

【作者】 刘燕

【导师】 张向侠;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 音乐学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 吴碧霞作为中国声乐界第一个民族和美声兼容的双主科研究生,中国第一位巡演东西方举办多场音乐会的“夜莺”,一度成为国内外声乐界人士及声乐爱好者的关注焦点。她集民族唱法与美声唱法于一身,把中西方声乐作品演唱的一样真挚细腻,清丽委婉,亲切感人。卓越的演唱技巧,丰富灵动的舞台表演,都是作者想研究她的原动力。本文在系统介绍吴碧霞的艺术成长道路的同时通过她对中国民族风格歌曲,西方古典艺术歌曲及外国咏叹调的完美演绎,剖析其演唱风格,对吴碧霞“中西合璧”的歌唱理念和方法进行探索研究,引发对我国民族声乐艺术发展趋势的思考及对民族声乐教学的启示。全文大致分为四章:第一章:引言。主要是对本课题的研究目的和意义、研究现状进行论述。第二章:吴碧霞及其演唱艺术风格的形成条件。吴碧霞对“中西合璧”的成功探索是在老一辈声乐艺术工作者共同努力的基础上形成的,有深厚的理论基础和实践基础做后盾及导师的谆谆教导是使其成功的客观条件,吴碧霞本人对声乐艺术的勤奋执着是其成功的主观条件。第三章:吴碧霞对“中西合璧”可行性的探索。这是全文的重点章节,具体阐述吴碧霞的演唱特点。第一部分寻求两种唱法所共有的科学唱法和技巧,通过对发声方法和吐字的具体分析找出两中唱法中的异同,从而在技巧的相互借鉴于结合中实现跨界;第二部分寻求两种唱法背后的感受和认知的共性,对旋律、节奏、声音等音乐元素和对表演观念的认识,使吴碧霞在认识和理解层面上对两种唱法全方位掌握,为她在演唱两种风格作品是提供了理论依据。第四章:吴碧霞现象对当代民族声乐教学的启示。主要对当前我国民族声乐“千人一腔”现状进行分析,构建科学的民族声乐教学体系,加强对戏曲、曲艺、民歌等传统艺术吸纳和借鉴,和对西洋美声唱法演唱技术的学习,以开放的声乐美学为导向,实现民族唱法的发展和创新。

【Abstract】 As the first postgraduate who studies the Chinese folk songs singing method and Western opera singing method in Chinese vocal music field, Wu Bixia who is called "a nightingale", has held many concerts in the world and attrack the attention of the domestic and foreign vocal music professions and fans. She blends the National Belcanto and Belcanto together and sings the songs sincerely and sweetly, no matter they are Chinese or western ones. Her excelllent singing skills and rich performance appeal to the author. This paper introduces Wu’s learning process systematically ,at the same time it analyses her singing style through her perfect performance of Chinese folk songs,Western classical art songs and arias. On the basis of the analysis, the author explores Wu’s singing ideas and methods to arouse the reflection on the trend of national vocal music development and vocal musical teaching. This paper includes four chapters:Chapter I : Introduction. This part mainly states the purpose,significance and current situation of this topic.Chapter II: The formation of Wu’s singing artistic style. Wu Bixia’s successful exploration of "the good combination of National Belcanto and Belcanto" is formed on the basis of the efforts of older generation of vocal artists. The objective conditions,including profound theoretical and practical basis and earnest teaching of supervisors ,with the subjective conditions,Wu’s diligence and persevering pursuit of vocal musical art ,lead Wu Bixia to success.Chapter III: Wu’s exploration of feasibility of "the good combination of National Belcanto and Belcanto". This chapter is the emphasis of this paper,which focus on features of Wu’s singing. The first part seeks the common scientific methods and skills of both Chinese folk songs singing method and Western opera singing method. The author explores the unison and difference of the two methods by comparing vocal sound and syllabication,in order to learn from each other in the skills to realize the crossover ; the second part seeks the common feelings and cognition of the two methods. The understanding of melody,rhythm,sound and other musical elements as well as the concept of performance, make Wu Bixia has a comprehensive mastery of two singing methods ,which provides her a solid foundation for the singing performance.Chapter IV: The inspiration Wu Bixia’s phenomenon brought to contemporary vocal musical teaching. This chapter mainly discuss the "one mouth for thousands of people"phenomenon, in order to build a scientific system of national vocal musical teaching with open aesthetic vocal music-oriented,learn form the opera,folk art,Chinese folk songs and other classical arts,as well as the belcanto, therefore achieve the development and innovation of national singing.


