

Study on Surrouding Rock Control of Dismantling Tunnel in Fully-Mechanized Working Face

【作者】 万镇

【导师】 吴士良;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 厚煤层大采高综采高产高效工作面,推进速度快,采掘接替压力大,工作面搬家倒面频繁,传统施工方法已不能满足其快速回撤的要求。预掘设备撤出巷作为回撤通道解决了这个难题,回撤通道位于停采线附近,布置在煤层中,并平行于工作面。昌汉沟煤矿煤层顶底板岩体强度低,在经受掘进和采动影响的双重作用下,回撤通道围岩破坏严重,维护困难,稳定性差,影响综采设备的快速回撤。因此,对回撤通道围岩控制进行全面系统的研究,是保证工作面快速搬家和正常生产的关键所在。本文综合运用理论研究、数值模拟和现场实测的方法,对工作面末采期覆岩运动规律进行了分析,提出了工作面停采时回撤区可能存在的三种顶板结构,现场实测表明,工作面贯通回撤通道时,老顶岩梁在停采线后方断裂,此时,顶板处于相对稳定阶段,巷道顶板承受上覆岩层静载荷作用。根据FLAC3D数值分析软件模拟和巷道项板运动现场监测,确定工作面距回撤通道约10~9m时,采动对巷道产生明显影响,工作面距回撤通道约3.6m时,动压影响最为剧烈,并确定巷道顶板和正帮是围岩破坏的主要控制部位。通过现场实测支架阻力,并采用理论公式估算出直接顶和老顶厚度,进而推导回撤通道顶板控制所需支架的支护阻力,针对原支护方案存在问题和不足,结合顶板结构特征,进行巷道支护优化设计。选取高阻力的液压支架支撑顶板,注马丽散提高顶板岩体强度,采用具有可切割性的玻璃钢锚杆支护巷道正帮,锚索补强支护负帮,底板铺设混凝土。数值分析比较表明,针对巷道围岩主控部位提出的主动支护和被动支护相结合的支护方案是可行的,能有效控制围岩变形,实现设备的快速安全回撤。

【Abstract】 The large mining height fully-mechanized working face in special thick coal seam is high-outputs and high-efficiency mining face, it is serious for the pressure between coal mining and driving, and the velocity of advancing is fast, and frequent for movement of combined driving working face, the traditional technology can’t achieve the aim that face withdraws quickly and safely. It is a good measure to solve the difficulty that driving equipment withdrawing roadway as dismantling tunnel. The tunnel is laid out near terminal line, paralleling to working face, and often lying in coal seam. The surrounding rock intensity of coal seam of is weak in Changhangou mine, Since affected by mining strongly during driving and serving, the surrounding rock of roadway broken severely, and it is difficult for the roadway to be supported and stabilized, and making the equipment removing slow. So it is key for the equipment removing quickly to study comprehensive and systemic on surrounding rock control of the dismantling tunnel.Theory study, numerical simulation and actual measurement were combined applied in this paper. The overburden moving law was analyzed at the end mining of working face, have suggested that three kinds of roof structure in the area of equipment removing when working face stopped mining, this indicate that the main roof broken behind the terminal line when working face cut through the dismantling tunnel, at this time, the roof is in the relatively stable stage, and the roof of roadway bears overburden steady loading. According to analysis of numerical simulation and actual measurement, determined that mining effected roadway obviously with the distance 10~9m between working face and dismantling tunnel, the influence of dynamic pressure is most intensive when the distance is 3.6m, and the primary control area is roof and main side of the roadway. The thickness of immediate roof and main roof were estimated by theory equation, and then deduced the support load needed by roof control, the support of roadway was designed for the problem and shortage of original support combining the roof structure. Powered support of high working resistance poling roof, improving rock intensity by filling Malisan, glass reinforced plastic bolt that may be cut was used to support the main side of roadway, and concrete was laid on the floor. Comparison of numerical simulation indicate that the support scheme combined active and passive support for the major control area is feasible, and deformation of surrounding rock can be controlled effectively, and equipment can be removed quickly and safely.


