

【作者】 任小华

【导师】 邵英;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文题目中的“泰国汉语教学语境”包括两种情况,一种是中国汉语教师在泰国教汉语的语境,一种是泰国汉语教师在泰国教汉语的语境。本文研究的是第一种语境下的语码转换与语言选择。在泰国初级阶段的汉语教学环境下,由于中文教师和泰国学生双方的语言背景不同,师生之间的交流涉及汉英泰三种语言,所以说泰国初级阶段的汉语教学语境是一个汉英泰三语共存的语境。语码转换与语言选择现象在师生交流中非常普遍。本研究借鉴Verschueren的语言顺应论,有保留地继承于国栋所提出的语码转换中的顺应因素,深入考察泰国初级阶段汉语教学语境下师生交流中的语码转换与语言选择现象,对其进行分析研究,并在此基础上从语码转换与语言选择的角度给泰国汉语教学一些启示。本研究的创新之处有以下几点:其一,从语码转换与语言选择的视角看泰国初级阶段的汉语教学。其二,对于国栋先生所提出的语码转换中的顺应因素进行了扬弃,提出了符合在所研究的语境中进行语码转换时的顺应因素。其三,对汉英泰三语环境下师生语言选择的心理过程做了尝试性的描述与解读。全文共五章,主要涵盖以下内容:第一章绪论,交代了本论题的研究缘起,研究意义,相关领域的研究现状,本论题的研究价值,创新之处,拟采用的研究方法,以及与研究相关的术语和理论。第二章分别从师生在课堂教学交流和课外自然交流两方面,描述了师生语言中的语码转换与语言选择现象,以说明此现象在泰国初级阶段汉语教学语境下存在的普遍性以及对此进行研究的必要性。第三章和第四章从两方面考察了师生的语码转换与语言选择现象。第三章主要借鉴Verschueren的语言顺应论,有保留地继承了于国栋所提出的语码转换中的顺应因素,分析了师生进行语码转换与语言选择的原因。师生在课堂内外使用语码转换主要是为了顺应。教师进行语码转换是为了顺应师生双方的语言能力、教师自己的心理动机及语言表达习惯;学生进行语码转换是为了顺应师生双方的语言能力、学生自己的心理动机及语言表达习惯。即在语码转换中师生分别对三种因素进行了顺应。在所有的顺应因素中,无论是对于教师还是学生来说,顺应师生的语言能力是进行语码转换的最根本原因。第四章主要探讨师生的语言选择。一是通过对现象的进一步观察和对原因的进一步思索,尝试描述师生语码转换与语言选择模式,并根据模式解读师生语言选择的心理过程。二是通过再度审视语码转换与语言选择,笔者认为:其一,应该正确理解语码转换形式;其二,语码转换与语言选择的原因应归结为师生为了顺应自我和对方汉英泰相对水平;其三,表达的实质是一个心理预期的过程。第五章是在全文研究的基础上从辩证认识层面和实际操作层面给泰国汉语教学了一些启示,尤其是对中国汉语教师在泰国如何教汉语提供了一些参考性的建议。附录部分列出了一些有代表性的语码转换与语言选择现象,基于行文简洁的考虑这些例子未列入正文中。本文的研究,一方面是希望能对泰国汉语初级阶段教学语境下师生的语码转换与语言选择现象有更清晰的认识,另一方面是希望能对泰国汉语教学有一定的理论和实践指导价值,从而使泰国汉语教学水平得到提高。

【Abstract】 In Thai Chinese teaching environment there are two kinds of teaching: that Chinese teachers teach Thai students Chinese and that Thai teachers teach Thai students Chinese. In this paper we study the first context. Under the Thai Chinese teaching environment, the exchange between teachers and students involves in three languages, Chinese, English and Thai because of the language backgrounds in both sides. We may say that the Thai Chinese teaching environment is a tri-lingual environment in which Chinese, English and Thai coexist. Code-switching and language selection is a common phenomenon in exchanges between teachers and students. This research, based on Verschueren’ linguistic adaptation theory and Yu Guodong’ understanding of adapting factors in code-switching, carries out a detailed analysis on the phenomenon in Thai initial Chinese teaching stage and gives some advise to Chinese teaching in Thailand.There are three innovations in this paper. First, it studied Thailand Chinese teaching from the view of Code-switching and language selection. Second, it referred to adapting factors in code-switching proposed by Mr. Yu in a critical way and put forward the suitable adapting factors which comply with the context in this research. Third, it described and analyzed the psychological processes of the teachers and students during language selection.The content of this essay is as follows.Chapter I is an introduction, which gives an account of the origin of this study, the research significance, current studying situation, the research value, innovation, and research methods to be adopted, the relevant terminology and theories.Chapter II describes the code-switching and language selection phenomenon of teachers and students from their communication both inside class and outside class to show that this phenomenon exist universally in Thai initial stage’s Chinese teaching environment and it is necessary to study this phenomenon.Chapter III and the Chapter IV study the teachers’ and students’ code switching and language selection phenomenon respectively. Chapter III analyzed reasons why teachers and students carry on code switching and the language selection in their communication, based on Verschueren’s Linguistic Adaptation Theory and the adapting factors in code switching raised by Yu Guodong. The reason can be mainly explained as adaptation. To be specific, teachers want to adapt to the language ability of both sides, their own certain psychology motives as well as the language habits; students want to conform to the language competence of teachers and students, their own certain psychology motive as well as the language habits. That is to say, teachers and students adapt to three factors. However, in response to all factors, the students’ and teachers’ language ability is the most fundamental factor for both teachers and students. Thus it can be said that code-switching and language selection is a communication strategy adopted by teachers and students to realize a smooth exchange inside and outside the class due to students and teachers language ability.Chapter IV mainly discusses teachers’ and students’ language selection from the two aspects. First, through further observation of the phenomenon, it described the code-switching and language selection models, according to which analyzed the psychological processes of the teachers and students during language selecting. Second, by further examining the code-switching and language selection, the author proposed that code-switching form should be understood crectly; the code switching and language selection reason should sum up as to adapt to both teachers’ and students’ relative level of Chinese, English and Thai; the expression is a psychological anticipated process.Chapter V based on the research in this paper provided the referential suggestion to Thai Chinese teaching.Appendix is other representative examples of code-switching and language phenomenon, which are not listed in the main part in consideration of concise writing style.By doing this study, the author hope that the teacher and student’s language phenomenon can be clearly understood and the Thai Chinese teaching can get certain theoretical and practical value and get improved.


