

Study on the Aplication Effect of Soil Conditioners in South Acidic Slope Farmland

【作者】 严超

【导师】 徐培智; 张仁陟;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 针对南方土壤酸性的问题,通过盆栽和大田试验,选用8种土壤改良剂作为改土措施,研究了不同土壤改良剂和改良剂不同用量对作物生长特性、土壤物理性状和化学性状的影响,探讨了改良剂的作用机制,揭示了酸性土壤在改良剂作用下各项性能的变化规律。该实验结果如下:1.XP2改良剂、脱硫灰改良剂和有机肥对高粱生长有较好的作用。酸性土壤施用腐植酸、腐植酸+石灰、XP2改良剂、有机肥和脱硫灰改良剂,分别较对照土壤容重有不同程度的下降;石灰、XP改良剂、市售改良剂分别较对照土壤容重有不同程度的增加。XP改良剂处理和含有石灰的处理对酸性土壤pH值的提升幅度最大。施用改良剂还可有效缓解酸性土壤铝毒的危害,活性铝的活性显著降低。2.在南方旱作花生上施用土壤改良剂,可显著提高花生荚果产量和果仁品质,在参试的改良剂中,XP+有机肥、脱硫灰改良剂、XP改良剂均有较好的效果。3.从花生的产量、植株营养状况、生长发育指标、品质分析等综合考虑,在广东省酸性旱坡耕地上,施用XP改良剂具有显著的增产效果,在旱作花生上适宜推荐使用量为60-65kg/667m~2。4.土壤活性铝含量对植株根系生长有着显著的影响,土壤中活性铝含量高的处理,植株根系较短,植株也较矮。盆栽、大田试验表明,施用改良剂可缓解酸性土壤铝毒的危害,但改良剂种类和用量不同改良效果不同。其中XP处理和含有石灰的处理土壤活性铝的活性较对照有显著降低。盆栽红壤、赤红壤石灰处理分别比对照降低了18.0%、18.7%,XP处理降低了16.4%、16.0%。大田翁源、惠州试验点石灰处理分别较对照降低了34.3%、35.1%,XP处理降低了27.4%、27.4%。土壤活性铝的变化过程基本与土壤pH值的变化呈负相关,即随着土壤pH的降低,土壤活性铝元素的含量逐步上升,铝的毒性随之增强。(注:XP2土壤改良剂是XP+有机肥)

【Abstract】 according to soil acid in South China Problem, through Combination of pot and field experiments, eight kinds of soil amendments were selected as soils improvement measures,study the effect of different soil amendments and different amount of modifier on Characteristics of crop growth, Soil physical properties and chemical properties, discusses the mechanism of modifier, revealing change law of the properties of acid soils under modifier action. The experiment results are as follows:1. XP2 improver, desulfurization ash conditioner and organic fertilizer has a better effect on Sorghum growth. Affter application of humic acid, humic acid + lime, XP2 improvers, organic fertilizers and desulfurization ash improver on acidic soil, the soil bulk density decreased in different degrees compared with CK, but the results of lime, XP conditioner, saled conditioner are reverse.compared with CK,XP improver and containing lime processing increase the soil pH amplitude is the highest, soil conditioner application could effectively relieve harmfulness of aluminum toxicity in acid soil, the activity of aluminum was decreased significantly.2. By analyzing the results of pot and field experiments, we find that applying soil amendment could obviously increase the peanut pod yield and nut quality of dry peanuts in the South, XP + organic manure, improved desulfurization ash agent, XP modifier have good results3. Comprehensive consideration on peanut production, plant nutrition, growth and development index and Analysis of Quality, the peanut yield can be greatlyincreased by application of XP modifier, 60-65kg / 667m2 as recommending dose4. The amount of active Al content in soils has a significant impact on root growth , the treatment with a high aluminum content, plant root is shorter, plants are also lower.pot and field experiments results show that application of acid soil improver which will help to ease the dangers of aluminum toxicity, but the type and amount of modifier different the effectiveness is different. The amount of active Al content in soils which treat by XP improver and containing lime processing has decreased significantly . in Pot red soil and lateritic red soil experiment, the treatment which containing lime the amount of active Al content was decreased by18.0%, 18.7% compared with CK, XP decreased 16.4%, 16.0%. XP processing decreased by 16.4%, 16.0%. in Wengyuan and huizhou field experiment, the amount of active Al content was decreased by34.3%, 35.1%, XP processing decreased by 27.4%, 27.4%. the changes of Activity of aluminum in soil and soil pH in synchronization, that is, with the reduction of soil pH, soil element active aluminum content graduallyincreased . the toxicity of aluminum increases too, There is a remarkable negative correlation between these two structures

【关键词】 土壤改良剂活性铝花生产量
【Key words】 soil amendmentactive Alpeanutyield

