

Study of the Laws of Parameters of Rock Strata Movement on Datun Mining Area

【作者】 任丽艳

【导师】 成枢;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国建(构)筑物下压煤量巨大,地下煤炭的采出,使岩体的原始力学平衡状态受到破坏,上覆岩层产生移动与变形。当开采面积达到一定范围后,移动与变形将扩展到地表,使地表发生移动和变形,形成开采沉陷问题。为最大限度地减少由于开采沉陷而造成的损失,并能够对开采过程中将会出现的沉陷状况有一个正确的预测,必须掌握地表与覆岩受采动影响的移动和变形规律。本文以大屯矿区现有的姚桥煤矿、徐庄煤矿、孔庄煤矿、龙东煤矿4对生产矿井的主要地表移动变形观测站的观测资料为基础,分析整理了历年来地表移动变形观测资料和观测站相关地质采矿技术条件,应用岩层与地表移动变形的模型识别和参数识别的先进理论和方法,结合现今广泛应用的概率积分法原理,求取矿区具体地质采矿技术条件下开采引起的岩层与地表移动变形参数(包括计算参数、角值参数),并绘制各种移动变形曲线图,为研究开采沉陷预测及控制提供直观可靠的技术依据。同时,应用现代技术手段分析了开采沉陷规律,以所求得的参数作为样本空间,利用回归分析方法,结合MATLAB这一强大的数值计算软件为平台,研究矿区开采引起的岩移参数与具体地质采矿条件数据之间的关系,通过统计分析、曲线拟合,建立回归方程并对方程的可靠性进行检验,系统地给出了不同开采深度和不同开采方法的岩移参数规律。为矿区生产及类似地质采矿条件下岩移参数求取等提供依据。

【Abstract】 There are huge coals under the building or construct in China. The original mechanical balance of the rock strata is broken due to mining, with rock strata moving and deforming. When the mining area is up to a certain range, movement and deformation will be extended to the ground surface, which is called the subsidence due to mining. In order to minimize the loss, and make a correct for the status during, the laws of movement and deformation of ground and rock strata must be mastered.This paper was based on the observational data of mining subsidence of Yaoqiao, Xuzhuang, kongzhuang, Longdong coal mine on Datun mining area, and the observational data and geological condition of the observatory were analyzed and collated. By using advanced theory and method of ground movement models and parameters identification and principle of probability-integral method, the parameters of the rock strata and surface movement in condition of the special geological mining were determined and the curve map of the deformation were protracted in this paper. The map can be the basis for mining subsidence forecasting and controlling.The laws of subsidence due to mining was analyzed by means of modern technology, using the method of regression analysis and MATLAB software, the formula were set up based on studying relations between parameters of rock strata and surface movement due to mining and geological condition at different mining depths and methods. The dependability of the formula has been verified, and it can provide the basis for the generation of mining and the similar conditions.


