

The Wireless System of Tecording Neuronal Activity Based on PSoC

【作者】 高广恒

【导师】 王敏;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近三十年以来,各国脑-机接口(Brain-Computer Interface,BCI)试验室和团队努力实现大脑与外界通讯,并由此实现相应的开环控制或闭环控制。在脑-机接口定义中,“脑”一词意指有机生命形式的脑或神经系统,而并非仅仅是抽象的“心智”。“机”意指任何处理或计算的设备,其形式可以从简单电路到硅芯片。脑-机接口研究中的关键技术是如何从实时的脑电信号中映射出受试者的意图(个体化脑电信息辨识)。为此本课题建立了一个基于大鼠实验的脑-机接口研究系统,无线采集并分析大鼠特殊行为时的脑电信号情况。为了研究大鼠在前肢特殊行为(抓食等)时的电信号,将自制微电极固定在大鼠的运动皮层区域。利用自主研发的无线采集装置对自由活动大鼠的脑电进行采集处理,同时采用LabVIEW记录分析大鼠的局部场电位及单位神经元放电信号,为大鼠行为与脑电相关性研究提供了可靠的信号采集技术。本论文对自由活动大鼠神经信号的采集和处理系统进行了研究设计,主要包括三部分(1)脑电信号采集电极、前置放大、简单的滤波;(2)应用片上可编程系统PSoC对信号进一步放大、实现AD转换并存储再经SPI总线控制无线发射模块打包发射出去,另一端利用具有全速USB功能的PSoC控制芯片接受信号并传输至计算机。无线采集可以达到让大鼠自由活动(10m室内)的目的;(3)上位机以图形(G)语言LabVIEW来设计信号显示界面,实现信号显示并对采集的数据做滤波、降噪、小波变换等处理。

【Abstract】 Recent thirty years, every country’s Brain-computer interface laboratorys and teams make great efforts to realize the communication between brain activity and the external world and achieve the corresponding opening controls or closed controls. In the BCI definition, the brain represents the organic life form the brain or the nervous system, but is not only abstract "mental". Machine represents any processing or the computation equipment, its form may from the simple electric circuit to the silicon chip. In the study of BCI, the key technology is how to identify the purposes of people from the brain signals. So a system was established to study the brain-computer interface based on animal experiments, collect the signals related to the special behavior of the mouse wirelessly and analyze the signals.In order to study the electrical signal when the mouse grasps food using its foreleg or does other special behavior. We implant our microelectrode in the rat’s motor cortex, then we collect the signals from the freely moving mouse using our wireless acquisition system ,and use LabVIEW to analyze the local field potential and the spikes. This system provides the technology to research the relativity of the behavior and the brain activity.This disquisition designs the system to record and analyze the freely moving rat’s brain signals, mainly include three parts:(1) the collecting electrode of brain signals、the pre-amplification and simple filters;(2) Using PSoC, we amplify the signals furter, realize the AD and put the getting data into sram, then through the SPI bus send the data out, on the other end receive the data and send the getting data to the computer through the full usb using the PSoC .The wirelessly collecting device can make the rat move freely;(3) In the computer, we use LabVIEW to display and denoise the brain signals.

【Key words】 BCIThe Brain SignalsPSoCUSBSPILabVIEW
  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】218

