more rational urban planning, Changsha has worked out nine times of whole city urban planning during 1920-1947. Front six times of urban planning before 1932 have accorded with city developing need , also have guided city development. Later three times planning has broken away from reality and developing condition , has gone over advance, but the plan thought setting up a satellite to against central city excessive expansion still having meaning to Changsha urban planning today. Since the Republican period, nine times of urban plantings of Changsha mostly don’t get the very good implementation, that Changsha has suffered and grave destroying in ceaseless war, almost becoming one ruin when liberating. (Second chapters)Changsha has worked out three times overall city planning during the thirty years after building up the country. In 1950 the urban planning working out has followed the plan thought since Republic, being the urban planning lasted at the modern times. The urban planning working out in 1960 and in 1979 reflect the economy times characteristic, is the national economy development concretization. This times, executive policy actively that" strict control big city scale , develop a medium-sized city rationally , develop small city positivist". Guided by plan, Changsha city prompt development. City downtown areas increases from 112 square kilometers in 1950 to 352 square kilometers in 1978.Urban areas increases from 6.7 square kilometers in 1949 to 53.04 square kilometers in 1978.Downtown population increases from 383.5 thousands in 1949 to 948.3 thousands in 1978. The city area has been formed with centre of the province and the city administration; two big cultural regions are separated by Xiangjiang River, six big industry differentiation development, the three-level commercial network and centers inlays city patterns. The city road system presents that He Dong net shape and He Xi radiation format independence development pattern. (Third chapters)Changsha have worked out two times overall city planning in 1990 and in 2000 after the Reform and opening-up. This two times plans have changed the method of restricting the scale compressing a city in the past, has adopt the strategy expanding development of downtown area. The plan in 1990 adopt the layout "one host , both wings , space structure of two set of regiment", the space structure plans in 2000 is adjusted for "one primary, two lesser, four set of regiment". Guided by the two times plans, the Changsha city expands a pattern developing from "stall large flatbread" to dispersing the regiment of group, from single central city space structure develop to many central space structure, the downtown area having taken form with the centre city is centre , take east Changsha economic development zone , north part Changsha high and new technology industry technological development area , western part Wang-cheng-po economic-technical development zone as subsidiary group regiment structure all around. (Fourth chapters)Fifth chapter conclusions is PartⅢ, have summed up the Changsha urban planning characteristic and city develop law since opening the commercial port, and have summed up the relation Changsha urban planning and city develop during the past century.The investigation and discussion that the Changsha city plans and the development over the past modern times is comparatively much , but the combination of the two researchers have not yet seen .So this article want to from the point of view that the relationship between Changsha city planning and urban development to research, and could to contribute to related research.


