

Study on Highway Typical Hazards Preventing and Curing Technology in Gansu High Cold Wet Zone

【作者】 付清华

【导师】 陈华鑫;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 甘肃省甘南藏族自治州及其周边的高寒阴湿区,具有海拔高,气候寒冷,降水丰富,地下水位较高,水源充足,河流发达等独特的地理位置及环境气候特点。该地区已有公路技术等级低,修建质量差,路基窄,弯道半径小,路基边坡不稳定,抗御自然灾害的能力弱,且大部分公路处于山岭重丘区,山高、沟深、坡陡,加之沿线气候恶劣,冬春冰冻、雪灾,夏季水毁灾害较为频繁,道路的服务水平很不适应经济发展的需要。论文从高寒阴湿地区公路状况调查入手,总结出公路翻浆、泥石流灾害及路面裂缝等普遍发育的病害为该地区公路典型病害,并通过实地调研,分析区域气候条件、水文地质特征和公路病害程度等,研究该地区公路典型病害的发生机理,详细介绍该地区公路病害处治的技术措施和适合该地区公路的设计要求,以期能对该地区公路建设和公路养护提供指导。论文依据甘肃高寒阴湿地区的地理位置及气候特点,对公路翻浆、泥石流及路面裂缝等典型病害的类型分布及成因进行分析总结,提出高寒阴湿地区的路基设计及养护应充分考虑路基的防冻、防渗,建立以防、引、降为主、以排、堵、换为辅有效的排水系统是防治病害的关键。高寒阴湿地区特殊的气候条件下,填隙碎石垫层和石灰土结构层是防治路基冻胀翻浆的有效技术措施。高寒阴湿地区半刚性路面的横向裂缝绝大部分是温度裂缝,采用针入度较大、粘度较低的沥青及在造价许可的情况下,适当增加沥青面层厚度,或者在半刚性基层和沥青层之间设置级配碎石过渡层,可减少半刚性基层开裂与温缩裂缝的综合作用。

【Abstract】 Gannan self-government state and circumjacent borough lies in southern of Gansu province, where the climates was high, cold and dankness, abundance precipitation and amplitude riverhead, high water table, and so on. Roads in these regions are in low grade, bad conditions, narrow roadbed,and small curve radius. Most of these roads are located on the mountain range with unsteady side slopes, infirm ability to resist naturalness disasters, together with frequently calamity, frost and snow in winter and spring, water destroy in the summer, its serving level did not adapt to the economy development.This research based on the investigating on the spot, summarizing the frost boiling, mud avalanche hazards and pavement cracking as road type diseases, analyzing the region climate and road diseases degree, study on the model diseases happen mechanism, introducing on the punish skills and agreement road design requests in particular, in order to offer guidance to roads building and maintaining in these regions.This paper according to the geography place and climate points, sums up types , and cause of formation distributing to frost boiling, mud avalanche hazards and pavement cracking , brings forward that this region roads designing and maintaining must consider prevent bed from frostbite and seep, set up effective drainage system. In the high cold wet zone, using fill gap macadam bed course or lime stabilized soil base course can prevent mud boil availably. Preventing roads from water damage and artificial complications, and fathering roads hazards with colligate measures. In the high cold and dankness regions, half rigidity pavement landscape orientation crack mostly was temperature crack, using the asphalt with greatness penetration and low viscosity in the permissive cost instance, adding the asphalt surface thickness propriety, or establish graded aggregate macadam transition layer, which can integrate father the self rigidity road bed crack and temperature crack.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期

