

Preliminary Study on Introduction and Cultivation of Medicago Sativa Varieties in Zhanjiang

【作者】 李生彬

【导师】 刘金祥;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 草业科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 为增加湛江地区的优良牧草品种,对引自云南省肉牛和牧草研究中心的五个品种的紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)进行了引种试验,在发芽及苗期生长情况、产量、营养成分、生长速度、鲜干比及茎叶比、越冬率和越夏率、脯氨酸含量动态变化、不同部位脯氨酸含量、叶绿素含量等指标方面进行了测定比较分析,同时对引种后成功越夏的三个品种和当地优良同科牧草柱花草(热研2号)在瞬时净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs),胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、瞬时水分利用效率(WUE)及部分光合生理生态指标的日动态进行了比较试验分析,结果表明:1.各参试品种三得利和富特两个品种的萌发出苗时间较早,富特在苗期的生长表现最好,播种后一周齐苗,生长比较整齐,三得利和阿尔冈金次之,然后是环峡南,威克田比较缓慢整齐度较差,都能达到理想的盖度(85%以上)。2.干草产量在越夏前富特﹥三得利﹥阿尔冈金﹥威克田﹥环峡南;越夏后富特﹥三得利﹥阿尔冈金。3.在营养成分方面五个品种不同程度的存在差异,综合分析富特和三得利的品质和营养较其他品种优。4.五个品种在不同时期的生长速度变化较大,在越夏前富特生长速度最快平均生长速度达到1.48 cm/d,其次是三得利平均速度达到1.24 cm/d;富特在越夏前后的生长速度均明显大于其他品种。5.鲜干比和茎叶比的测定结果显示富特的鲜干比最大为25.64%,阿尔冈金次之为23.28%,环峡南的鲜干比最小为18.88%;茎叶比在56.24%~67.38%,最大的是富特,阿尔冈金次之,最小的是环峡南。富特和阿尔冈金具有较高的叶量收获能力和较高的推广价值,同时说明这两个品种具有较好的品质。6.越冬率和越夏率测定结果显示引种的五个紫花苜蓿品种均能在湛江地区越冬,越冬率均达到95%以上,三得利和富特两个品种达到了100%;环峡南和威克田两个品种不能在湛江地区越夏,在盛夏死亡,富特、三得利及阿尔冈金均能越夏,越夏率分别是富特67.50%,三得利72.60%,阿尔冈金56.00%。三得利和富特适应湛江地区炎热条件的能力较强。7.脯氨酸含量的变化就整个测定时期来看,所有品种中游离脯氨酸的含量是呈单峰曲线变化,游离脯氨酸量的积累与苜蓿的耐热性存在正相关性,游离脯氨酸积累量大的品种耐热性能较强。品种之间比较,富特的脯氨酸含量积累最高。8.不同品种的叶绿素含量测定分析结果表明五个引种品种在不同的时期的叶片叶绿素含量有明显的变化,环峡南和威克田两个品种不能耐受高温天气,在六月份死亡,在枯死之前的两次测定结果可以看出这两个品种的叶绿素含量变化较其他三个品种的变化量大,就能越夏的三个品种三得利、富特和阿尔冈金来讲,在整个测定过程中他们的叶片叶绿素含量变化基本一致,近似“V”字形变化。就种间比较来看,在供试的五个品种中富特的抗逆能力最强,其叶绿素含量一直保持最高水平,且它的变化量最小为0.7273 mg/g,阿尔冈金的变化量最大为1.8769 mg/g。环峡南和凉山光叶两个品种表现最差,但前期生长看,其抗病性也不差,主要是不能耐受高温天气,所以在六月份死亡。9.引种后成功越夏的三个品种和当地优良同科牧草柱花草(热研2号)在部分光合生理方面测定比较后发现:引种的三个品种中富特的光合生理能力最强,三得利次之,说明富特和三得利对当地环境的适应性较强。

【Abstract】 The introduction test was carried out on five varieties of alfalfa from Yunnan Province of beef cattle and forage research center to increase the fine grass species in Zhanjiang. We measured and compared rmination ratio and seedling growth, yield, nutrient composition, growth rate, yield, hay/green grass ratio and stem/leaf ratio, and winter overing rate and summer surviver rate, dynamic changes of proline content, proline content in different parts, such as chlorophyll content. Meanwhile, instantaneous net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE) and some photosynthetic eco-physiological indicators of successful introduction of the three varieties of summer and the local Stylosanthes pasture Tongke excellent (cv.Reyan 2) tin were compared.The results showed that:1. The germination time of Sanditi and Futel is earlier than three other varieties. The growth of Futel on seedling stage is best. Sanditi and Algonquin are better than Central South Gap, and Wick Tin is the worst.2. The hay production order of five varieties before summer suriviver is Futel> Sanditi > Algonquin > Wick Tin)> Central South Gap; After summer suriviver, Futel> Sanditi > Algonquin.3. There is some difference on nutrient composition of five varieties. After comprehensiving analysis, we found than the quality and nutrient of Futel and Sanditi is better than others.4. The growth rate of five varieties changed greatly at different times. Before summer suriviver, an average growth rate of Futel can reach 1.48 cm/d, followed by Sanditi 1.24 cm /d; No matter before or after summer suriviver, the growth rate of Futel were significantly higher than other varieties.5. The results of green and dry grass ratio and stem/leaf ratio showed that the dry grass ratio of Futel is the largest for 25.64% , followed by Algonquin for 23.28%. The green and dry grass ratio of South Central Gorge is smallest for18.88%.The stem/leaf ratio was between 56.24%~67.38%. Futel is the largest, followed by Algonquin and South Central Gorge is smallest. Note Algonquin and Futel leaves have a high capacity and a higher harvest to promote the value, at the same time these two varieties have good quality.6. The results of winter overing rate and summer surviver rate show that the five alfalfa varieties of introduction are able to overwinter in Zhanjiang, winter rates are more than 95%, Sanditi and Futel were 100%; Central South Gap and Wick Tin can not over-summering in Zhanjiang, which is dead in the summer. Futel, Sanditi and Algonquin are able to over-summering, summer surviver rate are Futel 67.50, Sanditi 72.60%, Algonquin 56.00%. Futel and Sanditi were better adapt ability to hot conditions in Zhanjiang.7. The changes in proline content measured on the whole time, the changed of free proline of all varieties were the single-peak curve. The free proline accumulation and heat-resistant of alfalfa are existences relevance.8. The results of chlorophyll content measurement of different varieties showed that they are changes significantly in the leaf chlorophyll content at different times, Central-South Gap Wick Tin two varieties can not tolerate high temperatures, which was died in June, their changes of chlorophyll content than the other three varieties larger before the dead , After summer suriviver of the three species Sanditi, Futel and Algonquin, the chlorophyll content changes determination in the whole process, similar to "V" shape change.On comparisons between species in the five varieties tested in the ability to withstand adversity Futel the strongest, and its chlorophyll content remained the highest level, and changes is 0.7273 mg/g, Algonquin’s largest on the changes to 1.8769 mg/g. Central South Gap and Wick Tin were worst,but they resistance are not bad on the time of early growth, they were died in June 2008,the maily reason is not tolerate high temperature.9. After the three varieties of successful summer suriviver and the local fine Tongke Stylosanthes pasture (cv.Reyan 2) in the determination of some comparative aspects of photosynthetic physiology and found: the three varieties of Introduction of Futel photosynthetic physiology was most, followed by Sanditi ,the result of that Futel and Futel is strong on the local environment in zhanjiang.


