

School Culture-Building and Principal Role under Multi-Cultural Enviroments

【作者】 聂燕

【导师】 徐书业;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 民族学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 多元文化的交流与融合,文化更新转型的日益加快,是当今世界发展变化的一个重大现实和必然趋势。在当代多元文化的社会背景下,民族地区的学校文化建设面临着进入现代化进程和保存民族个性的双重任务。这不仅给民族地区的学校文化注入了鲜明的时代特点,也给其建设带来了难题。一方面多元文化为学校文化建设提供了新的视野,拓展了学校文化的发展空间;另一方面多元文化带来的各种文化思潮严重地冲击了人们原有的价值观念,使学校文化在建设中增加了取舍不同文化价值观的难度。本论文所做的是一个个案研究,着重探讨民族地区中学学校文化建设与校长角色之间的关系。通过分析多元文化思潮在对我国民族地区中学学校文化建设带来冲击与影响下,作为学校领头羊的校长是如何准确的把握多重角色,在复杂的文化生态环境中创造出特色的学校文化的过程。以此从中提炼出具有普遍意义上的经验和规律,使其能具有一定的普适性。并对多元文化视域中的民族地区中学学校文化建设的顺利进行提出一些策略和解决办法。

【Abstract】 Multi-cultural exchange and integration, cultural transformation are more and more rapid update, which already become the major reality and inevitable trend in the modern age. Under this situation, ethnic minority area’s school cultural reconstruction have twofold task in entering the modernization process and keep the preserved nationality individuality. This two task gives distinct cultural characteristics to the schools in minority areas, but also brought problems in the construction. On the one hand multiculturalism provide a new vision for the school culture in the construction of school culture process and also expand the development space; on the other hand, various cultural ideas brought by multiculturalism are greatly impact to people’s original values, which greatly increase the difficulty in the construction of school culture and trade-offs in different cultural values. This paper just made a case study, main focused on the relationship between cultural construction in minority areas’primary and the principals. Though the analysis the influence of impact to multi-cultural area of our national cultural construction of secondary schools. As the school leader how to accurately grasp the multiple roles, create a school culture in this complex ecological environment is what we want talk about in this paper. And this can be the universal laws of experience and to enable them to have a certain universality. So that we can have some strategies and solutions for ethnic minority areas in the context of the cultural construction of secondary schools under multiculturalism background.


