

【作者】 樊慧荣

【导师】 陈瑛;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着外商直接投资(FDI)进入国民经济的大部分领域,其在我国经济中的地位不断提高,不仅解决了我国经济发展所需的资金问题,同时通过技术、管理外溢效应、产业结构升级效应、贸易创造效应和就业效应促进了我国经济持续、高质量的增长,但同时外商直接投资亦是一把双刃剑,外商直接投资来源地不同,对经济增长造成的影响也是不同的。在引进和利用外商直接投资的过程中,不能盲目引进。为了更好地使外商直接投资服务于我国经济的发展,如何吸引和利用外商直接投资并优化外商直接投资的来源地结构,成为令人关注的研究课题。近十几年来,西安市吸引外商直接投资的力度大大增强,投资来源地增多且数额逐年上升,外商直接投资在区域经济中的作用日益凸显。本文以西安市为例,对其外商直接投资的来源地结构进行了实证性研究,以期进一步优化西安市外商直接投资的来源地结构,提高投资质量,为政府决策、开发区建设提供积极的参考,并希望通过对西安市的研究,为西部其他城市提供借鉴。本文首先搭建起一个研究的基本概念框架,诠释了外商直接投资的内涵和方式,系统阐述了外商直接投资的动因理论及发展中国家利用外商直接投资的理论,并从经济地理学的视角剖析了外商直接投资与落后地区发展的关系。在此基础上,研究了西安市外商直接投资的现状及西安市吸引外商直接投资的基本优势,分析了西安市外商直接投资的业绩和潜力。之后,应用动态偏离——份额分析法(Dynamic shift-share analysis)对西安市外商直接投资的来源地结构进行了实证分析,结果表明,不同来源地的外商直接投资在西安市的竞争力呈现出差异状态。文章根据分析结果将来源地划分为成熟、崛起、兴旺、停滞四个市场,运用因子分析和回归分析方法就不同来源地的外商直接投资对西安市的经济效应进行了分析,并基于此为今后西安市合理的引进和利用外商直接投资提出了一系列有针对性的对策建议。研究主要得出以下结论:一、自1983年以来,西安市利用FDI的持续增长,对西安市经济发展做出了很大贡献。二、西安市在利用外商直接投资的业绩和吸引外商直接投资的潜力方面都有比较强的竞争力。三、不同来源地的外商直接投资在西安市的竞争力呈现出明显差异,且对西安市经济增长的影响不同。本文的创新之处在于:一、目前,关于外商直接投资来源地结构的研究基本采用定性描述的方法,将外商直接投资来源地粗略地的划分为港澳台和其他外商投资。本文基于美国经济学家丹尼尔·B·克雷默于1942年提出的偏离——份额法(Shift-share analysis)而改进的动态偏离——份额分析法(Dynamic shift-share analysis)对西安市外商直接投资的来源地进行了分类。二、应用因子分析和回归分析方法研究了不同来源地的外商直接投资对西安市经济发展的影响,并且对西安市的招商引资提出了一系列具有现实意义的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Foreign Direct Investment has risen continuously with the entry to the most fields of national economy. It has not only solved financial problems of economic development in our country, but also has promoted national economy sustainable and high-quality growth through technology and management spill-over effects, industrial structure updating effects, trade creation effects and employment effects, but at the same time Foreign Direct Investment is also a double-edged sword. When the regions of Foreign Direct Investment are different, the role is different, so Foreign Direct Investment can not bindly be introducted and used. In order to make Foreign Direct Investment serve the economic development of our counrty better, how to attract and use Foreign Direct Investment and how to optimize the region structure of Foreign Direct Investment is a research subject attracting increasing attention.In the last 10 years, the amount and regions of Foreign Direct Investment have increased greatly in Xi’an. It has played a more and more important role in the regional economy. Take Xi’an for an example, the paper makes an empirical study to the region structure of Foreign Direct Investment in order to further optimize it and promote investment quality. The study can provide a positive reference to the government decision-making and the building of development zones, hoping play a certain reference role to other west cities throngh the study of Xi’an.A concept framework for the whole study is outlined firstly. The connotation and ways of Foreign Direct Investment are introduced. Meanwhile, the motivation theory of Foreign Direct Investment and the applied theory in developing countries are described systematically. Then, the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and the development of backward areas are analyzed from the perspective of economic geography. On this basis, they are studied for the status quo of Foreign Direct Investment and the basic advantages attracting Foreign Direct Investment in Xi’an. At the same time, the performance and potential of Foreign Direct Investment in Xi’an are analyzed. Afterward, using dynamic shift-share analysis (DSSA), this paper makes empirical analysis to region structure of Foreign Direct Investment in Xi’an, showing that competitiveness of Foreign Direct Investment is different in different regions of Xi’an, and they are classified into the mature market, the rising market, the thriving market and the stagnant market. On this basis, targeted countermeasures and proposals are put forward for the future on how to attract and to use FDI better.Several conclusions are presented in this paper. They are as follows:Firstly, the amount of the Foreign Direct Investment has increased continuously in Xi’an. It has played a great role in the economic development in Xi’an.Secondly, the competitive of Xi’an is comparatively strong in the performance and attractive potential of Foreign Direct Investment.Thirdly, Different Foreign Direct Investment regions have different competitiveness in Xi’an, and they have played a different impact on economic growth of Xi’an.Some new ideas are brought from this paper:Firstly, at present, methods of qualitative description have constantly been applied to the research on the structure of the regions of foreign direct investment, by this method, the regions are roughly divided into Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan and the other Foreign Direct Investment region. Foreign Direct Investment regions in Xi’an are classified by dynamic shift-share analysis that is impoved on shift-share analysis. Shift-share analysis is proposed by American economist Daniel·B·Creamer.Secondly, it is researched for the impact of Foreign Direct Investment in different regions on economic development of Xi’an by factor analysis and regression analysis, meanwhile, a series of practical significance of the countermeasures and proposals are put forward for attracting Foreign Direct Investment.


