

【作者】 王西坤

【导师】 拜根兴;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 学术界关于各历史时期内密诏现象的专项研究基本处于空白阶段,本文在对唐代密诏事例做尽可能全面搜集的基础上,仅就这近三百年历史中的密诏特征问题进行了深入探讨。论文共分六个部分。第一章绪论中,主要就唐代密诏的概念、学界对此问题的研究现状以及论文的研究方法和思路问题予以了认真交待。第二章对安史之乱前的密诏特征进行考察。在对12则密诏事件一一考释之后,认为唐初密诏行用主要在军事战争领域,其后逐渐被使用于社会历史的其他场合。当然,伪密诏与真密诏相伴随成为这个时期密诏现象的最突出的特点之一。第三章对肃宗和代宗时期的密诏特征进行考察。在搜集到的7则密诏事例中,头三次密诏事件均以执行失败而结局,成为此时期密诏执行的鲜明特点。这与地方节度藩帅成为密诏主要行用对象的特点有关,与安史之乱后唐代地方对中央的离心力逐渐扩大密切相关,反映着历史主题的变化。本章论证出不将密诏予以泄露是密诏执行失败后密诏接受者与皇帝之间最大的默契所在。第四章对德宗时期的密诏特征进行考察。在对17例密诏事件分析后,认为密诏开始授予翰林学士以及用于向边境将帅传达策略谋划成为此时期密诏行用的新特点。此时期密诏主要的授予对象仍是地方藩帅及其属将,但授予地方藩帅的密诏内容多不再是重要的军事谋划,呈现出具体化和多样化特点。臣子接到密诏后上表进行辩护最终使皇帝收回成命也是德宗时期密诏事件的重要特征。第五章对顺宗至僖宗时期的密诏特征进行考察。在把30例密诏事件按照皇帝分布分成四个小节予以考释后认为,宦官成为密诏的接受并执行者是此时期密诏行用的突出特点,操纵密诏发布成为权宦盗用皇权的重要表现形式。武宗时期密诏频繁行用的现象颇为显著,密诏的保密性、及时性、强效性等诸多特点,在此时期成功应对内忧外患的过程中得到了淋漓尽致的行用,成功地推动了此一时期历史进程的发展。第六章对昭宗时期的密诏特征进行了考察。在对10则密诏事例考释分析后认为,密诏开始被公然拒绝执行是此时期密诏行用最重要的特点,唐代密诏行用随着皇权的没落而最终没落。

【Abstract】 The academic researches on secret imperial edict in each period of history is scanty. On the basis of collecting the case as can as possible, this paper just discussed secret imperial edict in the Tang Dynasty. The Paper is divided into six parts. The first chapter mainly discussed the concept of secret imperial edict, the academic research status and research methods and ideas.The second chapter discussed the secret imperial edict before AD755. There are 12 cases. In the early of Tang Dynasty, secret imperial edict mainly used in military field, then, it is used in other social occasions. Of course, the most feature in this period is that false secret imperial edict and true secret imperial edict are concomitant.The third chapter introduced the secret imperial edict during the period of SuZong and DaiZong. There are 7 cases. Three times in the head secret imperial edict events are to perform failure, become the exceptional characteristics of this period. It related to the historical themes which the centrifugal force is expanding between central and place. This chapter demonstrated the tacit understanding both receiver and the emperor that Secret imperial edict will not be leaked when it is failure.The fourth chapter described of secret imperial edict during the period of DeZong. After analysised 17 cases, secret imperial edict began awarded Hanlin academy scholar and border commanders became outstanding feature in this period. The object of secret imperial edict is no longer the important content of military strategy, and showing a specific characteristics and diversification. When the official receiving the secret imperial edict, he could make an opposition to the emperor, this is the important characteristics in the period.The fifth chapter discussed secret imperial edict between ShunZong and XiZong. 30 cases are divided into four parts. Eunuch became receiver and executor is outstanding features in the period. Manipulation Secret imperial edict is an important form of expression for theft official royal power. The characteristics of secret imperial edict, such as significant, timeliness and strong power, successfully promoted the development of history.The sixth chapter described the secret imperial edict in ZhaoZong. After the case of 10 Secret imperial edict are analyzed, we can see that secret imperial edict was refused declaredly became the most important characteristic of this period. The use of secret imperial edict was declining with theimperial power was declining.

【关键词】 密诏唐代特征
【Key words】 Secret Imperial EdictTang DynastyCharacter

