

Study on the Proportional Wireless Remote Control System of the Mechanical ARM Used in Shotcreting

【作者】 于家圣

【导师】 冯开林;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 单轨吊喷浆机械手是一种用于井下喷浆作业的的新型施工设备,应用于特殊的工业环境,该设备主要由单轨吊轨道和喷浆机械手组成,通过无线遥控来进行巷道的喷浆作业,本论文以山东科技大学机器人中心承担的课题项目“井下喷湿作业线“为背景,分析机械手的结构和液压系统,运用单片机控制技术,无线通信技术等,研究开发了单轨吊喷浆机械手的无线遥控系统。机械手遥控系统的研究主要包括硬件设计分析和软件开发分析,本文是针对控制机械手六个运动关节自由度来进行研究的。硬件设计研究主要包括硬件的选择和系统控制电路的设计,选定了XC164单片机控制芯片,ZF02型无线数传模块,普通型直控式比例方向阀,利用Prote199Se设计电路和电路板,考虑到应用于井下,硬件电路要保证其安全性和可靠性;软件开发研究要根据系统所要实现的功能进行编程,利用XC164数字应用可视化工程师DAVE、软件开发工具KEIL,利用C语言进行编程,软件设计完成后使用下载工具下载到单片机控制系统中,进行软硬件调试,验证我们设计的遥控系统的可行性。本文研究的主要内容就是使用遥控系统来控制比例方向阀。通过分析比例方向阀控制方法,分析了比例放大器和PWM两种控制方法,采用了单片机输出PWM方式,利用控制单片机输出PWM的占空比来控制输出信号的电压,经过隔离放大后送到比例方向阀,实现机械手速度和方向的精确控制,实现所研究的目的。

【Abstract】 The shotcreting Mechanical Arm on monorail is a new construction equipment and used underground, it is applied to the particular industrial environment and mainly include of Monorail and shotcreting Mechanical Arm. It carrys out shotcreting through the wireless remote control system under ground. This paper takes Shotcreting operation line of Robot Center as the background, and analyzes structure and hydraulic system of Mechanical Arm. Through the use of MCU technology、wireless communication technology, we research and develop the system.The content of this paper is that design remote control system to control the Mechanical Arm. The mechanical Arm is driven by a hydraulic system and controlled by the proportional valves. So that we can control Accurately in direction and speed.The designs of the Mechanical Arm is mainly including of hardware and software design, control the six movement joints of the Mechanical Arm. The hardware designs consist of the choice of hardware and system control circuit design. We select XC164 singled-chip controller, ZF02 wireless communication module and direct control proportional directional valve. We design circuit and circuit board by Protel99Se. In hardware design, the system is safe and reliable because it is used underground. In software design, it is to achieve the system function by programming. We use DAVE、KEIL and program by C. After software design, we download it to MCU by the download tool. Then we can verify the actual function of the whole system.The main content of this paper is that it designs the wireless remote control system to control the proportional valves. There are many ways of controlling the proportional valves. We introduce two of them. One is method of proportional amplifier, another is the method of PWM. We use the method of PWM by MCU and control the output signal voltage by changing "duty cycle" of PWM. The signal is sent to the proportional valve after isolation and amplification. It precisely achieves the control in speed and direction of the Mechanical Arm, and realizes the objective of the study.


