

Study of Heat and Moisture Exchange Mechanism Using Shallow Palisades to Precool Intake Air

【作者】 谢方静

【导师】 孔祥强;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 流体机械及工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着矿井开采深度的增加和采掘机械化程度的不断提高,深井高温热害已经成为制约地下矿山安全生产的重大问题之一,井下高温环境严重地威胁着矿井的安全生产和矿工的身心健康,而且还降低了工人的劳动生产率、影响矿山企业的经济效益。因此调节和改善矿井气候条件开展井下降温研究已成为矿井安全生产中的一个重要课题。本文较为详细地介绍了包括通风降温、人工制冷降温、低温岩层预冷、个体防护等矿井降温的诸多措施。总结了国内外在井下风流热湿交换理论方面的研究现状和发展水平,分析了有关理论上存在的问题。根据风流与井巷岩壁之间热湿交换原理,导出了适应面较宽的热湿交换模型,既描述了风流在同一水平状态下流动时与巷道壁的热湿交换,又描述了风流竖直和倾斜流动时与井巷岩壁的热湿交换过程。利用自主研制的温度测试装置测定出原始岩温和巷道壁面的实际温度,获得了金洲矿业集团金青顶矿区的地温分布规律,经过浅层废弃井巷预冷后的入风流,到达井下工作面入风流温度保持在27℃以下。结合矿山实际情况,利用低温岩层的自然能量(蓄冷量)预冷矿井入风流,实现了对矿井入风流降温的目的。本文着重从井下入风流的温度和湿度两种主要参数变化规律研究了矿内的热湿环境,绘制出温度和湿度的特性曲线,分析了影响井下热环境的主要因素。针对金洲矿业集团金青顶矿区矿井通风系统具体情况设计出了用于入风流预冷的废旧井巷预冷系统,利用所建立的热湿交换模型开展了井下入风流低温岩层预冷降温的应用研究,获得了较好的预冷效果。

【Abstract】 As mining depth and degree of excavation mechanization increase, mine high-temperature hazards have been one of the problems that restrict the mine production security. As the result of high-temperature hazards, the environment of high temperature and humidity inside mines not only causes danger for the physical health of the miners, safety and production risk, but also reduces the labor productivity of the workers and affects the economic benefit of mines. Therefore regulating and improving the weather conditions have become an important topic of the mine safe production.This paper also present a detailed description of many deep well cooling measures, including ventilation cooling, artificial refrigeration cooling, and individual protection. The domestic and international research status and development level on the air temperature prediction theory and analyzes some problems surviving in this area are summed up. According to heat or moisture conversion principle, the heat or moisture exchange prediction model between tunnel and airflow is derived, and then the heat or moisture exchange model between tunnel and airflow is established when the airflow flows vertically and decliningly.To use manufacturing temperature measuring device, original rock temperature and rock-wall temperature are measured and the distributing disciplination of Jinqingding mining area are acquired in Jinzhou Group. Temperature of intake air precooled by superficial laneway is below 27℃at the bottom of the well. Its purpose is to make use of natural energy (storage capacity) in low-temperature rock to precool inlet airflow, and lower the temperature of airflow. This paper makes a study of the changing regularity of temperature and moisture of intake air in mines to emphasize, drows out performance curve of temperature and moisture, and analyzes principle influence factors of mine thermal enviorment.Contrary to specific conditions of ventilation system in Jinqingding Mining area of Jinzhou Mining Group, it takes advantage of heat and moisture exchange model established to develop the application of precooling airflow through low-temperature rock.


