

Study on Legal Questions of Soil Contamination of Agriculture Field in China

【作者】 刘明远

【导师】 徐增阳;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 农地土壤是人类赖以生存和生活的重要环境因素。随着工业化的发展、城市化进程的加快,我国农地土壤污染不断加剧,在一定程度上制约了我国经济的可持续发展。而我国在农地土壤污染防治方面没有专门法律、法规,只有在《环境保护法》等法律中有些零散规定,防治农地土壤污染的法律基本上是一项空白,缺乏系统的、可操作性的具体法律制度。结合我国农地土壤污染的实际以及借鉴国外防治农地土壤污染的先进经验,完善我国农地土壤污染的立法工作具有十分重要的现实意义。目前,学界对于农地土壤污染缺乏系统性的理论研究,不能适应当前我国保护农地土壤工作的需要。本文采取历史分析、比较研究、语义分析等方法,试图对我国农地土壤污染立法进行初浅的探讨,也是本文写作之主旨。本文共分四个部分:第一部分阐述了农地土壤污染的定义、途径和危害,指出对农地土壤保护的重要性。第二部分分析了我国现行有关农地土壤污染的法律规定及其缺失,提出了农地土壤污染防治的必要性和可行性。第三部分简要介绍了美国、欧盟、日本等环保先进国家农地土壤污染的立法现状,为我国寻求可供借鉴的经验。第四部分首先分析了完善我国农地土壤污染应遵循的原则,然后提出了一些农地土壤污染具体法律制度的建议。综上所述,为了使农地土壤污染有法可依,结合可持续发展战略,用清洁生产、循环经济的思想指导我国农地土壤污染防治,我国应尽快制定《农地土壤污染防治法》。

【Abstract】 The soil is the humanity livelihood and the life important environment. Along with the industrialization development , urbanized advancement thorough , our country soil environmental pollution intensifies unceasingly. At present, the soil ecological environment safe has become our country sustainable development the restriction factor. No act or regulations have yet been enacted in China for soil contamination. Rather, only some relevant provisions scatter in the Environmental Protection Act of the PRC, which indicates that a gap exists in legislation for preventing and controlling soil contamination and we badly need a systematic and operative statutory framework. This paper describes the status of soil pollution in China, and then, analyzes its presents framework on soil pollution liability referencing soil pollution control law of foreign countries. It is of great practical significance to improvement of farming soil pollution of the legislative work.At present, the lack of systemic theoretical research fails to meet the needs of China’s practice. This article is to discuss the soil pollution of agriculture field of environmental law from historical, comparative and semantic perspectives. It is also the thrust of this writing.It consists four parts:Part 1 is about the definition, the Ways and the harm of soil pollution of agriculture field; And then, it is to discuss the importance of Environmental Protection.Part 2 is an introduction of the current laws about soil pollution of agriculture field prevention and control and its perfect in our country; and then, it provides an analysis of necessary and feasibility about soil pollution of agriculture field in legal system.Part 3 is an introduction of the legislative situation of soil pollution of agriculture field in American, European Union and Japan. It provides valuable experience for China.Part 4 is some principles should be abided by and design of the concretes of soil pollution of agriculture field of China’s legal system.To sum up, Therefore, it is necessary to study on the laws of soil pollution of agriculture field. Within the context of sustainable development strategies, with cleaner production, recycling economy to guide the prevention of soil pollution of agriculture field, as soon as possible we should be enacted a law of--"soil pollution of agriculture field prevention and control".


