

Study of Electrical Protection Controller of 3.3kV Combination Starter

【作者】 赵姣

【导师】 王益红;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国煤炭工业的发展,采煤效率的提高,综采工作面装机容量增大,采用3.3kV供电系统成为未来发展趋势。然而,目前我国已采用3.3kV供电系统的现代化矿井,其供电设备都采用国外进口产品。本文研究的3.3kV组合开关的电气保护控制器实现对驱动电动机的集中控制与保护,最大限度的保障煤矿生产的安全性和连续性有重要意义。根据现场实际情况,本文提出了能够满足煤矿井下综采工作面驱动电动机工作特性要求的测控系统整体方案,选择具有高可靠性和高抗干扰性的可编程控制器作为电气保护控制器的中央处理器。设计了保护电路,完成软件设计,最后对各项功能进行调试及系统调试。本文设计了本质安全型先导电路和远控电路,确定了电路参数,并对其本安性能进行了分析。试验结果表明:先导电路满足本质安全性能要求,而且其安全系数K远远超过了i_b等级要求,提高了电气保护控制器的工作的安全性,保障了煤矿井下生产安全。漏电保护是煤矿井下的三大保护之一,本文提出了由漏电闭锁、漏电保护和高压绝缘监视相结合的矿井电网漏电保护方案。尽管三种保护检测时间和保护范围不同,三者结合既可以实现绝缘预警、漏电跳闸,还可以实现电缆绝缘检测功能。本系统的电流保护系统摆脱以往常用的相敏保护方法,设计了电路简单的采样电路,通过将电流信号转化为与之成线性关系的电压信号,然后由PLC做相应的处理从而实现相应的过流保护和断相保护。暂态过电压是造成煤矿井下电动机及电缆绝缘击穿的主要原因之一,本文提出了压敏电阻和阻容吸收相结合的保护方法,降低了过电压幅值,而且能改善过电压波形。稳态电压故障采用电压采样的方法进行处理,整定了相应参数,使保护准确实现。电气保护控制器的人机界面使用M2I公司的TOP6SAE触摸屏,完成对参数的设置,工作状态的显示和故障的记录和显示。设计了主要工作画面,将相关控件进行了正确参数设置,使之与PLC完成良好的通信。系统的软件环境XG5000允许用户对同一项目中的多个PLC程序进行编辑,监控和管理并且程序可根据需要分为扫描程序和任务程序。模块化程序设计方法使得程序更加便于调试,修改和移植。

【Abstract】 The 3.3kV power supply system will be the development trends with the development of China’s coal industry, coal mining efficiency and increasing of capacity of fully mechanized coal mining face. However, the modernization of the mine that has adopts 3.3kV power supply, use of their electricity supply facilities in all imported products. In this paper, electric protection controller of 3.3kV combination starter achieves centralized control and protection of drive units. It maximizes the protection of the safety of coal production and continuity.According to the actual situation at the scene, this paper puts forward a program of monitoring and control system as a whole which meets the coal mine fully mechanized coal mining face characteristics of the motor-driven requirements. It picks programmable logic controller with high reliability and high anti-interference as a CPU of electric protection controller. Protection circuits are designed; complete the software design, the various functions of the final debugging and system debugging.In this paper, design the intrinsically safe circuit of the pilot circuit and far-type control circuit; determine the circuit parameters and analysis performance of the security. The results of experiments show that: pilot circuit meets the performance of intrinsically safe requirements; Safety factor K is far exceeding the level i_b. It improves the safety of electric protection controller and ensures the safety of coal mine production.Leakage protection is one of the three protections in Coal mine. This paper makes mine power leakage protection programs which are made up with leakage lockout, leakage protection and high Voltage insulation monitoring. Although the three types of protections have different detection time and scope, combination can be achieved not only early warning insulation, leakage current trip, but also the realization of cable insulation detection.The system is out of phase-sensitive methods of protection that used in the current protection systems commonly. This system signed a simple sampling circuit which transforms the current signal into a linear relationship with the Voltage signal. The Voltage signal is delivered to PLC and PLC does corresponding deal and achieves over-current and open-phase protection. Transient overvoltage is one of the main reasons that caused motor and cable insulation breakdown in coal mine. This paper brings forward the Protection combines with piezo-resistor and RC absorption. It reduces the amplitude of over-voltage and improves the waveform. For steady-state Voltage fault, Voltage sampling methods is used to deal with. It sets the corresponding parameters and accurates realization of protection.Man-machine interface uses touch screen TOP6SAE of M2I Company. The touch screen completes parameter settings, displays work status and fault records. The main work screen is designed and the relevant control parameters are set correctly. A good communication between PLC and touch screen is completed.System software environment XG500 allows the user to edit, monitor and manage a number of PLC programs in a same project. Procedures can be divided into scanning procedures and tasks procedures. Modular design makes the procedures more user-friendly way to debug, modify, and transplant.


