

Analyze and Appraise the Traffic Engineering Facility System of the Expressway

【作者】 曹永军

【导师】 王建军;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 高速公路交通工程设施系统与高速公路的行车安全、通行能力、服务水平、交通运营管理、投资效益等有着直接密切的关系,是高速公路道路主体工程的有机组成部分。本文通过对甘肃省高速公路交通安全设施系统现状的总体分析,详细论述所研究路段安全设施存在的问题,从高速公路交通安全设施设计规范和应用发展着手,对高速公路交通安全设施系统进行优化改善研究。通过对国内外正在研究或者已经实施的高速公路管理设施系统进行深入研究的基础上,详细分析了管理设施系统各子系统,以系统发展的角度为出发点,对其进行了整体性优化。在综合考虑影响高速公路交通工程设施系统的各方面因素后,建立了高速公路交通工程设施系统的评价指标体系。为了在指标权重的计算中有所突破,本文提出了利用模糊数量化理论Ⅲ求权重的方法,并且总结出适用于高速公路交通工程设施系统的综合评价方法——基于物元模型的高速公路交通工程设施系统综合评价方法。

【Abstract】 The traffic engineering facility system of the expressway and traffic safety,traffic capacity , service level , traffic operation and management , investment benefit ,etc. have directly close relations. It is the organic component of the road major project of the expressway . This text analysis the current situation of freeway traffic safety facilities system in Gansu Province, describe the safety facilities system existing problems in detail, from the design specification and development of traffic safety facilities system, optimize improving the freeway traffic safety facilities system. Thorough researching domestic and foreign the highway electromechanical system, taking the system development angle as the starting point, have carried on the optimization of globality to it. After Considering the freeway traffic safety facilities system synthetically, set up the evaluation index system of the traffic safety facilities system . In order to break through to some extent in the calculation of the index weight, this text has put forward the method of utilizing the fuzzy quantity theory to ask the question, and summarize the comprehensive appraisal method suitable for the traffic engineering facility system of the expressway -On the basis of matter element model of expressway traffic engineering facility system comprehensive appraisal method of model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期

