

Study on Stress Distribution of Floor after Mining and Extraction Roadway Arrangement for Close Multiple Coal Seams

【作者】 张学斌

【导师】 樊克恭;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 采矿工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过理论分析、数值模拟等方法对近距离煤层群采动后底板应力分布及回采巷道布置方式进行了研究。采用理论分析方法,对近距离煤层煤柱稳定性进行了分析,确定了塑性煤柱临界宽度;通过理论计算得到了在不同宽度的煤柱均布载荷作用下底板岩层不同水平截面处的应力分布曲线,得到煤柱均布载荷在底板煤岩层中按一定的规律扩散和衰减的规律。采用FLAC3D数值模拟方法对煤柱(体)在不同埋深和不同宽度条件下底板岩层应力分布规律进行了数值模拟研究,得出了煤柱在底板岩层上的应力传递影响角和应力最大集中系数基本不随煤层埋藏深度变化而变化的规律,并确定了不同宽度的煤柱及一侧采空煤体在底板岩层不同水平截面处的应力传递影响角。采用理论分析和数值模拟相结合的方法,对近距离煤层群回采巷道的布置方式进行了研究,确定了沿空掘巷窄小煤柱宽度以及在不同条件下的下部煤层回采巷道的合理位置,从而得到发耳煤矿近距离煤层群回采巷道布置方式。通过现场应用,本文所研究的结论能够较好的指导实际生产。

【Abstract】 The panel entry arrangement of close multiple coal seams is studied through theoretical analysis, numerical simulation methods. Analyses the coal pillar’s stability of the close multiple coal seams, confirms the width of coal pillar, and got the concentrated stress’ distribution curve of several width’s coal pillar at different section in the floor terrane through theoretical numeration, and the uniformity stress of coal pillar is diffused and attenuated according to an definite pattern. The stress distribution pattern in the floor terrane of the coal pillar with different embedding depth and width through the method of FLAC3D numerical simulation, the pattern about the transfer affection angle of stress and the modulus of stress concentration didn’t change with the embedding depth of coal seam is got , and then the transfer affection angle of stress of different width’s coal pillar at different section in the floor terrane. The panel entry arrangement of close multiple coal seams is studied though the method of combining theoretical analysis with numerical simulation, and the digging arrangement of the panel entry is adapted to use at the existing production, and confirm the width of the coal pillar about the gob-side entry driving and the interspace position relation of the panel entry of coal seams at different width’s coal pillar, and then the extraction roadway arrangement of close multiple coal seams of faer coal mine is got. Finally the panel roadway arrangement which brought forward by this article is validated feasible though the method of fact- observation.


