

【作者】 王一民

【导师】 周勇;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年8月第29届奥运会在我们中国北京成功举行,这是我国第一次举办世界最大规模,水平最高的运动盛会。这次比赛是展示各种不同风格和流派打法的一次篮球大盛会,最终以美国队全胜的战绩获得金牌而圆满落下帷幕。姚明的崛起让篮球在神州大地人气飙升,现在另两位明日之星易建联、孙悦也追随姚明进入NBA,在亚洲,中国队是历史上最成功的球队,曾13次夺得该地区比赛的桂冠,但在更广阔的世界舞台上,中国队却是步履蹒跚。本届奥运会男子篮球比赛于2008年8月10日至8月20日在中国北京举行,共有12支代表队参加了比赛。中国男子篮球队在B组,先后与美国、西班牙、安哥拉、德国、希腊进行了5场小组赛和1场对立陶宛的淘汰赛,在外籍教练尤纳斯的带领下,取得2胜4负的成绩,最终取得第八名的成绩,平了奥运会历史最好成绩。本届奥运会中国队派出了以姚明为首,所有参赛队伍中平均年龄最小(24.33岁)的年轻阵容。从比赛总体来看,中国男篮在投篮命中率、封盖、罚篮等方面亦有不俗表现,所表现出的精神面貌和整体技术水平较之已往也有较大进步,但也暴露出了一些亟待解决的问题。本文以第29届北京奥运会中国男篮与对手进行的6场比赛为研究对象,通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、录象分析法、数理统计法,从球队风格、年龄、身高、体重、进攻和防守四个方面分析对比了中国队与对手的比赛能力。研究结果表明:(1)中国队的风格是快慢结合、以内为主、内外结合、稳扎稳打,与欧美强队的风格存在一定得差异,没有很好的与世界篮球的发展相融合。(2)中国男篮的高大化已经与世界接轨,队员年龄结构偏小,是一支具有潜力的球队。(3)在强对抗的攻击性防守下中国队不能解决好进攻的问题是失利的最主要的原因之一;中国队的快攻次数、快攻得分与对手的差异具有高度显著性差异(P<0.01)。(4)投篮命中率比对手差距不大,但2分球的投篮次数与对手的具有高度显著性差异(P<0.01);中国队的前场篮板球虽然与对手相比没有有显著性差异(P>0.05),但是二次进攻得分却比对手低很多,与对手呈差异有高度显著性差异(P<0.01)。(5)中国男篮的罚球次数和命中率均高于对手。(6)中国男篮防守技术与与世界强队相比在控制中距离投篮能力、防守突破能力、抢打断的能力与对手差距明显;后场篮板球和犯规与对手没有明显差距。中国的盖帽能力优于对手。(7)中国男篮的后卫能力与对手有很大差距。(8)在全队防守理念和个人防守能力方面与世界强队还有较大差距,尤其是协防能力和攻击性防守能力与对手差距明显。从整个比赛过程来看,主要是中国男篮缺乏高强度对抗下集体作战的能力,针对中国男篮在本次奥运会上暴露的一些问题,结合当今世界男子竞技篮球运动的发展趋势,提出了一些建议和看法:(1)保持我国男篮快慢结合、以内为主、内外结合、稳扎稳打风格的同时,积极向欧美强队学习,尽快世界篮球的发展相融合。(2)提高队员在激烈对抗环境下技战术运用能力是我们需要解决的核心问题。目前中国男篮在身高方面已经达到世界一流水平,但在本次奥运会中均表现出对抗能力差的弱点,往后要抓住篮球运动“对抗”本质特征进行训练,加强体能训练。(3)强调球队的整体性,中国男篮现在拥有姚明这位超级中锋,但在战术设计上要内外结合,达到内外平衡,队员不能养成“传球的眼里只有姚明”的习惯,不然会形成弱点,影响球队的进一步发展。(4)加强后卫能力的培养。目前中国男篮后卫位置上人才的匾乏,是这支队伍的“软肋”所在。我们在强调全面发展的前提下,要注重个人技术和能力的培养,鼓励个性发展,运动选材时也不能一味追求高度。(5)优化训练方法,加强身体素质训练。目前国家队虽然聘请了专门的外籍教练,但我们不能盲从,应根据东方人的性格特征和机能特点进行针对性训练。另一方面,专项身体训练的内容、方法、手段要最大限度地接近篮球训练项目的特点,减少无效训练。(6)加强对外交流,提高国内联赛水平。就目前中国国家队而言,要在今后取得好的成绩,把年轻、有潜力的队员放到更高水平的赛场上去锻炼是非常有必要的。从长远利益看,加强国际交流,提高联赛水平,注重自身的提高才是根本。

【Abstract】 August 2008 29th Olympic Games in Beijing, China, we successfully held, which is held for the first time in our country the world’s largest sporting event of the highest levels. This competition is to demonstrate a variety of different styles and schools play basketball in a big event, and ultimately to the U.S. team win the gold medal victory of the season came to an end successfully. Let the rise of Yao Ming Basketball popularity soared in the vast land of China, and now the other two star Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue have followed the lead of Yao Ming entered the NBA, in Asia, the Chinese team in history, the most successful team, have won 13 times in the region crown race, but in a broader world stage, China is faltering. Olympic Games men’s basketball tournament in 2008 August 10 to August 20 in Beijing, China, a total of 12 teams participated in the race. Chinese men’s basketball team in the B group, one after another with the United States, Spain, Angola, Germany, Greece 5 group matches and 1 game of the knockout of Lithuania, the foreign coaches, led by Yunus and achieved 2 wins 4 negative results the final results of the eighth, tied the best Olympic Games in history. This year’s Olympic Games in China sent a team led by Yao Ming, all participating teams in the average age of the smallest (24.333 years), young lineup. From the whole competition, the Chinese team in field goal percentage, sealed, and so also from the free throw good performance shown by the mental outlook and overall skill level is also larger than the progress of the past, but also exposed letter to be some problems.In this paper, the 29th Beijing Olympic Games Men’s Basketball Team and opponents of China’s 6 games for the study, through literature, expert interviews, video analysis, mathematical statistics, from the team style, age, height, weight, offensive and defensive aspects of analysis and comparison of four of China’s team competition with the opponent’s ability. The results show that: (1) the style of the Chinese team is a combination of speed, within the main, both inside and outside the combination of steady, strong teams in Europe and America there must be differences in style, not very good basketball and the world fusion development. (2) of the Chinese men’s basketball with the big world, the age structure of small players, is a team with huge potential. (3) in strong defense against the offensive team can not solve China’s problem is a good offense lost one of the most important reason; the number of China’s fast-break, break in the number of successful, fast-break points and the opponent has a high degree of difference significant difference (P <0.01); scoring focused on scoring the ball, scoring singles and scored three aspects of free throws. (4) 2 hours of shooting the ball with the opponent’s number of highly significant difference (P <0.01), the gap between the percentage of hits than the opponents do not, (P> 0.05), the Chinese team before the market rebounds, compared with their rivals while not There was a significant difference (P> 0.05), but the second attack on a much lower score than the opponent, with a high degree of difference between opponents was significant difference (P <0.01). (5) the number of Chinese Men’s Basketball and the free-throw percentage is higher than the opponent. (6) Chinese Men’s Basketball defense technology and strong compared with the world outside the control of long-range shooting ability, defensive ability to break through, get the ability to interrupt gap with their rivals obvious; after the market rebounds and fouls with no obvious gap between the rivals. Blocks the ability of China’s better than the opponent. (7) the capacity of the Chinese men’s basketball guard has a big gap with their rivals. (8) in the concept of team defense and individual defense capacity in the world there is a wide gap between the teams, especially the ability to assist in the defense and offensive ability and defensive opponent obvious gap.Competition from the entire process, mainly the lack of high-strength Chinese team against the ability to collectively combat against the Chinese team in the Olympics some of the problems exposed in light of today’s world men’s basketball competition of the development trends, made a number of proposals and views: (1) to maintain the pace of China’s combination of basketball, within the main internal and external integration, steady style, while Europe and the United States team to study, as soon as possible the development of the basketball world fusion. (2) improve the team environment in the fierce fight against the use of technical and tactical ability that we need to address the core issue. Men’s Basketball Team at the height of China has reached world-class level, but in this Olympic Games has shown weakness against the poor, to seize the future of basketball "against the" essential feature of training. (3) to emphasize the integrity of the team, the Chinese team now has the super center Yao Ming, but the tactical design to combine internal and external to internal and external balance, players can not develop "the eyes of passing only Yao Ming," the habit of Otherwise, the formation of weakness will affect the further development of the team. (4) to strengthen the guard ability. China’s men’s basketball guard position on the important lack of talent is the team’s "soft rib" is located. We have stressed the all-round development, to focus on individual skills and abilities, to encourage the personality development, sports materials also can not blindly pursue high. (5) optimization of training methods to strengthen the physical fitness training. Although the current national team to hire a special foreign coaches, but we can not blindly follow, should be based on personality characteristics of Asians and functional characteristics of specific training. On the other hand, the special physical training content, methods and means to maximize the project close to the characteristics of the basketball training and reduce training invalid. (6) to strengthen exchanges with the outside world and improve the level of the domestic league. On the current Chinese national team, in order to achieve good results in the future, the young, the team has the potential to put up a higher level of field training is necessary. From the long-term interests, the strengthening of international exchanges, and raise the league level, focus on the improvement of their own is fundamental.


