

The Characteristics of Active Faults and Their Hazards on the Highway Engineering in Qinghai Province

【作者】 周保

【导师】 彭建兵;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 青海省位于中国西部,青藏高原东北部。新构造运动活跃,晚更新世以来的活动断裂带就有24条之多,断裂带展布的优势方向以NW及NWW向为主。省内断裂的形成、发展、演化与印度板块NNE方向的水平推挤致使青藏高原的隆升密切相关。由于青海中东部及东北部地区发育的北北西—近南北向断裂带右旋走滑的阻扰,使得省内物质向东挤出量,青南高原要大于中、北部地区。且东昆仑以南断裂带的总体活动性要强于青海省中部及北部地区。青海省活动断裂带的总体特征是分布密度大、活动性强。断裂带的活动对省内公路工程设施产生了严重的危害。主要表现为对公路路基、路面和边坡的危害。多产生路基开裂、沉降变形,路面裂缝、下凹坑及鼓包破坏发育,路堑边坡开裂等危害现象。断裂的活动又可诱发多种次生灾害。深切河谷的断裂、山麓断裂的活动极易引发崩塌、滑坡等次生灾害,导致高路堤整体滑落,路堑边坡岩土体松散化;断裂的走滑运动又可导致河流的拐弯,使河流对公路路堤的侧蚀作用加大,从而引发路基失稳滑移,路基、路面整体滑塌等现象;在高寒气候环境条件下断裂活动又可产生不均匀冻胀、移动冰丘等引发的公路工程灾害问题。青海省公路工程面临着严重的活动断层威胁。

【Abstract】 Qinghai Province is located west China, northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plain.Neotectonic movement is active, since the epipleistocene active fault zone has had 24 to be many, the predominant direction of fault zone by NW and NWW to primarily. The fault in the formation, development, Evolution and NNE direction of the Indian plate pushing the level of causing uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plain are closely related. As the Qinghai center-eastern and north-eastern parts of the growth of north-south and north nearly to the right-lateral strike-slip fault zone obstacles, making the province to eastwards escaping of the matters southern Qinghai plateau is greater, middle and the northern region. Also the overall activity in the south of The East Kunlun Fault zone was stronger than the middle and northern regions in Qinghai Province.The Qinghai Province activity fault zone is characterized the overall distribution of density and strong activity. The activities of the fault zone within the highway engineering facilities have a serious hazard. Show the damage being to the highway roadbed , road surface and side slope mainly. Have more roadbed cracking、settlement, the road cracks and pits under the bulge undermine development, cutting slope cracking hazards and so on.Fault activity can induce multi-secondary disasters. The activities of the incised valley fault and the piedmont fault are easy to induce multi- secondary disasters just like collapse and landslide etc, which causes the high embankment slide wholly and the rock-soil of the cutting slope loosen; Strike-slip movement of fault can also lead to the river turning and the river lateral erode action to the embankment strengthening, which induces the phenomena of embankment sliding and embankment & pavement sliding wholly etc; Under the condition of alpine climate environment, the fault activity can also produce engineering disasters induced by uneven frost heaving and moving pingos etc.The highway engineering is facing serious active fault threat in Qinghai province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

