

【作者】 刘万霞

【导师】 廉振民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 蝽类(Pentatomoidea)是昆虫纲一个较大的类群,属于昆虫纲半翅目(Heimptera)异翅亚目(Heteroptera),其大多数为植食性种类,是重要的农林害虫,发生期危害种类多、数量大,常使农作物减产,有关蝽类昆虫的多样性研究得到了广泛的关注。北洛河流域地处陕北黄土高原,水土流失十分严重,近些年,该地区实行退耕还林,生态恢复成效很大,作者于2008年5月至9月期间,对北洛河流域的蝽类昆虫进行了调查研究,以期为该地区生物多样性保护、生态环境可持续发展和农业害虫防治提供一些基础资料。本文运用物种多度、种-多度模型、多样性指数、相似性系数、PCA、聚类及多元逐步回归等分析方法,对北洛河流域蝽类物种多样性的现状进行了研究,结果如下:1.调查共采集到蝽类昆虫标本3893号,隶属18科63属74种,17种为陕西省新记录种。其中,黾蝽科Gerridae 1属1种,负子蝽科Belostomatidae 1属1种,蝎蝽科Nepidae 1属1种,盾蝽科Scutelleridae 2属2种,蝽科Pentatomidae 20属24种,盾蝽科Stenocephalidae 1属1种,异蝽科Urostylidae 1属2种,同蝽科Acanthosomatidae 1属2种,盲蝽科Miridae 5属7种,猎蝽科Reduviidae 5属5种,缘蝽科Coreidae 14属15种,网蝽科Tingididae 1属1种,花蝽科Anthocoridae 1属1种,龟蝽科Plataspiddae 1属1种,长蝽科Lygaeidae 5属6种,红蝽科Pyrrhocoridae 1属1种,瘤蝽科Phymatidae 1属1种,土蝽科Cydnidae 1属1种。蝽科和缘蝽科的物种数量最多,占到总数的37.73%和24.35%,负子蝽科、蝎蝽科和狭蝽科的物种数量最少,不到0.1%,横纹菜蝽Eurydema gebleri Kolenati和褐伊缘蝽Aeschyntelus sparsus Blote的数量最多,在北洛河流域居于优势地位。统计还显示,北洛河流域蝽类单属种多达55属,占到总种数的75.34%。2.对不同月份、地点和生境的蝽类进行了数量和物种多度分析,不同月份数量排序为9月份>7~8月份>6月份>5月份;不同地点数量排序为富县>甘泉>志丹>洛川>黄陵>吴起;不同生境数量排序为灌草丛>农田道路>河滩草地>溪流。蝽类物种多度分析显示:各月份的优势种不同,且季节性共有种和特有种比较丰富,9月份特有种最多;不同地点中甘泉的物种数量最多且特有种最多;不同生境中,灌草丛的物种最丰富,数量最多,溪流的物种分布比较单一。3.对蝽类物种及不同月份、地点、生境的蝽类种—多度模型进行了拟合,分析结果显示,北洛河流域蝽类昆虫的分布基本上服从Preston对数正态分布,这反映了蝽类群落中富集种和特有种的数量都比较少,即处于中间状态的物种比较多,说明了该研究区域环境比较均质,适合多个蝽类物种共存。4.不同月份、地点、生境的多样性分析显示,(1)不同月份的H′和R的变化趋势一致,与月份增加呈正比,即9月份>7~8月份>6月份>5月份;Dm与H′和R的变化趋势恰好相反;Jsw是9月份>5月份>7~8月份>6月份。(2)不同地点H′的变化趋势是洛川>黄陵>甘泉>富县>吴起>志丹;R是甘泉>洛川>黄陵>富县>志丹>吴起;Dm是吴起>富县>甘泉>志丹>黄陵>洛川;Jsw是洛川>黄陵>吴起>富县>甘泉>志丹。(3)不同生境的H′的变化趋势是农田道路>灌草丛>河滩草地>溪流;R是灌草丛>农田道路>河滩草地>溪流;Dm与H′的变化趋势恰好相反,即溪流优势度最高为0.9709,而农田道路的优势度最低;Jsw是农田道路>河滩草地>灌草丛>溪流,溪流的物种多样性和丰富度最低,其优势度最高,物种分布及不均匀。5.对不同月份、地点和生境的蝽类物种分布进行了相似性及聚类分析,结果表明:(1)各月份之间的相似性均极显著(P<0.01),6月份与7~8月份的相似性最高,5月份与6月份的相似性最低;(2)吴起和富县的相似性显著(0.01<P<0.05),其他各县之间的蝽类物种相似性均为极显著(P<0.01);志丹和甘泉的相似性最高。(3)农田道路、灌草丛、河滩草地三种生境之间的蝽类物种分布相似性都为极显著(P<0.01),其中灌草丛与河滩草地的相似性系最高,而溪流与其他三种生境的相似性不显著(P>0.05),且都呈负相关。6.采用主成分分析(PCA)对不同地点的气候因素与蝽类物种进行了分析,结果表明:不同地点气候因素和蝽类物种的主成分累计方差贡献率分别达到了94.820%和90.477%,占取了绝大多部分信息量,可以代表北洛河流域不同地点的整个气候和物种特征。此外,还列出了各个气候因素和蝽类物种因子的载荷矩阵,主成分分析结果比较理想。7.对气候因素和蝽类物种进行了多元逐步回归分析,结果显示:入选回归方程的气候因素有5个,其中5~9月份平均气温、极端最高温和5~9最低降水量这三个因素是本实验蝽类昆虫物种数量和多样性的主要阻碍因素。而5~9月份最高温、5~9月份最低温、年平均日照时数这三个因素则对蝽类昆虫的物种数量、多样性、优势度和均匀性有较大的影响。

【Abstract】 Pentatomidae is a large group of Insecta.They belong to Hemiptera-Heteroptera.Majority of Pentatomidae are herbivorous species,and most of them are pests in Agriculture and Forestry.In the occurrence period,there are many varieties of the Pentatomidae which decrease crop production.So, the diversity of Pentatomidae has aroused widespread attention.The North Luo River basin is located in the Loess Plateau of the Northern Shaanxi Province,which is one of the most serious soil erosion areas in our country.In recent years,the effect of Grain for Green Program in this area is tremendous.The author had research the diversity of Pentatomidae species in the Northern Luo River basin during May to September in 2008 to provide some basic information for biodiversity conservation,the ecological enviromnent for sustainable development and the control of agricultural pest in this region.This paper has investigated the diversity of Pentatomidae species in the Northern Luo River basin using species abundance,species-abundance model,diversity index,similarity coefficient,PCA,clustering and stepwise regression analysis methods.The results are as follows:1.This investigation has collected 3893 Pentatomidae specimens which subject to 18 families, 63 genera and 74 species.And 17 species were first recorded in Shaanxi Province.Among them,1 genera and 1 species of Gerridae,1 genera and 1 species of Belostomatidae,1 genera and 1 species of Nepidae,2 genera and 2 species of Scutelleridae,20 genera and 24 species of Pentatomidae,1 genera and 1 species of Stenocephalidae,1 genera and 2 species of Urostylidae,1 genera and 2 species of Acanthosomatidae,5 genera and 7 species of Miridae,5 genera and 5 species of Reduviidae,14 genera and 15 species of Coreidae,1 genera and 1 species of Tingididae,1 genera and 1 species of Anthocoridae,1 genera and 1 species of Plataspiddae,5 genera and 6 species of Lygaeidae,1 genera and 1 species of Pyrrhocoridae,1 genera and 1 species of Phymatidae,1 genera and 1 species of Cydnidae.The number of Pentatomidae and Coreidae species is the largest,which occupies 37.73%and 24.35%respectively.The number of Belostomatidae,Nepidae and Stenocephalidae is the lowest,which occupies less than 0.1%.The number of Eurydema gebleri Kolenati and Aeschyntelus sparsus Blote species are the most and Living in an advantageous position in North Luo River basin.In addition,the number of single-genera species of Pentatomidae reached to 55 genera and accounted for 75.34%in the North Luo River Basin.2.Analyzing the number-abundance and species-abundance of Pentatomidae species in different months,sits and habitats.The results show that:The ordination of the number in different months is September>July~August>June>May;the ordination of the number in different sites is Fuxian>Ganquan>Zhidan>Luochuan>Huangling>Wuqi.The ordination of the number in different habitats is shrub bushes>farmland roads>flood grassland>streams.The abundance analysis of pentatomidae species shows that the dominant species in different months are different. The seasonal endemic species and common species are rich.And the endemic species are very rich in September.Among the different sits.the number of Pentatomidae species and the endemic species in Ganquan is the largest.Among the different habitats,the Pentatomidae species in the shrub bushes is the most abundant and the number is the largest,while the species distribution in streams is very single.3.Fitting the species-abundance model of different months,sites and habitats.The results show that all accord with Preston’s lognormal distribution.The Pentatomidae’s dominant and rare species are fewer,and the species in the intermediate state are rich in the North Luo River basin,these explained that this region environment is isotropic and many kinds of multiple species coexist.4.The results of species diversity index analysis in different months,sites and habitats are as follows:(1) the change trend of H’ accord with R in different month,and the tendency is direct ratio with a month increase,that is to say,September>July~August>June>May;Dm,H’ and R are just the opposite trend;Jsw is September>May>July~August>June.(2) The trend of H’ in different locations is Luochuan>Huangling>Ganquan>Fuxian>Wuqi>Zhidan;R is Ganquan>Luochuan>Huangling>Fuxian>Zhidan>Wuqi;Dm is Wuqi>Fuxian>Ganquan>Zhidan>Huangling>Luochuan;Jsw is Luochuan>Huangling>Wuqi>Fuxian>Ganquan>Zhidan.(3) The trend of H’ in different habitats is farmland roads>shrub bushes>flood grassland>streams;R is shrub bushes>farmland roads>flood grassland>streams.The trend of Dm and H’ is just opposite,and the dominance of streams is the highest,which reaches to 0.9709.While the dominance of farmland road is the lowest;Jsw is farmland roads>flood grassland>shrub bushes>streams.The species diversity and abundance of streams are the lowest.And its species-dominance is the highest.But the distribution of species is uniformity.5.The similarity and clustering analysis to the distribution of Pentatomidae species in different months,sites and habitats shows that:(1) the similarity between different months is extremely significant(P<0.01),and the similarity between June and July~August is the highest,while May and June is the lowest;(2) The similarity between Wuqi and Fuxian is significant(0.01<P<0.05), and the similarity between other counties is extremely significantly(P<0.01).Zhidan and Ganquan is the highest;(3) The similarity of farm roads,shrub bushes and flood grassland is extremely significantly(P<0.01),among them,the similarity between shrub bushes and flood grassland is the highest,while streams and other three habitats is not significant(P>0.05).and all shows negatively correlation.6.This thesis analyzed the climatic factors of different sites and Pentatomidae species using principal component analysis(PCA).The results show that the cumulative percent of principal components of climate factors and Pentatomidae species in different sites reach respectively 94.820%and 90.477%,which also occupies mass information and may represent the characteristics of the whole species and climate in this ear.In addition,we list the factor loading matrix of the climatic factors and Pentatomidae species,and the principal component analysis results are very ideal.7.The results of stepwise regression to climate factors and Pentatomidae species show that there are five climate factors of the regression equation.Among them,three factors including the average temperature from May to September,the extreme maximum temperature and the minimum precipitation from May to September are the main obstacles factors that impact on the number and diversity of Pentatomidae species.And another three factors including the highest temperature of May to September,the lowest precipitation of May to September and average annual sunshine hours have a great impact on the numbers,diversity,dominance and evenness of Pentatomidae species.


